I'll Just Go Blog My Feelings Now...


Hello and welcome to this little blog community where people are free to speak their minds! Write about you, your mom, your boyfriend, we don't actually care. Just write! That's what's important. When you write about your problems, people are there for you. That's exactly why we have this blog. So have fun and try to not scare anyone. Or you will be excused. Like seriously, don't do it.


**Ok I don't what to put here so I'm just going to put the A/N here lol

This is my new story! I don't know if it's just going to focus around one character or everyone in the same universe. Does that make sense?

Anyway, this "blog" is actually inspired by my real actual blog that I have. I just rewrote it in one of the member's point of view and added names. So probably all of this stuff that is in here acutally happened to me.

I don't know when I will be able to update (this thing was so impromtu) So, sorry if it takes be 50 years to update

Sorry. :P 


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