Chapter 12

I Don't Know (IDK)



Yuri hasn’t even stepped out of her front gates but she could already feel the presence of a very hyper choding. It somehow made her wonder, since when did she develop an extra sense for Yoona?


And what do you know? Her intuition is right, because right there was Im Yoona looking extra bouncy than usual.


She actually didn’t expect Yoona to come over. It was a Saturday morning, and the only reason she’s up is because they have dress rehearsal before their show tonight. But she should have known that Yoona is quite persistent, even on weekends.


A naughty smirk soon starts to grace Yuri’s lips as she thought of an awesome troll plan. She didn’t even know she was capable of trolling, but she could guess she has Yoona to thank for that.




Yoona scratches her head in confusion. She was pretty sure that Yuri was about to come out of her house, but it’s like Yuri just went poof. The choding couldn’t help but think of the possibilities of what might have happened.


Maybe the Kwon’s gate is a portal to another dimension, just like that closet in Narnia. What if they now made Yuri their queen and the white witch wasn’t happy with that, and now Yuri’s life is in danger? It was up to her to rescue her…


But the sound of someone landing on their feet, interrupted Yoona’s planning of how to save Yuri. She looks up, just in time and catches Yuri making a mad dash for it.


“She’s trying to run away!”


Yoona quickly put her jets on and speed up trying to run after Yuri. But she almost tumbled over as she brakes quickly. Why try to chase her when she could surprise her?




Yuri was laughing triumphantly as she obviously trolled the troll. This was a rare occasion. Usually it was Yoona who always has the last laugh, but not now. Right now, it was her who’s celebrating.


She turns around to see how far Yoona is behind her. But she ends up stopping when Yoona wasn’t anywhere near her. In fact, Yoona wasn’t there at all.


“Where is that- ACCCCCCCKKKKKK!!!!!”


Yuri let out a squeal as she sees Yoona just jumps down from a tree. Like the monkey that she is, gives Yuri the best backhug. The strong girl Yoona is starts to playfully spin Yuri around, until Yuri smacks her in the arm to make her stop.


“YOONA?! How did you get there?!”


Yoona just responded with her signature troll smirk. Truth was, she knew every short cut and alley way to Yuri’s house but she doesn’t want to reveal to Yuri that.


“It’s a secret… by the way… HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!!!”


Yuri didn’t know who to look strangely at; the sweet looking purple orchid bouquet or to the silly girl smiling extra sillier at her?


“Happy mother’s day?”


“Yes…” Yoona continues to offer out the bouquet. “Because you’re going to be the mother of my future children.”


“You never fail to surprise me… you know that?”


Yoona drew closer to Yuri and take Yuri’s backpack. Nowadays, Yuri was so used to almost surrendering her things for Yoona to bring.


“That’s a good thing, right?”




“I bought your mommy a gift too.”


“Thanks… I’m sure she would love it.”




The two continues walking to school, but this time without the air of conversation between them.  As talkative Yoona was, still there are things about her that remains to be a mystery for Yuri. Most of the time, when Yoona talks it was to pry or know things about Yuri. Now that Yuri thinks about it, their conversation was never about Yoona, but more of about her.


They have been going out for what? Months now? Maybe it was time to know a little bit of what Im Yoona is about…


“Speaking of moms, Yoona… What did you give your mom?”


Yoona bats her lashes as she turns to Yuri. “Which mom?”


“Your mom?”


“I have two moms!” Yoona says proudly.


Yuri slowed down in her steps, casting a surprised look at Yoona.


“W-what? I didn’t know that… Well… you talk about your mommy Yoonhee but I don’t remember talking about your mommy Anna.”


“I do… I do…” Yoona nodded proudly. “Mommy Yoonhee and mommy Anna… That’s why my name is Yoona… It’s a combination of their names. Yoon and Na… Yoona…”


“What about Taeyeon?”


“Oh… her name is from my grammy. Because mommy Yoonhee said that even if the world was so mean because she’s with a girl, grammy still stood by both of them. That’s why unnie is named after her.”


Yoona was just playing around with their twined fingers, while Yuri is enjoying the feeling of having Yoona’s hands in hers. She was wondering still though, if Yoona would allow her to delve more.


“So, tell me about them?” Yuri decided to give it a go and ask.


“Well… My mommy Anna travels a lot because of her work. I hardly see her growing up, but when she comes home, it’s like a party everyday. Now that me and unnie are grown up, mommy Anna wants to take Mommy Yoonhee with her, because she says she misses her so much.”


Yoona gushes at how in love both her parents are.


“Do you think that’s why you like girls?”




“Because you grow up seeing two women in love and you don’t have a father figure?”


That question left Yoona quiet as she pondered about it. She have never really thought or ask herself that question, because as far as she know, she have only love one and that was no other than the girl with her fingers link with hers.


“Ummm I don’t like girls… cept those tsundere in animes that look like you… I just… I just love you.”


Yuri turns her gaze down, trying to hide her smile. Yoona just has that effect on her, and she’s not even sure if Yoona even notices it.


“And in the next lifetime if you turn out to be a guy, I would probably still fall for you as hard as I’m falling for you right now. A Kwon Yuri only comes once in a generation but I’ll search for you everytime. and in this lifetime, I already found you.”


A cute pink starts to blush Yuri’s cheeks, Yoona pulls their joined hands to her lips for a kiss. And Yuri was much bolder now, as she lays a peck on Yoona’s perfect nose.


“You sure know the things to say, don’t you?”


“Of course…” But Yoona has a way of ruining her own moment when she points to the sky and yells. “Right now! It’s Yuri Generation!”


Yuri chuckles softly and almost flirtatiously slaps Yoona’s arm.


“So, are you going to watch me rehearse today?”


“Of course…”




 “Why can’t I have a singing part?”


It was Sooyoung unleashing her inner diva. They have their final rehearsals before the big night. And everything was right in place, but still Sooyoung is convinced that their audience would be more wowed if she shows them her vocal prowess.


 “Do you know I can move people with my voice?”


Every head turns to Sooyoung. All of them wonder if Sooyoung has taken some happy pills which is why she’s extra delusional.


“What are you even talking about?”




Sooyoung’s scream was so loud, it catapulted everybody to the ground.


“CHOI!!!!” Hyoyeon growls angrily as she pushes herself off the floor. “What the hell was that for?”


“See?” Sooyoung said in a matter of fact way. “Told you I can move people with my voice.”


“It doesn’t mean literally you idiot!!!!”


Hyoyeon was going to make sure Sooyoung gets it, and by that, she meant pounding it on the other girl’s face. Like literally…pounding her on the face. Yuri didn’t even bother to come between the two knuckleheads and just kept her focus on her script, while looking back and forth to the seats, searching for that doe eyed girl who promised to watch.


“Aren’t you going to practice?”


Yuri asks curiously as she was watching Tiffany paying more attention to taking selcas than memorizing her lines.


“Oh please… Yul… I’m the wicked stepmother… the only line I say is mirror, mirror, you dumb piece of shiz and eat this frickin apple dammit!”


Yuri was pretty sure that wasn’t Tiffany’s lines. But the tanned beauty could only figure out it was because Tiffany still haven’t gotten over the fact that she lost her part to Sooyoung. Sooyoung of all people.


“Well… Fany… if you’re going to be playing the stepmother… Then, you should be the best stepmother.”


Tiffany just snorts in disapproval, before continuing to click away.


“Ok… okay…” The teacher starts to clap her hands to gain everybody’s attention. “Ok… let’s practice from the top, the dance scene…”


“Pfft… Tippani can’t dance, there’s no pole…” Sooyoung chuckles playfully.


Tiffany’s blood soon reaches a boiling point as everybody just starts to snicker in her expense. This was it for Hwang Tiffany, somebody has to pay and that someone was no other than Choi Sooyoung.


“You better take that back!”


“Why?” Sooyoung was just being her playful self, but Tiffany was not feeling it at all.


“Before I throw something straight at your face!”


“Oh please I watch you pitch! You don’t know the meaning of the word straight! ARGGGHHHHH!!!!”


Everyone gasps as they saw Sooyoung falling on her knees, clutching her nose in pain.




Everyone their head at Tiffany, who felt like that she has an out of body experience. When she returned to Earth, she sees everyone surrounding Sooyoung.


“OMO! What did I do?”




From: Baby Monkey

Come to the rooftop








Yuri walks in to the rooftop and couldn’t help but gush at how Yoona turned the bland school rooftop, into a romantic picnic scene.


“So, this is what you’ve been doing while I’m rehearsing?” Yuri jokes softly.


“Ah-huh… Ah- Huh…” Yoona nods her head animatedly. “Come here…”


Yoona takes Yuri’s hand and pulls the girl towards the blanket laden with food. The doe eyed girl had obviously paid attention to Yuri's needs, as there was fresh fruits, some tea and salad.


“I remember we never really had that Valentine date we were planning… So, well… better late than never.”


“Hahaha… you just never fail to surprise me…”


“That’s a good thing, right?”


“Yup… So, what do we have here?”


“Well, I thought you must be pretty hungry after rehearsals and carrying Sooyoung unnie to the clinic.”


Yuri could only shake at the chaos that happened during rehearsal. Poor sooyoung now looks like she has a tomato on her face after Tiffany throws her shoe at her.


“You know since this is really just a class presentation, we don’t really have understudies. We were supposed to just use Fany to replace Soo, but her role was too important so we gave it to Taeyeon.”


“OMO!” Yoona couldn’t help but cry out in despair. “She will get to kiss you?!”


“It’s a fake kiss.”


“But still… a kiss is a kiss.”


“Hmmm… got a point there…”


“Don’t kiss her.” Yoona has a determine frown in her face as she commands Yuri. “Don’t kiss anybody, but me…” Yoona points to herself, making sure Yuri knows that she meant business.


“It’s just pretend you goofball…” Yuri’s chuckle sounds heavenly to Yoona.


“It’s still me you love to kiss, right?” Yoona asks like a child asking for a parent’s confirmation.


“Maybe… I don’t remember…” Yuri says with a hint of mischief and flirtation in her voice.


“Should I remind you?”


Yuri answers by motioning Yoona to come closer, and the doe eyed girl slowly crawls closer on top of Yuri.


Yoona snickers her typical troll snicker as she was so close to her girl, that their nose was almost touching. Yoona closes her eyes, ready for a kiss as Yuri leans closer.


“Kekekeke…” Yuri’s cute chuckle has woke Yoona from her trance.


“HEY!” Yoona mutters in disappointment as she sees Yuri just lying comfortably in the blanket.


“Hmmmp!” Yoona just says in defeat before just ending up plopping right beside Yuri.




“Hmmm?” Yoona turns her side, and could see Yuri slowly drifting to sleep. She have never seen Yuri so relax, the other girl always seem so uptight and stress about everything. It’s comforting to know that Yuri was finally having that break she needed.


“I’m going to nap a bit…” Yuri curls herself closer to Yoona. Even if she loves the feeling of the wind cooling her, still she would choose the warmth of being next to Yoona everytime. "I'll eat when I wake up."


“Okay…" Yoona sits up, arranging the food back in the cooler before it goes bad. Other people might get upset for having their plan set aside, but those people are not like Yoona. For her, whatever makes Yuri feel much better is what's important for her.


"Sweet dreams…”


A tender smile starts to play in the sleepy girl’s lips.


“Sweet dreams…” Yuri replied sleepily. "Thank you, monkey."


"Anytime, my y bear..." Yoona says softly, careful not to stir Yuri up.


And right before Yuri travels to dreamland, Yoona left a soft kiss on her forehead. It was just a kiss in the forehead, but for Yuri it felt heavenly. Nothing beats being kissed by the one you cherish the most.




This is it…


The whole auditorium is starting to get filled with the audience, who are all buzzing in excitement. In an all girls school like them, the only one they could fangirl about was either K pop idols or Kwon Yuri. But this night, obviously belongs to Kwon Yuri.


Behind the curtains, the excitement was just or probably more intense as well. Everyone both nervous and excited, praying silently not to screw things up.


But one girl has one mission, as she walks right straight over to PrinceYul, looking so dashing as she practices in the corner.


“Kwon Yuri…”


Yuri hardly ever get scared of anything, but somehow Jessica just has that power on her and in anybody. Never have Yuri felt so threatened, especially not somebody in a dwarf costume. But Jessica sure scared the shiz out of Yuri, as she walks towards the taller girl, not caring if Yuri is towering over her.


In fact, Jessica likes the challenge, the bigger they are, the harder they fall.


“What is it?” Kwon Yuri tries to control the squeakiness of her voice.


“I just want to warn you. If you ever dare lay your lips on any part of Taeyeon; I swear to God, you would need a damn good dentist because I will knock every single teeth off your mouth.”


Yuri can’t hardly find any retort to Jessica’s threat. She opens but nothing more than a squeaky OK came out of it. But then, something springs in Yuri’s mind. She’s pretty sure their director is going to kill her for this, but Yuri thinks this would work better in a long haul


“I think I have a better idea.”




Tiffany wasn’t going to take this laying down. After “accidentally” taking out Sooyoung from her role, Tiffany finally decided to make peace with her self.


 So, what if she’s the evil queen? It’s up to her to turn this villainess role, into the supahstah…


An evil cackle spurts out of Tiffany’s voice…


“Are you ready, Fany?”


“More than ever…”


The crescent eyed girl steps into the stage and was almost blinded by the stage lights. Familiar faces in the crowd were now hazy.


Tiffany lips curl into a delightful smile as she bask at the limelight. These people are not just audience anymore, these people are going to be fanatics.


“W-w-what is she doing?!”


Everyone in the backstage are starting to whisper in contest. There was Tiffany instead of saying her lines, is now acting like a beauty queen walking around the stage and waving at the audience.


“What are you doing?! Go say your lines now!” Hyoyeon hissed at the other girl. But her threat fell to deaf ears when Tiffany was just giving everyone a slow wave.


“They love me…” Tiffany proclaims “They really love--- OOOOOFFFFF”


Before Tiffany could even finish, the injured Sooyoung was ready to take revenge and tackle Tiffany off the stage.


“I’m going to take you down!”


Now the two have started to wrestle on the backstage, leaving the audience scratching their heads and their director crying mercilessly.




Seohyun have been racking her brains throughout the whole show. She’s been counting once, twice even more than three times but there was only four dwarves left.


“Yoong? Is there just four dwarves left?”


“I think so… Or maybe they’re so small, we just can’t see them.”


Seohyun just nodded, she had never really thought of that.


“Ahhh… unnie?” Seohyun looks in surprise as Yuri takes a spot beside her.


“Y-Yuri?” Yoona who was one seat away from Yuri, almost jumps off her seat ready to get near the tanned girl.


“Hi Yoona…” Yuri leans her head back to give Yoona that teasing grin, Yoona could never resist.


“Ahhhh… shouldn’t you be in the show?”


“Well… I think there is someone else who fits the role much better than me.”


The three girls look up at the stage and have seen Jessica donned in a bigger costume, as she played the prince.




The whole crew were now starting to scramble around the backstage, searching every hook and cranny for that luscious fruit.




Ooooppps… Sooyoung tries to slowly back away as she realize that she have been munching on a prop.




“What?! I didn’t do anything!”


“You are holding the apple… or what’s left of it…”


“Well! I’m depressed” Sooyoung reasons out, even putting on a teary pout to try and get away with it. “And I eat a lot when I’m depressed.”


“You eat in every occasion Soo… What are we going to do now?”


“Well… I have a banana?” Sooyoung chuckles embarrassingly, hoping to salvage what’s left of this failed show.




Taeyeon couldn’t believe how effective Sunny (since Tiffany is predisposed) was to be a queen. The girl was standing hunchback and looking so nasty.


“A banana?”


It wasn’t just Taeyeon who was surprised with the poisoned fruit, the whole audience was shock as well.


 “Yes… take it… take it…” Sunny offers, snickering badly.


“Ummm… ahhh… ok… AGH! ACK!” Taeyeon starts to puts her hand on her neck, trying to give the impression that she’s choking.


But right before, she collapse, she accidentally steps on the banana peel.




And Taeyeon/snow white collapsed to the floor, not because she got poisoned but because she slips and bang her head on the floor.



“W-where am I?”


Taeyeon wakes up groggily, squinting her eyes at the bright lights. When she saw that she was surrounded by weeping dwarves, Taeyeon finally remember what happened.




But soon, the whole auditorium was filled with hushed whispers. Taeyeon despite having good hearing, could not make up what they’re saying. It was then when she slightly opens her eyes and saw the silhouette of Jessica that she almost scrambled to get out of bed.


But before Prince Jess reaches Taeyeon, the evil step mother queen steps in front of her.


“Sorry prince…” Sunny says with such devilish intent “But you can’t… OW! OW! OW!”


Sunny starts to cower as Jessica was beating her up with the fake sword.


“Die evil queen! Die!” Jessica keeps on hitting her with the sword.


Oh God… Sunny could only mutters, if I don’t play dead she won’t leave me alone. Knwoing it was the only way to survive the vicious attack, Sunny quickly plays dead.


Jessica moves the midget out of her way with her foot, before making her way to Snow white.




“Don’t move…” Jessica pushes Taeyeon back to lays down. “I have to do that epic kiss.”


Before Taeyeon could fully react, Jessica have now captured Taeyeon’s lips on hers. The whole crowd was silence at first, just watching as the two were engaged in a romantic kiss.


“Draw the curtains! Draw the curtains!” The director cries out. This was it. Her career as a director is over, before it even started.


But before they could pull the curtains back, one by one the people starts clapping. One by one the audience are commenting on how it was the best Snow white they have seen.


And one by one, everyone had fell in love with the idea of Kim Taeyeon and Jessica Jung.




Everyone who steps out of the theatre was raving on how funny it was. Even though it was meant to be a romantic love story, it had became more of a slapstick comedy.




Taeyeon didn’t have time to answer, after Yoona just wraps her in a bear hug.


“You were awesome in there! Like super duper! HERE!” Yoona gives her unnie a bouquet of flowers.




“And you get to kiss, Shika…” Yoona playfully elbows her unnie “I think that’s more awesome than anything, right?”


Taeyeon looks up and saw Jessica looking like she’s about to fall asleep as Tiffany looks like she’s ranting bout something.


“Y-yeah…” Taeyeon’s lips curve into a smile. “Best feeling in the world.”


“Here…” Yoona hands Taeyeon another bouquet.


“What am I going to do with two bouquets?” Taeyeon asks jokingly.


“Maybe you should give one to your prince for saving you.”




Both Taeyeon and Yoona turns to direction of the sweet and gentle voice that they love so much.


“MAMAAAA!!!” Yoona squeals excitedly before jumping into her mom’s embrace. “You’re here!”


Their mother was simply stunning, and people could say that when Yoona grows up she would look like her mom.


“Of course…” Even their mother’s laugh was gentle “Were so excited to see your unnie act.”


Taeyeon blushingly look away, hearing her mom's praise just made this whole day just even more perfect.


“Whoah!” Sooyoung hoots as she saw the two beautiful women talking with Taeyeon and Yoona. “Yulllll… is that your mother in law?”


Hyoyeon snickers as she have never seen Yuri so pale, obviously since the girl was battling with her nerves. “It’s funny how they sort of remind me of you and Yoona.”


Yoona’s mom wasn’t as bouncy as Yoona, but she seem more friendly, while Yoona’s other mom, even if she was just as gorgeous, seem so serious.


But even from a distance, Yuri could see the affection and love between the two. The stares and the gentle squeezes and light touches, it was all there, even if it wasn’t so blatant, still the subtleness of it, makes them so obviously in love.


Yuri wonders if she and Yoona would be like that.


“Yurreeeee!!!” Yoona squeals happily, waving to get Yuri’s attention.


Yuri quickly turns away, feeling like she wasn’t ready to meet Yoona’s parents yet.


“Go Yul!”


“Yeah Yul!”


The nervous girl didn’t even move an inch, but it doesn’t make a difference when Yoona drags both her moms towards Yuri. Her friends, being the troll as always have just abandon her.


“Mama… This is the one I love the most, Kwon Yuri…” Yoona beams at a nervous looking Yuri “Yuri, these are my moms…”


“Hello Yuri…” Yoonhee’s smile was so captivating. “Yoona talks about you a lot.”


“Hi…” Yuri bows so hard. “I promise to take care of your daughter.”


Yoonhee laughs once again. “I know you would.”


Yuri couldn’t even stare at both women in the eye.


“No need to be nervous.” Yoonhee coos reassuringly. “From what I hear, you are quite amazing.”


“I’m… I’m… not all that.” Yuri could only mutter bashfully.


“Yes you are!” Yoona disagreed. “And even much more.”


“We're taking Yoona and Taeyeon out to dinner to celebrate.” Yoona’s other mom Anna, even sound so serious that you can’t help but feel nervous.


“Would you like to come with us?”


Yuri opens but the only thing that comes out were mumbles or worse gibberish.


“Of course. She’s coming…”


“Yoona… don’t be so hyper, darling…” Yoonhee tries to soothe her daughter.


Yuri was never really the type to be nervous about anything, but right now her nerves were surely messing with her. It made her wonder why was she even so nervous?


“Please come…” Yoona whispers to Yuri, while softly squeezing Yuri’s cold hand. “I would love for them to get to know you.”


“I… I… I would love too… If it’s not any inconvenience to you.”


“Of course not.”


Yuri and Yoona with their join hands trailed behind her parents and Taeyeon.


“Are you okay?” Yoona asks worriedly while affectionately squeezing Yuri’s hand.


“Yeah… ummm…no… ummm… I don’t know… I’m just nervous that’s all.”


Yoona’s sincere smile was enough to wipe away any worried feeling in Yuri.


“You have nothing to be nervous about.” Yoona whispers. Her words only for Yuri to hear.


“If they know you like I do, they would simply fall in love with you too.”


Yoona brought Yuri’s hand to her lips, softly brushing it with a kiss. And Yuri thanked Yoona by lightly squeezing both their hands. And for Yoona that was more than enough. Because she knows that even if Yuri might never be vocal with her feelings, her actions were worth more than a million words.


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Chapter 1: When SHYT did the Second challenge.. I immediately thought of this fanfic hahaha. The Sh!t club DID became a reality XD
I like this story <3
twiceoverload #3
Chapter 4: tiffany’s character is so funny ksfnsks the author did a great job writing her
This was very fun to read! HyoYoung's humors are the best.. as always.. and tiffany! Hahaha. Love her antics! ^^ Yoonhee-Anna couple.. wow.. they're so in love, after all those years.. and taengsic! I need a side story for them authornim! Pleaseee.. ^^

Loved how YoonYul's relationship developed. Like, despite yoona being a choding, her love for yul is so pure.. <3
Chapter 22: That was adorable! Although I was waiting for that rated M sign at some point (kekeke, excuse me for my byun mind, it just randomly pops up at times), but the cute YoonYul moments totally made up for it. Nice job! Now I'm off to see if you have any other YoonYul fics! :D
Chapter 3: This is ing hilarious! All the characters are dynamic, I can't stop laughing! Haha. As expected, Seohyun is the most mature character (in a cute way), but Yoona is just gold! :D
YoonYul moments are adorable. <3
Good job author!!! :)
Adampark19 #7
Chapter 22: Author-nim~ i have read your story for the nth time and i still can't help but fluttering whenever i read it. Thankyou for a beautiful story!
ilyy12020530 #8
I keep coming back to this story. It's been years! My god! I will never ever forget this fic!

I missed YY, i missed author KB. Hayyy...

Re-reading this fic for the nth time!!!! Still gives me the same feels. =) thanks author!!! God bless! Goodluck on your writing!
TrooperluvYY #9
This is the third time I reread this fic!
Still make me happy..