Chapter One - First Signs Of Spring

Bonds Of Love




There was nothing Luhan enjoyed more than to spend an afternoon alone in the peaceful forest. Even with the frosted ground crunching beneath his hooves, the sudden chilled blasts of wind and the complete bareness of every tree, fern or bush Winter was somehow comforting. 
"Hey, Lu" A familiar voice whispered. Spinning around he saw Baekhyun at his hooves, his mouth formed a sly grin. "There's another one of those 'creatures', two actually. Down by the creek--" He let out a mischeivious growl. "--lets go get Kris, Chen and Tao. Scare them off like the last pair" 
"There's no point, they'll keep coming back... Must be hundreds of them" He added the last part as a bunch of mumbled words, but enough to still be audible. 
"So? We'll just keep scaring them off, nothing can go against us. Agree Lu?" Baekhyun flashed a wild grin showing both sets of his sharp pointed teeth. But Luhan lowered his head. "Not when the creatures have those loud killing sticks, we're better off to just stay hidden" With a kick of his hoof Luhan continued to trot through the forest. 
Baekhyun followed. 
"Winter moods?" He asked  as he patted quickly along beside Luhan to keep up. "No, lack of food. Do you know how difficult it is to find a decent meal these days? Even in Spring, those creatures keep demolishing our forest. Soon enough there will be nothing left" 
"Just stay positive, I'm sure carma will kick them in the one day" Baekhyun giggled lightly at the thought. 
"Since when did you believe in carma?"
"I always have" Baekhyun picked up his pace as he noticed he was beginning to lag behind. "Then I'm sure your due for multiple kicks Mr. Thief" 
"I'm a fox, its what I'm meant to do, okay?" A quiet irritated huff escaped Baekhyun's lips. 
"Then maybe destroying things is what the creatures are meant to do too..." 
It was well into the night when Luhan returned home. His stomach still empty as always. 
Luhan's home was addcidentily made and found, a pile of fallen branches from the overhead trees bundled together with a hole in the centre for sleeping. It was like a cave made of branches, and apart from the gaps in the roof it was almost perfect.
He shared it with no one thankfully but he had a couple of friends (Lay & Tao) who lived nearby. He'd usually hear the quiet whiney from Lay as he sleep talked or the occasional pong drifting from Tao's home but it didn't bother him. 
Settling down Luhan raised his head to watch the sky above through the small holes in the roof. Hundreds of stars dotted the sky and twinkled brightly, it was beautiful. "I wish there was some way to see them up close though..." He mumbled to himself while jutting out his lower lip in disappointment. 
"There is" 
Luhan immediately scrambled backwards on all fours. Eyes wide and breathing fast he scanned around for anything that could have spoken to him. It wasn't until Sehun popped his head through one of the gaps he calmed down. 
"Sorry, I make you wet yourself?" Though is was supposed to be a mocking comment Sehun kept a straight face. 
"Well I wasn't expecting a fleabag to appear from nowhere" 
"Stop calling me that would you? One, I don't have fleas and two I'm obviously not a bag. So it doesn't make sense why you call me that" Sehun huffed and turned his cute pink button nose up at Luhan. 
"Its just amusing to see your reaction" Luhan's lip twitched up on one side as sat down once again. 
"Tch. Anyhow, about what you were saying before--" Sehun spared a second to along his paw. --"There is a way to see the stars more closely"
Luhan wasn't convinced.
"Its called a telescope"
"Tell..Lee... Scop?" 
"The humans use them regularly, I see a few outside their home's looking through them at night. It apparently zooms up on the stars, like your almost able to touch them" 
"Humans? So thats what the creatures are called?" Luhan blinked his innocent doe eyes cluelessly. 
Sehun chortled lightly. "You didn't know? Wow. You need to get out of the forest sometimes Lu" 
But why would he bother? The forest (he knew) was much safer than anything else out there. Luhan and all the other forest animals had seen enough of those 'humans' to know how dangerous they were, and going out of the forest and into a place where there are humans everywhere he'd have to be crazy to do. 
"I'd prefer to stay here"
Sehun sighed and slinked through the gap and pounced down beside Luhan. "Sometimes you have to take risks to get benefits"
"And what kind of benefits are there in learning about humans?-- Hey! Where are you going?" Luhan switched subject as he watched Sehun venture away. His body blending in with the white snow and frost everywhere. 
"Where do you think doofus? Back home of course" 
"But... But--" Luhan grunted. "You didn't answer my question"


Lame first chapter? I know I know u - u I'll try and make the next one's slightly more interesting with more characters being introduced, I hope some people will at least try to like this story. I'm not the best writer and honestly I come up with strange ideas to write about @_@ 
Like I wanted to do a Luhan fic first because he is my ultimate bias, but I couldn't come up with anything interesting to have the story about. But then I was looking at Luhan fanarts and I kept seeing one's where he is drawn as a deer.
So WALLLAH~! I came up with the idea to write about him being a deer that falls in love with a human girl and eventually he turns human too. blah blah~ I can't ruin too much of the plot just yet > 3 <
But please COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE & UPVOTE. <3 Saranghaeyooo~ 


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