

I was 7 years old back then. I'm sick of my parents arguing every day. I decided to walk to a nearby park. No one was there. I climbed the tree and sit there. I stare emptily at the sky. "What are you doing here?" a voice make me conscious. I blinked at him, "I want to be alone." But he sit next to me. He said no words. At first I was annoyed with his existense beside me, but slowly I don't mind. "I'm Choi Junhong. You can call me Zelo. What's your name?" I stayed silent. "Don't worry, I'm not a bad boy!" He pouted. "I'm _____." 

We get to know each other back then. He is one year older than me. I told him all my problems, he willing to listen, and sometimes he tell me the solutions. He always make me happy. I like being with him. From that day, I always met him everyday at that park.

I was 16, he was 17. We know what is love. I think I'm in love with him. But he doesn't know. I'm planning to tell him that day. We met at the park. Thankfully he love me too. We started going out then. 

1 month later my mom died. I was so sad. Even though she seems like she doesn't care about me, she does. Prove? I'm still alive.  She took care of me. My dad said he's sorry for everything he did to me. He promised he will changed. Well, that's a little bit late, but it's okay. Zelo was there to comfort me, "I'll always be here with you." My dad saw Zelo. He didn't like him. "LEAVE IMMEDIATELY! DONT EVER MEET WITH MY DAUGHTER AGAIN!" He screamed to Zelo. I was going to say something when Zelo cut me, "It's okay. Take care okay?" My dad left to his bedroom. Zelo was about to touch my doorknob, "You said you'll always be here for me?" Tears streaming down my face. He turned my head to me and smile, "Park." and then leave. I wiped my tears and went to the park.

We met secretly like that for 1 year. He said "I'll always be here with you." everytime we meet. He comforts me. I'm happy to be with him.

But for one month, I can't find him. I don't know where he goes. Everyday I will always come to the park, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Today, as usual I went to the park. When I arrived at the park, he was already there. I smiled and sit beside him.

"Where were you all this time, Zelo? I missed you. You're just gone without saying a word."

"I'm so sorry ______-ah" He hugged me, but his hug felt empty.

"It's okay, I'm glad you're here now." He smiled at me.

We talked and talked. I miss him so much I forget about my curfew. It's 1 hour past my curfew now.

"Oh no. It's past my curfew! My dad is gonna kill me!" I lost my balance and fall. He pulled out his hand to my hand. I'm sure our hands touched, he hold my hand tightly, but I fell to my dad's embrace. "_____ what are you doing on the tree? You almost broke you leg! Let's go home." I looked up to the tree but Zelo is gone. I don't get it. 

The next day I go to the park again. He was there. Up in the tree. I walk towards the tree. I don't want to climb it so I stand beside the tree, looking up to see Zelo. 

"Zelo... you disappeared last night? I don't get it, you're so fast!" I laughed. He smiled, "You have to be careful from now on, ______-ah. I love you more than ever." I'm confused. "What are you talking about out of the blue?" I smiled. He looked at me and pulled out his hand for me to reach it. But I can't touch his hand. "Zelo... what kind of trick is this?" He smiled weakly. "Don't you see? I'm not in this world anymore. I fell down this tree 1 month ago. That's why I want you to be careful." Tears streaming down my face, "....No, no no no.. NO!" He jumped down the tree. "It's about time. I love you ____-ah. I always will. Take care of your father and yourself. I don't want you to feel the same thing as me. I was so excited that day to meet you, I'm so sorry." He disappear.



o---kay. i think this is bad, i dont know AAAAH.

feel free to comment: ) please tell me what do you think about this sobs

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Chapter 1: T_T it makes me want to cry~~~
Chapter 1: Sniff// good one shot