
One Chance

She was running away the last time that I saw her. Years have gone by since that time and I always regret not chasing after her.

I should be over her by now but I still get those sleepless nights of tossing and turning.  A part of me has run away and I may never be able to get it back. It's four am at the moment and I'm not really sure what to do with myself. My members are all asleep dreaming of someone I'm sure of. They don't really know I'm hurting but I know Daesung is beginning to catch on. I don't know what I'm going to do when I'm done with Big Bang actually. Maybe go on to do a solo career but hopefully I can find her before anymore time passes.

I fell asleep and awoke to Jiyong lightly patting my face

"Yah, what are you doing?" I covered my face with the covers and started to kick my feet

"Wah? Seungri, you don't remember what we're supposed to do today?" Jiyong shrugged,"Well I guess you'll just HAAVE to stay home alone today if you don't want to come." He smiled and walked out of the room.

I came out of the covers. What is today? I looked over at the calender hanging on the wall and squinted my eyes more than usual and practically fell out of bed throwing my clothes on. Today is my so-called-birthday and I guess I forgot about it. I came out of my room and all the members were there waiting for.

"What took you so long Seungri?" Taeyang laughed and everyone came into a big group hug.

Then they all started to sing

"Seng il chook ha hamni da~~
Seng il chook ha hamni da~!
Sa rang ha nuen Seungri....
Seng il chook ha hamni da!!"

Everyone laughed and smiled,"Ah thanks guys" I smiled and looked around,"So where is the birthday cake."

Daesung smiled,"Wha? You're already looking for the food?"

"It is a birthday party afterall. I'm just making sure."

"Well too bad, it's a surprise." Seunghyun put a finger to his lips

"I'm glad you guys arranged some stuff but I . . . actually just want to be alone today. . ." 

All of them looked back and forth at each other

"So you want us to um. . .Cancel everything we had planned?" Jiyong raised his eyebrows up. 

"Well how many things did you guys have planned?" I dared to ask.

"We actually had you booked up for the whole day just to relax and do some fun things on your birthday." all of them nodded

"But if you really want to be alone. . ." Taeyang took out his phone about to call the arrangements to cancel

"OH aniyo I would be glad to spend the day with you guys. Relaxing and doing fun things." I nodded and smiled at them.

"Well then it's settled!" Taeyang put away his phone as Jiyong said,"Come on, it's time to eat some delicious breakfast at an awesome restaurant!" Everyone was so relieved

"I thought we weren't going to be eating breakfast today if you turned down our offer" Daesung laughed as everyone got onto the elevator.

The doors began to close,"OH! Wait!" I stuck my hand out in-between the elevator doors and they immediatly opened back up.

"Thank you so much," She smiled and stood inside the elevator next to me.

"Sure no problem." I smiled back and she gave me a long stare as if trying to figure something out.

"Ah! Happy Birthday Seungri!" She bowed slightly due to the crowded space,"If you don't mind me asking, how old are you going to be?" she laughed a bit and the other members snickered in he backgroud.

I glared at them and then turned back to her," Ah I'm going to be twenty-two this year." I smiled and and she made a surprised face.

"Uwah? Really? You look like you could be nineteen!" She laughed and the doors opened at the last floor.

"Well I hope you have a good birthday today Seungri! Annyeong~" She waved goodbye to us as she headed in the other direction of the parking lot.

"Already making girlfriends Seungri?" Jiyong laughed and punched me slightly in the arm.

"Aniyo~ I don't even know her" I punched him back and he made a hurt expression.

"AHHHH I was just joking~~" He smiled and opened the door to the van.

Everyone piled in and of course I got shotgun.

And there began a day I wouldn't forget.

The first event we went to was the restaurant where we had the most MAGNIFICENT breakfast. I got home made pancakes layered in maple syrup and inside was chocolate chips. I'm not too sure what the others got but I'm certain that it was as awesome as my breakfast. After breakfast we went to different stores looking at some things that would be a great addition to my snow-globe collection. Unfortunately there wasn't anything that I didn't get so it was a long four hours of searching and even though we didn't find anything it was a good time for all of us to bond. They were a bit surprised to find that I had every snow-globe but they haven't seen my closet yet.

Since we wasted most of our time walking around it was lunch-time already and we went to the next restaurant. I was surprised that YG Entertainment hadn't filled up my schedules today but I decided to forget about it. It was my birthday and I should be able to have some time off. When we walked into the restaurant a woman looked up at me and dropped the empty plates that she was carrying off into the kitchen. Everyone looked over at her as the ambience music continued to play. She covered her face and ran into the back of the kitchen.

I thought it was her for the longest part of the day but it couldn't have been. She left so long ago and for her to be in the same area? It just wouldn't be like her. After a bit of staring into space Seunghyun nudged me and pointed to my food

"Ah ne," I smiled and began to dig in.

I looked around hoping to see her again but I didn't see her during my time of sitting there.

"Aye Seungri," I looked over at Jiyong


"You better finish up quickly, we've got to get to the next location!" He smiled and finished up his lunch.

Daesung added "Plus it's a long drive there so come on we don't want to be late"

"Yah!" Jiyong poked Daesung in the ribs,"Now you're just giving to much clues."

Daesung whispered back,"Ah ne you're right."

I laughed at the both of them and finished up my lunch,"Let's get going."

We all stood up from the table and paid for the lunch on the way out. I looked around one last time but I still didn't see her. I walked through the doors and made my way to the van.

We arrived at a carnival near the beach for the last event on my birthday. I smiled at everything I seen.

"It's been such a long time since I've been to one of these!"

All the members smiled,"I hope it brings back good memories," Daesung said with a smile.

"Ah ne it certainly does"

I walked around for a long time and my members were all spread about through the crowd so I decided to take a break from all the walking. I went to a bench near the boardwalk and sat down for a bit. I looked up at the full moon in the sky and smiled, closing my eyes, leaning my head back and stretching my arms out. When I opened my eyes again I knew I seen her, she was looking straight at me.

I got up quickly and she was staring at me with wide eyes. I began to walk towards her but then she started to take a few steps back. I stopped walking and looked down waiting for her to run away again but this time she just stood there waiting for me. I took slow steps up to her hoping that she wouldn't change her mind. When I was finally face to face with her I could see that she was afraid, that she wanted to run away from me again.

I grabbed her wrists,"I'm sorry. . .For everything that I've done to you. . ."

Her eyes began to tear up,"Then why. . .Why did you let me go the first time?"

I looked down at her and pulled her closer to me,"I've never let you go to be honest. . ."

She shook her head,"No that's not true. . .Don't lie to me." Streaks of tears were going down her cheeks

"Please. . .Don't cry. . ." Before I knew it, I was also in tears

She tried to get out of my grip,"Let go. . ."

"I won't let you go again"

She stopped struggling and her tense body started to relax,"You're just saying that."

"No I'm not."

"I'll never believe you."

I released one of her wrists lifting her chin up looking into her eyes,"Please believe me tonight, and forever"

The fireworks at nine pm began to go off.

I tilted my head to the right,closed my eyes and kiissed her. I let go of her other wrist and wrapped my arms around her as she she locked her arms around my neck. I pulled away from the kiss and held her in a hug for what seemed like forever

"This is where you belong. . ." I her hair and I could feel her sobbing into my chest as her grip became tighter on me.

"I've . . . I've missed you so much. . ." That was what I was able to hear through her soft sobs.

"But you're here now. . ."

I smiled

This is the birthday that I've been waiting for

YOU were what I was waiting for

A/N: Yeah I know. It got really cheesy at the end >o< Hope you enjoyed it though! O m O
        P.S. In New York at Coney Island on FRIDAYS and I believe SATURDAYS [only Summer though but this is a fan-fic it can happen whenever -mehrong-] at nine pm is when the fireworks go off!!! hehe owo

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