

Yongguk felt tired, no, more than that. He felt lifeless. The jam-packed schedule of B.A.P was too heavy for him. He wanted to rest for a whole day. Their world tour just finished the other day and now, they’ll be shooting a music video for their comeback the day after tomorrow.

Yongguk sighed.

“You okay?” Himchan asked next to him. Yongguk just nodded. “We’ll be home soon. The variety show was tiring.”

“Yeah, the questions were a bit redundant.” Himchan nodded. His phone suddenly rang. “Can you check who it is?”

Himchan took Yongguk’s phone and checked the ID.

“It’s Jagiya.” Himchan giggled. Yongguk wanted to talk to Zelo, but he was too tired.

“Tell him I’m asleep.” Himchan answered the phone.


“Hey hyung!” Zelo shouted.

“This is Himchan.”

“Oh” Himchan could feel Zelo’s disappointment. “Hey Himchan hyung. Where’s Yongguk hyung?” Himchan glanced at the sleeping Yongguk.

“He’s sleeping. Is there anything you need?”

“Ah, no. I just want to ask what time will you be home?” Himchan checked his watch.

“About 45 minutes more. Why?”

“Really? Okay then! I’ll hang up now!” Zelo ended the phone call. Himchan felt confused.

Why on earth is he so excited today? Himchan checked his phone. So it’s their anniversary today. No wonder he’s so excited to see Yongguk.

Himchan slowly eyed the sleeping figure.

Did he forget? Should I ask him? Himchan wanted to wake the leader up, but he was afraid that he might get angry for waking him up.

Of course he remembers. Himchan decided to take a nap too.


“Is everything all set hyung?” Zelo peeked through the kitchen.

“Give me 5 minutes more and the food will be ready Zelo.” Youngjae walked up to the younger and pinched his cheeks.

“Aish, look at you. Being all greasy, giving Yongguk hyung a surprise anniversary party.” Daehyun said.

“Our Junhong is all grow up now.” Jongup pretended to cry.

“Aish, stop it hyungs! Is the table all set hyung?” Jongup and Daehyun nodded.

I just want everything to be perfect.

“They’ll be home soon. I’ll go change then.” Zelo went to his room.


Yongguk and Himchan arrived at their villa. Yongguk quickly went down from the vehicle and dragged his feet inside.

As soon as he entered the front door, pieces of coloured paper and streamers welcomed Yongguk.

“Welcome back hyung!” The other members shouted. Yongguk felt so surprised and confused at the same time.

What’s going on?

“Congratulations hyung!” Daehyun shouted.

“Yeah, I’m so happy for you hyung!” Youngjae added.

Zelo was waiting by the kitchen to make a grand entrance. He was about to step out when Yongguk’s words stopped him.

“Look, whatever it is you’re celebrating, leave me out of it okay? I’m not really in the mood.” Yongguk groaned.

“But hyung-.” Jongup tried to call Yongguk but the latter just continued walking to his room. As soon as the door slammed, the others went to Zelo.

Zelo was on his knees, crying. He never knew Yongguk would forget about their first year together.

Himchan helped the maknae up and patted his head.

“He’s just tired Junhong.” Zelo continued sobbing. The scene broke the other members’ hearts. Seeing Zelo cry was like seeing a kid cry.

“I know, but he forgot our anniversary.” Zelo said in between of sobs. Himchan tried to think of another excuse, but no ideas came to him. No matter what thought, he knew Yongguk forgot their one year anniversary.

He should’ve at least remembered. Himchan sighed.


Yongguk stretched as soon as his eyes opened. He noticed the darkness of the room, meaning it was already night time. Yongguk checked his phone to verify the time.

9:38 pm. Wow, I had a very long nap.

Yongguk was about to lock his phone when he noticed a notification. He quickly opened it, not wanting to forget anything.

One year anniversary with Zelo <3

Yongguk’s eyed widened and his mouth fell open. Images of the party earlier suddenly entered his mind.

“Congratulations hyung!”

“Yeah, I’m so happy for you hyung!”

Yongguk stood up abruptly and started to pace the room.

. . . . . . Yongguk scratched his head in frustration.

How can I even forget something like this? Yongguk sighed heavily and went out of his room.

“Where’s Zelo?” Yongguk asked. Daehyun, Youngjae, and Jongup tilted their heads to face Yongguk.

“Oh, hey hyung.” Daehyun said blankly.

“We don’t know.” Youngjae said rudely.

“He’s been gone for hours now.” Jongup said, almost copying Youngjae’s tone. Yongguk knew the others were pissed and disappointed at him, so he decided to go to Himchan.

“Channie, where’s Junhong?” Yongguk asked the diva visual.

“I don’t know. He told me he’ll just go out for a walk, but he’s been gone for hours.” Himchan said, not looking at Yongguk.

“Did you know it was our anniversary?” Himchan nodded.

“I didn’t remind you because first.” Himchan held out a finger. “You told me not to disturb you. Second” Himchan held out two fingers. “I thought you wouldn’t forget, and well, I guess I thought wrong.”

Yongguk took a deep breath and hung his head.

“You should look for him.” Himchan suggested. Yongguk nodded and rushed out of the dorm.


Yongguk has been going to places where he and Zelo usually go, but the maknae was still nowhere to be seen.

Where are you Zelo? He tried calling him again, but the maknae wasn’t answering.

Yongguk suddenly thought of the last place Zelo could go to.

Please be there Zelo.


Zelo has been swinging in the playground for the past few hours. His tears were already dry making his place face feel cold.

The maknae understands why Yongguk was like that, but he wished that the latter didn’t forget about this important date. When tears were starting to form in Zelo’s eyes, he shook his head and brushed the thought.

This is my happy place. Zelo closed his eyes and continued swinging.

“Zelo” A voice said. Junhong stopped swinging. He observed his surroundings, but no one was there.

I must be hallucinating. Zelo shook his head and started to swing again.

“Zelo.” The voice called out his name again. He stopped and stood up.

This is just creepy. Zelo was about to leave when a pair of strong, familiar arms slithered around his waist.

“Zelo.” The familiar voice said. “I’m sorry.” Zelo froze.

“Hyung, I-.”

“I’m sorry for forgetting our anniversary. I was tired and grumpy that I forgot.” Yongguk hugged Zelo tighter. “I know I’m not the perfect boyfriend. I always forget things.”

Even though he wasn’t facing the other, Zelo could tell that Yongguk’s crying.

“I’m sorry baby. Please forgive me.” A grin slowly formed Zelo’s lips.

At least he knows what he did wrong. Zelo faced him.

“It’s okay hyung, I understand. I was just sad that you forgot. I know you’re tired and-.” A pair of lips stopped the maknae from talking.

“I love you Zelo.”

“I love you more Yongguk hyung.”

“Happy anniversary baby.” Yongguk leaned in and kissed Zelo again.





So here it is! I hope it wasn't to boring, though I think it's a bit mainstream :( Sorry if I disappointed you guys a little! I'm still new this OTP! Thank youuu! :)

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Anbabsvsva #1
Chapter 1: Omgg DONT CRY ZELO!!!! Aah I cried at this fanfic :0 but it was full of cuteness!
Chapter 1: stupid yongguk , like made cry the poor big baby
bengri #3
Chapter 1: Really cute ><
Chapter 1: stupid yongguk XD
but anyway this story was sooooo cuuuuuute i liked it~
licPanda #6
Chapter 1: This is really cute :)
caroru #7
Chapter 1: this is so sweet. <3
kraemer #8
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it