Notes and Cards

Notes and Cards

 Notes And Cards. 

"Only three more months!" a boy exclaimed.

Cleanching his fist's with great joy, he began droneing on and on about his excitement as the two soon-to-be collage students walked side by side. 

She nodded, showing signs of her listening.  She was really just enjoying the aura around them.  The sun wasn't shining so bright, so it wasn't sweating hot outside.  The branches that grew over the sidewalks provided them shade from the rays even if it were to get a little hot.  She enjoyed the light breeze that swept past there way and the chirping of birds which flew from tree limb to limb.

"I swear!" Jimin exclaimed "I'm going to have the best car's, the best and biggiest house, and pretty bit- Aish!"  The teen winced feeling the full effect of his sisters flick kick in. 

He held his forehead as they continued walking "I was going to say bit- uh, bit..."

She gave him a look as he quickly tried to come up with a word.

"Alright," he threw his hands up "You caught me! I was going to say the best bit- AISH! CHINCHA!?" He groaned at the another forehead flick.

She just rolled her eyes, with the same plan look plastered across her face, she continued walking.  "Don't use vulgar language."

Jimin just studied his sister, rubbing his forehead, and grummbled.

"When I'm a famous rapper, I'm going to use all the language I want." He muttered, still following after her.

After her brothers muttering and grummbling came to a hault, it was pretty peaceful again.  It killed her that soon, her peace would be over as they spotted the school yard in the distance. She hated people. So, school was like a hell for her.  All those people cluttered everywhich way, it drove her crazy.

A deep sigh from her brother caught Bonji's attention.  With his arms resting behind his neck, he just shook his head and glanced at her. "It's a shame that we have to go in that school...." he began.

She nodded in agreement.

"It's so pretty outside." He spun around peacefully. "Yet we have to go into that crowded, cluttered school...with no chance of sunlight."

She suddenly caught on.  It was just like everyother day. Jimin tried to play her.

"No." She rolled her eyes.

"No...sunlight that is!" He beamed.  Rushing in front of her, he started to walk backwards. "Come on, it's senior year! We have to live it up! It'll be fun! It's only one day."

She just gave him a blank look. 


She blinked.

"PLEASE!?" He gave her the puppy dog pout.

She blinked.

"You know what!" He scoffed and began walking besides her "I didn't want to skip anyway... I have a test today." He mummbled.

"Did you study?"

"Huh?" His ears perked up at her sudden speach.

She blinked and gave him a face that read "You heard me."

He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "You see, I studied, kinda.  But like then, I thought, maybe I would do better, if i used someone ELSES notebook.  Because, you never know if they  caught something in class that you didn't.  So, I called Jungkook up to see if I could use his notebook. He was like "Yeah, dude, I'm at the park, but I'm in a cypher right now, so you're gonna have to enter it, to get my notebook." So I went down there."

She gave him another look.

"I know, I know." He rose his arms "It's crazy right, a cypher for a notebook? Didn't seem logical to me either, but I did it, for education!"

She sheepishly shook her head in shame.  He didn't study one bit.

"Oh, HEY!" 

She was shocked at her brothers sudden screaming. She was definantly used to him being loud, but this particularly shocked her.

'That smile.' She thought to herself when she saw him looking over at the two from across the school yard. He was an angel.

"Jongup!" He yelled again "I'll hit you up after first hour!?"

The red headed beauty used his entire body in response.  Jimin scrunched up his face, not sure it that was a "yes" or "no" or a "I have to go to the bathroom really bad.".

"WHAT?!" He called even more confused.

'No.' Bonji shook her head. Her eyes were wide as saucers. She knew what was going to happen, and she didn't like it one bit.

Jongup repated the dance he just did and his scream came out as a muffle.

"WHAT!?" Jimin questioned again.

Bongji gripped onto her brothers arm and gave it a pleading squeze. Her face looked troubled and horrifiyed.

With a smirk, he glanced down at her and cupped his mouth and screamed louder than ever "WHATTT!?!?"

"AISH!" they both heard clear as day as Jongup came running toawrds them.

Her heart pounded harder than she thought could be possible.  She glared up at her brother and he shrugged.

"What?" He grinned.

She bit his lips.

"Boy, you're death." Jongup ran in front of them, panting for air.  His red hair just about fell over his eyelids as he bent over in exasperation from running across the yard that fast.

Bongji's face was practically planted on the ground.  She automatically regretted not bringing a jacket with a hood and listening to her complaining brother. "Bongji!" he had said "It's too hot! You'll pass out in the street and get ran over by a bus and die. Don't take your jacket."

"I said, "ok." and did this." Jongup repeated his little dance.

Jimin laughed.  One thing  Bongji liked about her half brother was his frequent laugh.  It was one of the most wonderful sounds in the world to Bongji. It was comferting to her. It was something that would always make her smile.

Her heart stopped when she felt a pair of eyes on her.  She swallowed.  She knew he was looking at her, which made her even more nervous.

"Hey, Jongup have you met my-"



"Hi, I'm Moon Jongup!" His hand suddenly extended in front Bongjis face.

She glanced up. She studied his hand, then his smiling face, then her brothers confused and somewhat disturbed one.  He didn't understand what was going on. He was still disguisted at the fact that Jongup mistook his sister for his girlfriend. Then he changed the subject so fast...Jimin didn't even get to intrudoce the two.

She shyly slipped her hand in his and hook it.  Her eyes where everywhere but on him.

"WAh, your hands are SOFT!"

She shyly retrived her hand immediatly at his unexpected comment.

"You, are so weird." Jimin squinted at him. He was still processing this scene in his head.  He knew there was something that he was missing here.

"Jongup, do you have a girlfriend?" Jimin suddnely asked.

Bongji's ears perked up suddnely as they kept slowly creeping up on the building ahead of them.

"NO." His eyes darted at Bongji "I'm not dating anyone, what about you guy's?"

Jimin laughed and placed his hand on his chest. "Well, I try not to talk about my love life and all my-"

Bongji shot her head up and glared at him, daring him to finsih the sentence he started.

"Idol Crushes." He cleared his throat. "I wasn't going to say it this time! Arraso?!" 

She squinted at him.

"Say what?" Jongup chimed in innocently.

"Bit- YAH!" He held his forehead. "Aish! Chincha! Noona, you're going to put a redmark on my forehead before I even reach my first class!" He complained.

"Heh, she's funny." Jongup smiled studying her.

"Huh," He looked up confused. "Bongji?"

He cocked his head to the side and studied the two.  There is something he's missing here.

"Hmm... well, I see you later Jimin, I gotta go." Jongup suddenly says. "Seeya."

The boy just waves as he watches his friend run into the school.

He felt a tug on his sleve and looked down.  His sister was still studying the sidewalk.

"Hm?" He asked confused.

"Um." She whispered, and dared herself to look up at him "Jimin, how do you know that chingu?"

"Huh, Jongup? He was at the cypher. Not to rap, he's friend was there. Well, our friend. He's also my friend." Jimin thought out loud. "He's a hell of a dancer."

She nodded, looking at the ground.

"He's a 95'er." Jimin glanced at her. DING! His brain finally processed what was happening.

"WAIT, WAIT!" He got a bit excited. "Why? Why are you asking me this? Do you have a crush on him?"

Her eyes widened a bit, but her face remained the same blank one.

"You know, you talk to much Jimin." She mummbled and walked away.

He grinned at her.  This was great. If she could get a boyfriend, then he could invite over bit- FRIENDS to the house when there mother was out. Which was all the time.


Bonji made her way to her class, ducking and dodging people in the stuffy hallways.

She sighed in relief as he finally sat down in her seat in the secound to back row. She finally had a chance for herself to think in the quitness untill the bell run-


fell agape when she saw who was sitting to her immediate left. It was him. The red headed angel boy. How'd he get there and where was the "let-me-copy-your-paper" girl who useually sat there? Bring her back!

"Min Hee couldn't see, so I let her have my seat next to your brother."

She bit her lip and looked to the third row and saw him smirking and waving at her. He did this on purpose. She was sure of it when he gave her a thumbs up.

She turned back to her notebook.

"How are you?" He continued to talk to her.

She just blinked.

"Ah, I see." He nodded. "You're the quite type." 

She just stole a secret glance at jongup and remained a blank palet.

"Hmm." Jongup said to himself, swinging his legs back forward. "I think I'll get you to talk before this year is over."

This time she turned her face toward him and stared in shock.  He just smirked knowingly and faced forward as the teacher began to speak.


As the days went on, Jongup's persistance was starting to get on Bongji's nerves, and her brother Jimin, wasn't helping the situation either with his constant "He's a great guy, Noona!"

"Thank you, Bongji." The teacher nodded.

She frowned a little. She hated presentation day, esspecially since it was debate day in the class.  She could barely read her essay loud enough for the backrow to hear.  Her brothers constant smiling and support kept her going.  She was thankful after all that he joined this class with her, but it was mainly because he knew she'd help him with the work and he'd surly pass it easy.

Jongup however, just picked the class at random.  It didn't matter to him either way, he'd learn the material just the same and spend the day daydreaming. Like he was at the moment.

"Jongup." The teacher stardled him, getting his attention from the window.

"N-nae?" He sat up in his seat.

"What do you think of Miss Bongji?" He folded his arms and quized.

"She's cute." He blinked seriously, stating the first thing that came off of the mind.

The class broke into laughter. 

"I mean her speach, Jongup." The teacher rolled his eyes.

"O-Oh. Yeah." Jongup chuckled a little, his face warmed up a little to show a slight shade of pink.  He got it lucky, Bongji on the other hand had a full flushed red face that she had to hide in her hood, esspecially from her brother who was sitting front row with a smirk.

"I SHIP IT!" He yelled miracoulously.

"Jimin." The teacher scolded him, for the umptenth time. 

"You may take your seat."

Bongji bowed and slowly made her way to her seat.  She felt like everyone had there eyes on her. Judging her. Thinking "Is she as cute as he says?". Ugh, he's always emberresing her some way.

She sat down next to him and didn't dare look up. That is, untill she felt a tap on her sholder.

She turned around and saw him with a slight embarressed face, he scratched the back of his neck and chuckled "Uh, I'm sorry....for embarressing you."

Her eyes widened. She was embarressed, but she felt bad for his apologizing. She didn't want him to feel like he did anything wrong...

She shook her head.

"I'll make it up to you! I promise!" He flashed his angel grin at her. "Fighting." He said with a wink and faced forward.

She gulped. 


As the days went on, things got stupider and stupider. Jongups attempts to "make it up to her" were only gaining her more recognition.

Bongji frowned at the cheap sharpener. She could never get the little wall sharpeners at school to work. It was totally embarresing how she couldn't get the thing to rotate, and her only pencil was broken.

She turned to Jimin, and he smirked at her, as if he was saying "Why don't you ask jongup".

It seemed as if Jongup had interjected the telepathicy and he jumped to the rescue.

"I GOT IT!" He practially yelled, and got up.

People around them snickered as he strolled up to the front of the class and made his way up to Bongji.

Her eyes were widened as he grinned at him. 

"Allow me." He smiled and took her place at the sharpener. 

Jimin grinned, placeing his feet on the desk in front of him and relaxed his head against his arms.  He would have "friends" over in no time.

Jongup went to work on the pencil sharpener, twirling it with ease and smiling at her. "I'm a pro at these things."

She just blinked.  No matter how much he tried to have a conversation, she wouldn't repsond. Never the less, he kept trying.

"It takes years of work to become a pro pencil sharpener." He beamed squinting at her. "It took years for me to master the stratagy of this art."

She blinked.

"First you have to whisper to it, calm it's nerves." He leaned into the sharpener "Hey buddy, you doing ok?" he questioned as he continued to sharpen.

She could've laughed, if she wasn't a wallflower. So she just blinked.

"Jongup!" The teacher suddenly sat up from his desk. "Stop talking to the sharpener and sit down."

He shivered from shock and immediatly drew the pencil from the sharpener.  To his shock it was basically just a stub. The even worst fact was that its tip was still broken and it was useless.

"Ah," He frowned. "I am so sorry!"

She nodded and recived the pencil for him. 

"Does anyone have a writing utinsle for Bongji?" The teacher announced.

Jongup frowned upon his failure and went moping back to his seat as Bongji stood front and center looking around once again, embarressed.

"Aish, Come here noona." Jimin shook his head, removing his feet from the desk. "Do you want a classic #2 or mechanical."

She glared at him. He had a pencil this whole time. She hated when he would skeem against her.

She frowned, snatching the mechanical pencile and took her seat.

To her suprise, there was a note on her desk.

She picked it up and read it. 

"Bongji! I've failed you again! Kekek... this sound's like an old movie." 

She squinted. Whoever wrote this note sure was weird.

"Anyway, I swear I will make it up to you this time. Fighting!"

She deadpanned. Weird. Of course it was jongup, he was the weirdest one in the entire class!

"P.S, Did you think I meant it? When I said you were cute? are. Keke."

Her eyes widened at the last part, she slightly blushed and glanced to her left.

To her suprise he was looking right at her, smiling.

He rose his fist a little and whispered "fighting!"

And with another wink of his eye, he faced forward, leaving her boggled.


She groaned as she grabbed her tray. She hated it when Jimin found her at lunch time and forced her to go out to eat with him.  She'd always try to hide from him in a teachers classroom, or better yet, in the library.  He had no clue where that was.

"So, I was thinking, maybe saturday-"

"No." She stated blandly, and made her way to a table and sat down with her tray.

He followed her, annoyed and whiney.

"Oh come onnnnn," He groaned "You never let me have any fun." He sat besides her.

She rolled her eyes and stabbed her chicken salad.

"It'll just be a small little one." He begged "Just a tiny little party. They'll only be or two... hundred people at the least."

She darted her eyes up giving him a look.

He groaned. "Fine! Whatever! No party!" He threw his arms up.

She just shrugged and chewed on her salad.

"Man, I can't do nothing...." She ignored her brothers complaining and enjoyed the salad he bribed her with.

"Oh, Hey jongup."

She rolled her eyes, not even bothering to look up.  She wasn't going to fall for this again. 


She coughed when she heard his voice and looked up in suprise.

The two boys studied her concerned and confused at the same time. 

She grabbed her drink and started siping from the straw as if she had been in a desert without anything to drink.

"Anyway, what brings you here?" Jimin turned to his friend "Wait, let me guess, you're here because you love burgers."

She glared at her brother as she drank. He was plotting again! He knew jongup would be here didn't he!?

"Nah," Jongup dismissed."I just stalked you here because I like your sister."

She choked on her drink and starteled cacking and coughing. Jimin patted her back amused with the situation.

"Relax," Jongup laughed. "I was kidding."

She just blinked as she began to breathe properly.

"I wouldn't go as far as stalking you." He glanced at her smiling.

Her eyes were saucers again and her face was heating.  He was implying....

"Jongup hyung!" A tall boy came running in with another hyung.

"Oh," The purple haired boy stopped when he saw his hyung was talking. "Hello." He greeted formally.

"Hey Zelo." Jimin greeted. "Sup, jae?"

The older one nodded.

"Oh, Noona!" Zelo's face brightened. 

Bongji rose her eyebrows with awkwardly stuffed with salad. 

"You must be the girl that jongup-"

"Goes to school with!" Youngjae covered, nudging the boy a little bit.

He took a seat next to her and eyed her salad. "That looks good, noona. I love cherry tomatoes."

She eyed him, and picked up a single tomatoe and placed it in the palm of his hand and continued eating.

"Ah, thank you noona!" He beamed. "I love tomatoes!"

He chewed greatfully and swallowed. "Ah! Noona! You sure are nice! And you are as cute as Jongup described!"

Her eyes widened.

Jongup just chuckled a little and rubbed the back of his neck as he made eyecontact with her. He shrugged a little.

"She's not so nice." Jimin broke the cute momment but pouting "She won't let me throw a party."


"And I'mma have hella money just laying around the mansion like nobodies buisness!" Jimin exclaimed excitedly.

Bongji rolled her eyes.  It was another lunch periode and again, they ended up at the same burger place, with jongup joinging them. OF course.

Jongup laughed.  They were having a conversation about their dreams outside of school, and jongup had already shared his. Suddenly a thought formed in his mind.

"Bongji, what are your dreams?"

She just glanced up at him and shrugged.

"She want's to be an animator and create her own show but she's too scared." Jimin rolled her eyes.

"Why?" Jongup rose his eyebrows.

"She has anxiety."

She held her head down a bit embarressed.

"Oh." Jongups face softened a little. No wonder why she was so shy.

"Well, I think if you put your mind into anything enough, things will end up the way you want it."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "That's not true."

"It is!" Jongup snapped immeaditly. "When I was little. I collected ALL the pokemon cards. Besdies one, but it doesn't matter. I had to work a paper route since my mom said I was wasting her money on cards and I had to buy them myself. But I still did it, altough I didn't get the Zekron card." He frowned.

Bongji batted her eye a little. It was nice that he was trying to encoruage her.

"But, you can always overcome you're problems like I did mine!" He grined at her.

"Pfft," Jimin rolled his eyes "Tell that to that Zekron Card."

Jongup deadpanned.

To his suprised, he heard her chuckle a  little.  It was the first time she laughed.  It made him feel all warm inside. He loved it.


She was breathing heavy.  Today just wasn't her day. Her anxiety was acting up, and badly.  Jimin told her that she should stay home.  She was regretting not, but she knew if she did, he'd probably get into trouble, and she'd miss homework and had to make up for it. So she went.

She was shaking. There were too many people around her.  She felt as if they were all staring at her, judging her, like she wasn't good enough.

She shakily opened her locker door and grabbed her jacket, debating if she should go home enough, but suddenly, she felt a weight on her sholder.

She turned around in pure fear, only to feel something soft and warm land on her cheek.

Her eyes widened when she processed what happened and she dropped her jacket. Jongup had kissed her cheek.

He leaned back, smiling, with both of his hands now on her shoulders.

Looking into her eyes, he grinned "You are perfect." he shook her a little bit. 

She blinked, still in shock.

"Jimin told me you were having a bad day, and I should talk to you."

Of course, Jimin scheming again.

"And, I saw you shaking, and figured It's your anxiety, right?" He cocked his head to the side a little.

She just blinked, of course. Not even attempting to open .

"What I don't get is," He thought to himself "why you are so afriad? You're smart, nice, funny...and you're really pretty. So why are you so afraid? You're perfect."

She just blinked at him again, her face was burnt red.

He just stared at her seriously, the grinned faded a little. "You didn't know, did you?"

She blinked a little.

"You didn't know you that you were all those things. Did you?"

He took her glance at the ground as a yes, and chuckled a little.

He removed his hands from her shoulders and ruffled her hair. 

"Well," he laughed "You are."

She squinted at him, pushing his arms from her hair and pouted a little.

"Haha, see!" he pointed playfully. "Tottally cute." 

She glared at him as he playfully pinched her cheeks.  She really didn't know how she hadn't killed him by now.

"He Hee." Jongup laughed again. "See you later."

She blushed as she felt his lips on her forehead, and saw him on his way to class.

She bit her lip as she stared at the back of his red head, and twitled her fingers.

She turned around suprised to a hand which held out her jacket.

"Need this?" Jimin smirked.

She glared at her brother and snatched the coat out of his hand.

He needed to stop this.

She hung up the coat in her locker, smiling to herself a little bit, then shut it. Walking away without a word.


She took in a deep breathe and closed her locker.  She held the envolope close to her. Today was the day she was going to do it. She couldn't be anymore nervouse.

Her heart pattered when he walked by. 

"Hey Bongji!" He said with a flat voice and continued walking.

She took note of his dark circles and frowned a little. She shrugged it off and went to class. Today was the day regardless.

After about an hour of learning, or better said, sleep. Jongup awoke to the bell. He had slept the whole entire hour. He would never spend the whole night trying to complete an entire pokemon game ever again.

He let out a yawn, and to his suprise an envelope fell onto the ground.

"what's this?" he questioned picking it up.

It had a heart in the middle that enclosed it's insides.  Jongup rose his eyebrows as he lifted the latch.

He slid out a piece of paper that had been folded perfectly.

"Dear, Jongup." he mummbled to himself.

"I know, I don't talk to you much. But I feel like you are one of the closest people to me. I am really thankful for you. You always try to make something up to me, and you really don't have to. You being around me, makes me happy enough so you don't have to make anything up. So as a token of my gradatude, I want to make something up to you. So, look in the envolpe."

Jongup rose his eyebrows again, and dug into the envolope.

His eyes were saucers when he held the card in his hand "ZE-ZEKRON EX NEXT DESTINIES!?!"

He practically fell over. Once he contained himself, he grabbed the letter again.

"I hope you really like it. Enjoy. P.S, I think you're kinda cute. Kinda. ~Bongji"

"YES!" Jongup fist pumped.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh, see you tomorrow!" Jongup shyly greeted the teacher who had been watching him spazz for the past couple ofminutes. 

He speedly gathered his things and ran out the room, leaving his teacher chuckling.


She was a wreck, did he read it, did he not read it? Did he feel the same? She was going insane.

Jimin noticed this as well. With his mouth stuffed with fries, he tested his sister.

"WHAM FROG!?" He said with his mouth filled to the brim. It was her pet peeve; talking with your mouth full.  She hated it the most.

He knew it would surly earn him a forehead-flick, but it didn't.  He knew something was up.

He swallowed and cocked his head to the side. "Alright, what's up?"

After a while of stabbing her salad, she finally looked up and to the side of the room where Jongup and his friends were sitting.

"What, did he hurt you?" Jimin rose his eyebrow.

She just blinked as useual.

He stood up "I'll kill him, I swear-"

She rose as well and grabbed his wrist. "Let's just go."


"Are you going to go over there and ask her out? Hmm?" Himchan grinned at his younger friend.

Jongup scratched the back of his head, embarressed. "Hyung..."

The eldest patt Jongup's back "Have some confidence."

"Yeah, I agree with Younguk Hyung, Have some confidence." The mankae patted.

Jongup looked around. "I don't know what to say to her..."

"Just say what comes to mind.  She already likes you for some reason. I'm sure she'll like you after you ask." Youngjae shrugged.

Jongup blinked and shrugged.

"Buy her some flowers." Himchan suggested.

"Have some confidence." Youngguk patted again.

"Are you going to eat that?"

The eyes all darted to the boy who was still sitting at the table, chowing down.

"Yah!" Youngjae yelled "You're not a good hyung! You're dongseng needs advice and you're just eating!"

"Hey!" Daehyun defended "How is me starving going to help this situation!?"


The sound of the loud bell ringing awoken Bongji. She rubbed her red puffy eyes and looked around. Everyone was gone, all except for jimin, who was deadpanning as he awaited her.

"S-Sorry." She whispered and grabbed her bag on the floor.  Just then she noticed something.  There was an envolope that was sitting right ontop of her bag. Almost as if it was waiting for her to open.

"What's this?" She thought to herself.

As the two of them were on their way to go home, She began to open the envolope in the hallway.

There was a letter inside.

"Dear, Bongji" she read to herself.

"You really didn't have to buy me that card. Wait, I shouldn't have started the letter off like this...but it's in ink and I don't want to waste another piece of notebook paper, not that this is waste! I mean! I like you... I like you a lot. Even though you don't talk much. I find you close to me as well... oh, and this is jongup by the way, I don't know you you thought it would be, maybe Jimin? But I don't think Jimin is one to write letters.... Oh, yeah. I like you. A Lot. And, my friends make fun of my because I like you so much and... I would like....too... aish, I wish this was like Pokemon where you could make one pokemon use "Attract" and make the other one fall in love with it..... Uhm.. Yeah, I'm jongup. Bye.
P.S Please date me. "

Jimin smirked seeing his sisters face cherry red with a small smile tugging at her lips. 

"Hmm, what is that a lovvvve letter?" He snatched it from her hands.

"GIVE IT BACK!" She yelled fully embarressed. 

Jimin heled it over his head and began to read to himself. "You bought him a card, huh?"

She bit her lips.

"Oh you got it baddd..." He smirked at her.

"Hey, whatcha doing?" A certain red head entered the hall.

"Nothing." Jimin said holding a letter in his hand. "Reading from Bongji's secret admirer."

"WHAT!? YOu have asecret admirer!?" Jongup practically yelled,

Before anyone could do anything he snatched the letter and turned around and read it.

"YOU BOUGHT HIM A CARD!?" He exclaimed.

All she could do was of course, blink.  Although opened as if she wanted to say something.

"OK! SO WHO IS THIS GUY!? WHO LIKES YOU 'SO MU-oh..." He got quite as he countinued reading. "Heh-Heh, it's me."

Jimin nodded his head and took the note from him. "Pabo."

"Well, you said 'secret'. I admire Bongji publicly. See." Jongup cupped his hands around his mouth and screamed "I LOVE BONGJI!"

Her face was red, and the boys stared in shock as she muffles him with her hands.

He smiles as she lets him go and looks down at her. "So, is that a yes...."

She just glances down at the ground with a small smile. 

"Awh, come on. If you say yes, I swear I'll be the best boyfriend ever. We'll go on dates, and I'll pay for everything. We could go to the movies, or even the amuesment park. Unless you don't like roller coasters, do you like roller coasters? If you don't we could-"

Now it was his turn to blink. He slowly rose his hand to his lips and stared down at Bongji's beet red face.  She had just pecked him.

" to much." 

He grinned and kissed her forehead. "I'll take that as a yes, I really should go, I have detention....again. But, I'll text you?"

She just nodded and watched him walk away.

She heard a loud sigh, and there stood Jimin with a gaint smirk on his face.

She tried her best to ignore him on the way home.

"Wel, I was thinking, " he started. "Since, you and Jongup are going to be all lovey dovey now, I'm going to be lonely."

She ignored him.

"You're little brother. The third wheel." He pouted. "Tradgic, really."

She rolled her eyes and continued walking.

"Oh," he snapped his fingures over "Maybe, one day you should let me have a play date! You know at the house, just a little innocent fun with a couple of girls and their friends and a pool- AISH!"

He rubbed his shin. "What was that for!?"

"You talk too much." She continued walking.

"But you kissed jongup!"

"He's my boyfriend." She responded flatly with a small smile secretly plastered across her face.

"So you get to have a boyfriend but I cant have any bi-" 

She glared at him.

He gulped "understood."

Her glare turned into a smile and she draped his arm around his shoulder.

"Thank you." She said softly.

He grinned "You're welcome."

"Evern though you won't let me have a party..."

"What was that?"

He sighed "nothing....nothing at all."












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hannica #1
Chapter 1: Jimin and es
Chapter 1: LOL jongup was such a babo! But he is justttt soooooo cute!!!! Kekekeke
car_me_laa #3
Chapter 1: this was soooo fluffy!!!!
Ermaiged!!!! i was grinning like a crazy person the whole time i was reading!!!!
Chapter 1: That was so cute omg TwT