Something's weird

I don't know how

*Alarm clock ringing*

I pulled off the cover on me as I sleepily rubbed my eyes, in hopes of getting rid of my drowsiness.
I prepare myself to school and left my hair untied as I walk out from my room.
I cast a glance at the room at the end of the hallway and I approached it only to see it neat and tidied.
He must've left already..
And I walk towards the kitchen.

I was surprised at the sight of my mom and Sehun happily chatting while eating as if they were really close.
My mother happily put fried eggs and loaf on Sehun's plate as I took my seat in front of my mother which is beside Sehun's.
I threw them a curious look as my mom smiled at me.

All throughout the breakfast, I ate silently whilst listening to Sehun and my mom's conversation.
From the look of it, Sehun had introduced himself already to her because she treated him very warmly.

'Mom, we'll be going now.' I bid goodbye, kissing her cheeks.
Sehun bowed his head and bid goodbye too as mom accompanied us to the door.
'Take care!' We heard my mom yelled as we trekked the way to school.

The moment we arrived at the school, Sehun was ambushed by his friends while I continued my journey to our classroom.
However, the probing look coming from Tao's intimadating eyes didn't escaped my awareness.


Classes passed by like a breeze effortlessly and the bell signalling the end of class as well as the beginning of lunch break was heard at the hallways as the students exited their respective classrooms like the caged birds, thirsty to feel what freedom is.
Sharah stacked her things inside her bag neatly before making her way out the room.
When she was abou to enter the cafeteria, three tall statures came on her way.
She looks up and saw Kris, Luhan and Tao, looking on her with unreadable expressions on their eyes.
'Err.. excuse me.' She said but it was in vain for the three figures blocked her way.
They dragged her with them and she followed obediently completely curious.

'Say, do you know where Sehun is last night?' Luhan asked directly, not even exerting an effort to make it sound a little bit polite.
You're surprised at the question however you didn't allow ourself to look afraid at the three figures probing you instead you replied a firm no.
Tao who is completely in doubt of your answer showed you a photo 'Then, how can you explain this?'
On it was you and Sehun walking side by side on your way to school.

You made an alibi that it was just a pure coincidence still they didn't believe you.
You grew tired of them specifically Tao and Luhan asking you questions about
'Why is Sehun not home last night?'
'Are you telling the truth?'
'What are your relationships?' and the like.

'Please, just bug Sehun about this and I'm sure you'll get the answer from him instead of me. I don't know what you were talking about and I need to eat my lunch first. Please?' You said, completely pissed off.
But before they can go against you, you heard a familiar voice called.
You all whipped your head at the voice and saw Sehun approaching the four of you, his hands shoved inside his pant's pocket.
At the sight of him, you unconsciously heaved an unaudiable sigh of relief.

'Why is she here with you?' Sehun pointed at you.
Tao and Luhan animatedly shook their head and dragged the confused Sehun with them back to the cafeteria whilst chuckling vivaciously by themselves.
You're left with Kris who is looking at you skeptically.
You look back at his eyes and saw the smirk that tugged on the corner of his lips before he left your inquiring state.

As soon as they're all out of the sight, you hurriedly fished your phone from your blazer's pocket and texted Sehun to keep his mouth shut before you decided to get your lunch.

Lunch was such a pain in the .
Sharah didn't enjoyed her lunch at all. Instead, she hurriedly wolfed down her lunch to escape from the hawk-like eyes of Luhan and Tao from afar. All throughout, she played dumb and ignored the looks she's getting from those two.
After the dreadful lunch, she made her way to the school's field and sat on one of the benches under a big tree, outlooking the school field from where she is.
Making her self comfortable, Sharah placed her legs on the bench and she put her bag on top of her lap and leaned on her back on the tree.
She took out a book she'd just borrowed from the library and decided to continue reading.
She's then too absorbed on her reading that it came to the point where her surroundings doesn't matter at all. It's like she had teleported herself on the scene on the book she's reading.

Sharah was already three-fourth on the book she's reading when...
"BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" She shrieked in fear as someone yelled on her left ear causing for the book to fly out of her hands. Sharah looked at the culprit and saw Sehun smiling at her innocently whilst pushing her legs off of the bench.
Sharah hissed in pure annoyance as she took the book that has fallen on the ground.
She dusted off the lint on it and almost killed Sehun right then and there when she already lost track of the page she's in to.
Figuring out that she can't find it anymore, she closed the book and shoved it roughly on her backpack.
Sharah placed her backpack between her and Sehun serving it as their boundary.
Sehun blinked at her act and Sharah ignored him.
"Hello friend~!" Sehun greeted her joyful as he had comprehended her actions.
"What??" She barked brusquely at the guy who is now giving her his eyesmile.
"I'm not going to fall that." Sharah unconsciously muttered catching Sehun's attention.
"Not gonna fall for what?" Sehun asked, a small smile pasted on the corner of his lips.
Sharah's mouth formed incoherent words as she tries to make herself clear but she was in pure vain.
"Aigoo. No need to blush my friend." Sehun ruffled her hair and Sharah slapped him on his wrist, hardly enough for Sehun to groan as he took back his hand.

"I don't have anytime for you pranks." Sharah hissed under her breath, directing her sight on to the students playing on the soccer field.
"After all those times I had helped you, you're still so harsh on me?" Sehun's voice saddened as he said those words.
Sharah ignored him again not until she heard a whimpering noise coming from her side.
She then saw Sehun looking at her in his puppy-dog eyes.
Sharah's eyes almost bulged out of their socket at this very unusual sight of Oh Sehun.
"After I had saved you twice from danger, I'm still not a friend for you?" Sehun goes on, still making the very unusual whimpering noise causing for the goosebumps to form on Sharah's legs and arms.

"Why? Am I really that horrible for you to hate?" Sehun continues still and Sharah still can't believe at what she's seeing.
His eyes becoming glassy and Sharah purposely rubbed her eyes to confirm if Sehun is really tearing before her at this very moment. When Sharah confirmed that the boy indeed is tearing before her, the first thought that snap on her mind is to fished out her phone from er blazer's pocket and captured this very rare encounter with Oh Sehun and afterwards used the photo to blackmail the latter one. However, the words that came out from is the opposite of her thought.

"I don't hate you."
Sehun stopped making those weird whimpering sound for a moment and look at her expectantly.
Sharah avoided Sehun's eyes as she spoke. "It's just that......."
Sehun still kept his eyes fixated on her. "It's just that.... I don't know! The thing is I don't hate you."
She said and Sehun didn't fought the smile that creep on his face.
"Then prove it to me." Sehun said out of nowhere and Sharah hurriedly whipped her head to Sehun's way and looked at him with an "Are-you-kidding-me" sort of look. Sehun's face turned serious and Sharah felt nervous.

"My hand is still not fully healed." He looks down on his hand that seems fully recovered but Sharah only kept shut in protest.
"And I think this is the last thing that you can do for me." The wind blew by as the silence overpowered between the two of you.
"Prove to me that you don't hate me." Sharah raised her left eyebrow and she was about to say something when Sehun cut her.
"Be my friend." He declared or more likely commanded seriously.
"Are you serious?" You can't keep your cool anymore.
Sehun only nodded seriously and you only hissed in irritation.
"Aish. Oh Sehun, you can't just order people like that to be your friend!" You flailed your arms around as your head is now on a mess because of this guy.
"But I'm not commanding you to" You cut him off by standing from your seat.

"Wait!" Sehun held your wrist before you can escape.
"I said, I don't have a time for your pranks." You spat out clearly pissed off.
"But I just wanted to be your friend." He said lowly but you still heard him.
"What if I don't want to be your friend?" You asked pulling your wrist from him.
"I'll still continue bugging you to be my friend." He said and you rolled your eyes.
"No matter what, I'll continue bugging you until ---" He was cut off by your piercing glare.

"Okay. You can be my friend and I can be your friend." You said defeatedly.
Sehun smiled victoriously at you. "But!! Don't expect me to treat you differently. Nothing will ever change. I'll still be like this towards you. Arrasso?" You said and Sehun only nodded obediently in understanding.
You hoisted your backpack on your shoulders and was about to walk away when Sehun embraced your shoulders.
You elbowed him and he groaned in pain, clutching his stomach.
"I told you. Nothing will ever change." You smiled at him innocently, patting him on his shoulder before making your way towards the building where classes will be.

Kai's POV

"Hey, why are you so happy?" I nudged Sehun's rib.
The class is too silenced as everyone diligently took notes of the lecture except me who was too distracted by Sehun diligently taking his notes whilst a smile pasted on his face. Has this guy taken drugs?
"Shh. Just take your notes Jongin." Sehun hushed me and I was taken back at his act.
I put my palm on his forehead and neck and Sehun only slapped it away.
"You don't have a fever." I concluded tilting my head in confusion.
"Kim Jongin." Sehun called me by my full name in a whisper, voice dead serious.
"Aigoo. Our Sehunnie is possessed." I hugged Sehun's torso, making sobbing sounds.
Sehun detached my arms that were encircling his torso but I kept a firm grip on.
"Did someone cursed you?" I continue asking him.
Sehun wiggled from my grasp and stopped eventually. I kept on making the sobbing noises to convince him to tell me why he is too happy.

However, I cringed in pain as something hard landed on my head.
I looked around my classmates and saw everyone looking at me.
I saw a piece of used chalk on my lap and took it.
"Who among of you throw this on me?" I asked everyone but all I received were a bunch blinking eyes.
"KIM JONGIN!!!! DETENTION LATER!!!!" The teacher's voice boomed around the four corners of the room as my eyes go wide.

"This will be my fifth detention of the month and Dad will surely get a homecall later." I muttered, face palming my face.
"I told you." I heard Sehun whispered on me before I put my forehead on my table defeatedly.

A/N: I haven't proofread this one. Mianhae TT^TT
BTW, I made a two-shot story starring our unicorn, Zhang Yixing Wanna read it?? xDDD
Kiss this kissable unicrn then :))))
or simply click on this..
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I finally updated my fanfics ^^


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i just read everything, sehun is so slow ah
Exo_Fighting #2
Chapter 5: omfg hahahahaha "buy me Gucci"
Exo_Fighting #3
Chapter 1: Sehun you are such a flirt pfttt.
Chapter 21: Hahahahahahahaha.... finally!
Chapter 21: Update soon!!
Chapter 20: update soon^^
Chapter 19: Thank you ;*
Chapter 18: what will sehun do??? ><
Chapter 17: more update pls:)
Chapter 7: Nice update :))