Unicorn attack

Mama Lay To the resque

Today just like the other time for me, went to the office, work, earn money, go home and met my wife, Just like a normal people should be, But Me, Is different. My wife isn’t woman, My wife is guy, A pretty guy if I may add and because we both guy, there’s no child that will run to greet me when I home


Well, I speak too soon. Here I am, outside my home and took a deep breath for an impact that will come once I step my foot inside. My wife has a nephew and niece that live with me since 4 years ago, now both of them 18 but they still have habit to runs to me and greet me with a big hug, its still okay when they still 14, I can easily scoop them in my arms. But 2 teenager (18years old), well I can say, I “Always” End up fall on the floor


“Im home” I shouts and closes my eyes ready for them to run to me




“……………………” –still waiting-





10 minutes later  –still waiting-





“Kris,  Why you stay on the door like an idiot, Hurry Come in, you don’t want our neighbor to report you to the police because they think you’re a thief don’t you ?”


“*coughs* Im home lay”


“Welcome home kris” lay beautiful smile welcoming me home is the best feeling. I never grow tired of that smiles. And because of him, now I’ve a family that stay and always fill my day with amazing thing like a family. His nephew and niece just like my son and my daughter, Me is the father and lay is the mother. Even though it may sound weird, But We can dream right ?


“what you make today ? Im so hungry” I said while put off my shoes


“We gonna eat fried chicken today. They said something about being cool teenager and eat teenager food yesterday. So I make one today” Lay explain while I snorted at the reason . Cool teenager, Teenager food my . They need something healthy


“They need something healthy. They need to grow up lay”


“Don’t worry, their appa has a good DNA, look at them, tall and proud. *sighs* at least they tall, not like their umma” Topic about the twins parent is forbidden for lay. He will be so sad and depressed, so I never push him to tell me more. From my calculating, the twins are under lay’s care since baby or so. Lay turn 23 this year and me turn 25 this year. Well, maybe I should change topic


“I met weird woman today” I said while i walk to the kitchen and watch my (wife) cook


“How so ?” Lay looks at me with his always confused eyes


“She said I’ve Unicorn as a wife and a Unicorn kids . That’s so funny right ? Hahahahaha” I laughs hard and fell on the chair


“Y-yeah .. w-what a funny joke” Lay’s shutters and puts down the pan on the counter


“I know right ? We both a male and … where’s sulli and sehun ?”




Well, my question answered when I hear sulli shout at the backyard

“…. Outside ?” lay’s look at me with a nervous smile.






;u; A fail drabble ? i know im not a good writer. feel free leave (cries on the corner)

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Update tonight OuO;; I promise


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myotterprince #1
Chapter 1: update soon , ne~~? *puppy eyes*
maedeh #2
what did happen???
Chapter 1: ehehehey, i'm smiling when i read the last sentence by Lay. ahahaha i can imagining his face while saying that.. this is interesting. so lay can pregnant? huwaaaaaa.. gonna wait for it.
update soon, author-nim :)
Chapter 1: Lay is an unicorn? o.O can't wait for the next chapter :D
Chapter 1: he's preggers..definitely...oh kris XD sehun and sulli? seriously??? XD fighting for next chapter update!
bebebe #6
Chapter 1: unicorn attack ?? lay is unicorn ?? and he's pregnant ??
can't wait for next up date >.<!!
B-locket #8
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it