Chapter 10

I Don't Know (IDK)



Nibble, crunch, slurp, slurp, slurp…


The shikshin is munching so loudly, that Yuri could feel her eardrums about to burst.


“There is a poll…” Sooyoung says as she was reading some teen mag, before she crunch on those chips once more.


“Pole? Ask Tiffany she’s good with poles.”


Tiffany quickly looks away from her mirror and gives Hyoyeon a serious stink eye.


“What is that supposed to mean?”


“You know you’re good with poles. North pole, south pole, fishing pole, stripper pole…”


Pffft… Sooyoung almost spit out all her lunch as she LOL (but it would be such a waste).


“Well anyways,” Sooyoung finally spoke again after the joke has died down. “There is this poll in the magazine since Valentines is coming up. They ask what’s the most romantic place to spend it with your love one… or in your case Yul, your girlfriend…”


“Hush.” Yuri growls softly before chewing her salad carefully.


“My most romantic place-” Hyoyeon answers first “Is anywhere as long as my guy…”


“Awwww…” Sooyoung wipes a lone tear that fell to her cheek. It was a touching moment to know that Kim Hyoyeon has a heart.


“I wasn’t done yet…” Hyoyeon stops before Sooyoung gets too melodramatic. “My most romantic place is anywhere as long as my guy is PAYING.”


Tiffany let out a condescending snort. Did they really expect Hyoyeon to say anything romantic?


“Of course… why am I not even surprise? Anyways, the most romantic place on Valentines is being in a cruise ship.”


“Hey… that could work…” For once Hyoyeon agrees with Tiffany “If you get annoyed with your date you just push him off to the ocean.”


Sometimes they couldn’t figure out if Hyoyeon is serious or just plain mental.


“How about you, Yul?”


Yuri taps her fork in an almost melodic rhythm. The sound of the tapping unconsciously helps her think faster. But truth was, she never gave it too much thought, until now. With how busy she is organizing the school Valentines party, she has no time or the strength to think of anything else.


 “I haven’t really thought about it.”


“So, you and Yoona haven’t decided what to do on Valentines?”


Yuri let out a growl. There is nothing she wants to do now but smack those smug smirks off her friends faces.


“Can I have everyone’s attention please?”


Everyone in the cafeteria looks at the two shorties up on the table. Taeyeon was holding an IPOD dock while Sunny has her hand on a mic.


“Me and my BFF here…” Sunny gives Taeyeon a light squeeze on the shoulders. “Would like to wish everyone happy romantic day.”


The whole room starts to cheer…


“And to add some more romance in the air. We would like to sing a song dedicated to our school’s ice princess.”


Tiffany let out a dramatic gasps. Is this it? The end of her nightmarish ordeal as a failed cupid? Will Taeyeon finally have the guts to step up and ask Jessica out for the Valentines dance?


“Hope this song could melt your heart and take me as your date?”


“Oh moh” Tiffany shakes her head, this has gotten more complicated now that Sunny is added to the mix. She turns over to Jessica who just blinks casually, as if nothing mattered to her. Sunny starts singing and Jessica starts to look a little loopy, like she was seconds away from dropping dead or falling asleep in the cafeteria. Seconds later, she was snoring on the cafeteria table.


Sunny tries to dismiss it, maybe her voice so melodious that it lullaby Jessica to sleep. But then, it was Taeyeon’s part and Jessica seems to rise up from the dead. She looks more awake than people have ever seen her.


“Hey… hey…” Sooyoung starts to nudge Yuri, “Maybe you should serenade Yoona too.”


“And why would I do that?”


“You know… Valentines…” Sooyoung chews thoughtfully “It’s the most romantic time of the year.”


“I have a lot of things to worry about rather than thinking about Valentines.”


Speaking of Valentines, Yuri stood up and excuses herself from her friends. Unlike them, she has stuff to take care of.




Yuri slouches frustratingly at the amount of Rilakkuma stuff on the web. She have been browsing nonstop for weeks, trying to find a good Valentines gift for the choding but she’s not even sure what to give her. It feels like Yoona have every rilakkuma thing in the world, that it wouldn’t surprise Yuri if Yoona is even wearing Kkuma undies.


“Hmmm… Maybe that’s what I should give her, some underwear.”


Yuri then straightens up on her seat when it dawn on her how erted she sounded. Sure it was rillakkuma but an underwear? Geez… She needs help with this gift giving thing.


“Guess who?”


Yuri was glad that she was facing her laptop rather than the younger girl, or else her wide smile would be too obvious.


“I don’t know… ummm Seo? Is that you?”


The teasing smile in Yuri’s lips grew even wider as she heard the frustrated groan.


“Nope… guess again.”


“Hmmm… You got big bear paws, Soo?” She bites her lip to keep herself from laughing when the choding starts stomping angrily.


“Noooo… it’s me… Your Yoong.”


“My Yoong?” Yuri says teasingly, taking away Yoona’s hands from her eyes.


Yoona quickly gives Yuri a backhug. It was her way of saying how much she misses her especially since Yuri is always so busy nowadays. Yuri just stayed like that, it was her way of saying I miss you too.


“Hey…” Yoona frowns before holding Yuri again…


The raven haired girl could only look at Yoona in surprise. The doe eyed choding has a look of deep thought in her face, before deciding to just hug Yuri again.


 “What’s wrong with you?” Yuri finally asks


“You gotten skinny.” Yoona frowns “You haven’t been eating, aren’t you?”


Yuri couldn’t help but be at awe at how someone can determine someone’s size just by hugging. But she should have known Yoona have always worked in a different wavelength from everyone else.


“I been…. I just have been busy with the valentine’s dance that’s all.”


“That’s not right. You should enjoy the valentine’s dance, especially since it’s our first valentine’s day as a couple.” Yoona was smiling so happily. But then she saw how quiet Yuri was after hearing the word couple, and it made her smile disappear slowly.


“Anyways… you shouldn’t be all stressed about it.” Yoona shakes her head, trying to shake the thing that bothers her off. “Can I stay here?”


Yuri wonders why Yoona even bother to ask. She looks perfectly at home in the school council office, spinning around in her swivel chair.


“Do I have a choice?”


“Nope…” Yoona replied continuing to spin faster and faster like she was in a ride in an amusement park. But suddenly she stops and starts to clench .


 “What’s wrong?”


“I’m getting dizzy.”


This time Yuri didn’t even bother to hide her laughter at how cute the other girl was.


“You need to slow yourself down.” Yuri reprimanded, but this time she didn't sound so cold, instead she was loving and caring.


Yoona sees Yuri’s gentle nature as a sign to get closer. She starts to scoot beside the girl before nuzzling herself on Yuri’s neck.


“Hey… hey!” Yuri gently shoves the other girl away. “You’re so touchy.”


Yoona sat up straight for a little bit, before she decided to go back and nuzzle on Yuri’s neck some more.


“Sometimes I can’t believe that we're together, that’s why I have to touch you to make sure I’m not dreaming.”


A shy smile spread on Yuri’s lips before she ends up playfully smacking Yoona on the forehead.


“So cheesy.”


“But you like it!” Yoona frowns, rubbing her sore forehead.


Yuri clicks her tongue teasingly before answering, “Maybe…”


She returns her attention back in front of her laptop. It seems like Yoona isn’t the only one who got a dizzying spell. Yuri took a heavy sigh as she sees her half of her checklist is still not done. It’s supposed to be the most romantic time of the year, but here she is too stressed to even enjoy it.


But then she smiles again, when out of nowhere she feels somebody giving her a good shoulder rub.


“You feel better?” Yoona whispers cutely and Yuri nods her head thankfully.


Her heart finally convinced her mind that being with Yoona never fails to make her feel better. Maybe this time it was her who needs to do something to sweep this girl off her feet.


Yoona’s phone starts blaring out loudly.


“Yes unnirrrr…”


“Where are you?”


“I’m here with Yuri in the student council office.”


From the other line, Taeyeon couldn’t help but scrunch her almost non existent brow. Before she has to drag her sister out of bed to go to school, now the girl is staying longer than she’s supposed to.


“You’re not staying there anymore.”


“WHY NOT?!” Yoona couldn’t help but whine like a little child.


“It’s a school night, and your grades are not really pretty. You think Yuri would like a dumb girlfriend?”


“Ummm no…” Yoona mutters embarrassingly, hoping Yuri wouldn’t hear.


“Then, come home now and start studying! Don’t you have a quiz tomorrow?”


“I doooo…” Yoona continues to whine, “I’ll just study for it tomorrow.”


“Tomorrow is the quiz… that’s not how it works…”


“ARGH fine…”


Yoona wanted to have slammed her phone, but since she doesn’t want to break her IPHONE she just ends up pressing the end button over and over again.


“I guess you have to go home?” Yuri asks, hoping the sound of disappointment wasn’t too obvious in her voice.


“Ummm… yeah… Can you believe my history teacher? It’s valentines and she wants to give us a quiz?


“Well… if you like I could tutor you for it.”


Yoona’s pout turns into the happiest grin, Of course she would like it, she would like it very much.


“Do I get a prize if I get a correct answer?”




Oh how those doe eyes just sparkle brightly at the thoughts of her prize.


 “Yes… the satisfaction of knowing that you’re ready for your exam.”


And how quickly the sparkle poof away.


“That’snotagoodprize…” She mumbles softly, but loud enough that Yuri could hear.


“Why? What would you like?”


“A million kisses from you.”


“Then you would need to answer million questions.”


Yuri expected Yoona to back away, but instead she surprised her when she opens her book and starts reading.


“Bring it on.” Yoona says with a determine frown on her face. She was ready to answer the million questions to have her million kisses. “Yoona Fighting!” She preps herself up.


She just read a couple of sentences and couldn’t help but groan.


“This is torture! All these pages in one chapter! The writer of this book is sadistic! Sad! Is! tic!!!”


“Stop with your excuses and start studying. Start highlighting the important things.”


Yoona scratches her head in confusion. The font was ridiculously squished together and there were blocks and blocks of paragraphs. There was no way she is going to read all of it. So, to make sure she doesn’t miss anything important the genius decided to highlight every word.


“Yoona!” Yuri couldn’t help but shriek as she saw what Yoona is doing with the highlighter. “You’re supposed to highlight the important parts! You’re missing the point!”


“Well…” Yoona scratches her head and almost got temporarily blinded by her highlighted book. “I’m not sure which one is important so I highlight everything to make sure I don’t miss anything.”


“No… be serious.”


“Fine… I’m serious… Serious for my kiss.”


“No… serious for your grade.”


Yuri points to Yoona’s book, and the doe eyed girl just let out a sigh before she reads again. But one paragraph later and Yoona’s head was lolling all around and her eyes were starting to droop.




Yoona abruptly sits up at the sound of Yuri’s husky voice. The iness of Yuri’s voice definitely woke her up.


“Heeeeyyyy…” Yoona tries to match Yuri’s y voice with her own imitation.


It was a fail, but at least she sounded cute saying it. Yoona sneakily scoots closer, slowly laying her head on Yuri’s shoulder. But Yuri was quick to move away, leaving poor Yoona pouting.


“You’re not done… keep on it.”


“You should be a teacher."

"We'll see. I want to be something else.”


Actually Yuri wants to be a lot of things. She wants to be an artist, a writer, a politician, a leader, be whatever she’s destined to be. She wants to push herself and see what fits her the most.


“Like what?”


“I want to be a lot of things.”


“I’m sure you can do it.”


No matter how many plans Yuri have for her future, she was never really comfortable talking about it with somebody else.  It’s like she feared that her future plans were like wishes. That once you heard them out loud, that there is a huge possibility that it might not come true. But Yoona gazes at her with such admiration and love that it somehow magically made the fear in Yuri disappear.


“How about you? What would you like to be?”


“Be your wife.” Yoona didn’t even wait for a millisecond to answer.


“No… be serious.”


“Be your wife.” Yoona answers again. “Or your seobang?”


“Really?” Yuri raised her brow… “I mean is that what you see yourself in the future?”


“Uh-huh… uh-huh” Yoona nods so hard, Yuri was scared Yoona’s head would pop out.


“Well… I want you to do something for you… Like a career for yourself.”


“Ahhh… well… I haven’t thought of that.”


Yuri didn’t know how many times she facepalm herself. But she seems to do that every time she’s talking to the doe eyed kid.


“You need to be serious or should I say… you need to be focus.”


“I am focus.”


“Not focus enough. You know Yoona if you pay attention to class, you might learn that there is quite some interesting things that they can teach you.”


“I don’t think so.” Yoona shakes her head.


“You’re doing it without even giving it a chance.”


Yoona paused for a little bit. She wasn’t really into classes and learning but if Yuri says it’s something interesting then maybe she needs to give it a try.


“Okay… I’m going to start focusing.”


“And what else?"


“I’m going to start learning?”


“You don’t know how much your potential is, if you don’t try… You could be a dean’s lister. Won’t that be cool?”


“If you think it’s cool. Then it’s cool…”


“I think it’s cool.”


Yoona pulls out her kkuma notebook and starts to jot down with her kkuma pen.


“I always see you write in that. What do you write there?”


“Ummm stuff?”


Yuri cranes her neck to get a better angle but Yoona scoot away before she could even see anything.


“No.. you can’t look…”


“Why not?”


“Because all my secrets are here…”


As soon as Yoona stuff her notebook back in her kkuma backpack, Yuri jumps to get a hold of it.


“Heyyyy!!!” Yoona whines trying to get it back. She realize that all the time Yuri goes to the gym must paid off because she’s like the hulk. (not in looks, but in how strong she is) “Give it back!”


It was Yoona this time who tries to jump and reach over at it, but Yuri has amazing reflex as she turns away.




Yuri stops giggling the second she saw how red Yoona’s face was. Those poor doe eyes look like they were about to start crying any second now.


 “Wow… you really are serious about it… Here…”


Yoona yanks the notebook away and hurriedly stuffs it back in her bag.


“I’mgoinghome…” Yoona mumbles angrily as she starts fixing her stuff. She puts her backpack before getting up. Yuri couldn’t understand what the hell just happened. She was just playing around, she didn’t know that Yoona would be serious about it.


“Yoona… it’s just a joke…”


“I said okay…” Yoona replies but didn’t even bother to look at Yuri. “I’m leaving…”


“I don’t understand why you’re so upset. It’s just some stupid bear notebook.”


Yoona halted and finally turns to Yuri. It might look like just a stupid notebook for Yuri, but it meant the world to Yoona. It was the notebook she bought when she realizes she likes Yuri and it’s the only thing in the world who knows everything that she feels about Yuri. And to hear that Yuri just think it’s stupid, for once in her life it upset her.


“Fine… it’s stupid for you. Good night.”


Yuri wasn’t used to begging and she wasn’t going to start now. Yoona was just being her childish self just like always. She’s not going to coo and baby her to make the younger girl feel better.


“You are so immature.”


Yuri just thought she said it to herself, unfortunately Yoona heard every word of it. She turns to Yuri and Yuri doesn’t even look bothered, her whole focus was on the laptop again. Yoona for once didn’t try to sneak in a kiss or a hug or steal a touch. For once she just walks to the door and left…


The second Yoona closes the door, Yuri turns to it. She was counting down in her head before Yoona would come knocking like crazy and beg for everything to be okay. But she didn’t. And it’s weird how seeing Yoona leave gave Yuri this pained feeling. But unlike the rest, this kind of pain is something feels much worse. Because it wasn’t her muscles or her brain that was feeling the hurt, it was something else.


And when Yuri felt her heart just starting to ache, she realized why she never wanted to be in a relationship or try to be close to anybody. Because that heartache is something Yuri could never handle.


But Yoona will be back right? She would be… Yes… she will…




“She’s not here.”


Those were the first words Yuri thought out loud as she walks out her home that morning and found no bouncy, skipping choding waiting out for her. It felt strange for Yuri. She was missing the girl she has been trying to avoid almost the entire year. That day, on the day of the valentines dance, just when she thought she would spend it with someone, turns out she would be alone again, just like always.




“Oh noooo…” Yoona mutters softly as she watches Yuri being surrounded by her usual crowd of admirers.


They almost look like a group of zombies and Yuri was the only human flesh around to devour… (that was really unromantic) Yoona thought.


She was gazing at her y bear from behind the lockers. Yoona knew that she look like crap today, especially since she didn’t get any sleep from last night. The moment she got up, she quickly ran to the store and got an I’m sorry teddy bear and I’m sorry bouquet for Yuri. She knew she overreact, but she felt like Yuri push her berserk button after calling her notebook stupid. And to hear that Yuri just thinks she’s nothing more but an immature kid.


Would Yuri still want to be her valentine?




“Oh my Gosh… These crazy netizens,” Tiffany points out as she reading the “news” from her pink phone. “Saying that Jo In Sung is Gay.”


The sound of broken glass erupted on the whole cafeteria and when Tiffany and Hyoyeon turned to the noise, all they saw was Sooyoung, her eyes widen in such dismay and her tray of food on the floor.






Sooyoung drop on her knees, and burst into tears. From regular onlookers, it looks like somebody died or something tragic have happened to the lanky girl.


“Get a grip Soo” Hyo kicks the sobbing Sooyoung on the side. “Even if he was straight, what makes you think you can have him?”


Sooyoung was so depressed she starts to swallow everything in sight.


“Wow Soo… Downton Abbey is a freaking comedy compared to your tragic love story.” Tiffany says with a whole lot of sarcasm.


Sooyoung points an angry finger at her friends.


“You two will never realize my heartbreak because the only person you’re in love with is yourself and you’re too evil to know what love is. I’m going to search for Yuri, she understands my pain…”




Yuri has never felt like such a huge coward until now. While most people are out in the cafeteria enjoying lunch, here she was in the gym just trying to hide. Truth was, she wasn’t ready to see Yoona. She wouldn’t know how to react or what to say.




“Oh hey Soo…” Yuri greeted her bestfriend blankly, her eyes were just lock on the pastel colored Valentines day banner hanged on the wall.


It was their first valentines as Yoona said, but it’s like they won’t even reach that point.


“You okay?”


“Yeah…” Yuri lied “I’m just trying to see how we can get everything better by tonight.”


Sooyoung observes the whole gym, she didn’t know how Yuri could do it. The place that used to be full of sweaty shirt and stinky gym socks have magically turned into a place where fairy tales can happen.


“Looks like everything is okay to me.”


“Thanks,” Yuri mumbles softly. “I’m surprise you’re not in the cafeteria right now.”


“Oh… I can’t be there. Tiffany just told me that Jo In Sung is gay, and I can’t talk to someone who talk smack about my man.”


Yuri wanted to point out that Sooyoung has a different “ideal guy” every week. But Sooyoung is already in the dumps, there is no point making her feel any worse.


“I never thought Kwon Yuri could hide somewhere. Why? what happen?”


“No big deal.” Yuri didn’t return Sooyoung’s gaze and instead just played around with a loose thread on her sweater.


“It’s just Yoona acting like a little brat again.”


 “Then… what are you going to do about it?”


“Nothing… why should I? she’s got a petty reason.”


Sooyoung scratches her head, what’s petty for Yuri, may not be petty for everyone else.


“What do you mean?”


“She didn’t want to show me that stupid bear notebook she has, I tried to look at it and she got mad.”


“Well… that stupid notebook might mean the world to her. and I would be upset too, if the thing that meant the world to me is just something stupid for somebody.”


Yuri didn’t want to believe all the things that Sooyoung was saying, but unfortunately it was true.


“You know you change, Yul…” Sooyoung starts snickering in amusement, unfortunately being snickered at wasn’t amusing for Yuri.


“What’s so funny about that?”




Sooyoung shrugs before getting out her phone. Yuri’s phone started beeping after a few seconds. Sooyoung knows her BFF more than anyone in the world. Getting Yuri to be open about how she feels for someone, would be like forcing someone to go on a root canal. So, if Yuri couldn’t admit how she feels to anyone, at least she should be aware of it.


“You heard of that song?”


“Yeah of course. It’s GG…”


“Well then,” Sooyoung jumps off from the bleacher and dust herself. “Listen to it… I’ll see you around Yul…”


“Yeah… later…” Yuri answers absentmindedly before looking at her phone screen. Her finger hovered over the play button, as if she’s scared that if she press it a bomb would explode. But she took the dare and presses it.


Baby Maybe


Baby baby baby
I hadn’t believed in love. I used to build a wall around.
Baby baby baby
My heart used to think that it would be okay to be alone like a fool. But I met you.


It made Yuri unconsciously smile how every line seems to target how she feels. How she thought she was better off being by herself, and then here comes Yoona just making a mess out of her heart. The entire song felt like her love song for Yoona... Every word was something Yoona would need to hear from her... If only she has the guts to say it.




Everyone keeps on coming over to her, either asking her for a dance or just wanting to hangout. But she keeps on making these dumb excuses.  She didn’t want to be with anyone especially on this particular night.




It was hard to miss Tiffany and her date since they were in a matching sparkling pink outfits.


“This is Sam, the guy I have been telling you about.”


“Hello…” Yuri bows politely, trying not to stare too much on the pink suit. “Your band is really good.”


Sam smiles thankfully and just when he’s about to say thanks, Sooyoung and Hyoyeon joins them.


“Hello Sam.” Sooyoung talks in her best impression of a British accent while doing the curtsy.


“What are you doing, Soo?” Tiffany hissed embarrassingly at Sooyoung.


“Well… I want him to feel at home.”


Sam let out a soft chuckle, “Don’t worry…”


Both Sooyoung and Hyoyeon looks disappointed when there is nothing British about him at all. Not his accent, not his looks, nothing… Yuri hardly paid any attention to the girls laughing with Sam. All Yuri could think about was Yoona, why didn’t she come? Doesn’t she want to spend Valentines with her?


“I didn’t know that you’re quite romantic Yul…”


Hearing her name finally got her attention.




“I mean look at this place. Who would have thought that this gym could look so romantic?”


Hyoyeon says in admiration at the entire place.


“I actually feel like I’m falling in love.” Sooyoung says in agreement.


Hyoyeon then turns back at Yuri and smirks deviously.


“I guess you really do know how to sweep someone off their feet.”


Yuri turns away, knowing that Hyoyeon has an ulterior motive to all this. But Hyoyeon just gives the girl a friendly squeeze on the shoulder.


“Yoona have been sweeping you off your feet, maybe this time it’s your turn.”




Taeyeon’s eyes narrowed at the sight of Yuri. Here was the girl being so busy around valentines while her kid sister was at home, buried under those bear blankets, scared to see Yuri again.


This is what she was warning her sister about. It was the heartache of loving way too much, of trying too hard with love. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but if she wants to get better from it… There was no other way but to take it.


Taeyeon’s eyes went to the blonde headed girl on the dance floor. Sunny looks like she was having so much fun. It made her wonder if Sunny would be willing to let her dance with Jessica. Well, it won’t hurt to try… She walks closer to the girl and realizes that it wasn’t Jessica that Sunny was dancing with, it was that girl Hyomin from their Literature class.




“What?!” Sunny keeps on dancing, not taking her eyes away from Hyomin…


“Where’s Jeshika?”


“She said she couldn’t come. She’s not feeling well…”


Taeyeon looks at Sunny, the girl doesn’t looks more interested in Hyomin’s chest than whatever Jessica is going through…


“I gotta go…”


Before Sunny could respond back, Taeyeon’s little legs were already sprinting out of the gym.




Jessica let out a low growl as she hears the doorbell ring. She should have just put a don’t disturb sign on her door. Maybe if she plays dead then the dang bell would stop ringing.


Play dead… she could do that…


Jessica plops in the bed and pretend she’s sleeping. But looks like the person behind the door didn’t get a hint.  So, she pop back up again, this time planning another solution.






The poor short girl was crouch down on her doorstep. She was scared out her wits at the angry outburst.


“I-I-I-I’m hi….” Taeyeon stood up on her shivery legs “Sunny told me you were sick.”


Jessica wasn’t. But she wasn’t willing to go to the Valentines dance if it’s not with Taeyeon.


“Well yeah…” Jessica coughs… in a very fake way… “So, yeah…” cough cough some more…


“Oh that’s too bad… ummm… here…”


Taeyeon reaches out to hand Jessica a purple paper bag.


“Ummm thanks?” Jessica takes a sneaky peek inside the bag.


“It’s ummm some chicken soup and juice, maybe it’ll help you feel better.”


“Thanks…” This time Jessica says in a more cheery yet still soft spoken way.


“No problem… Have a great Valentines.”


“You too…”


Taeyeon turns around, cursing to herself slowly for moving too slow. Why can’t she just say it?


“Ummm Taeyeon?”


“Ahhh yeah?”


“I… I… I think I’m ummm… you know… feeling better…”


Jessica wasn’t used to hear herself stuttering, but it looks like Taeyeon just has these effects on her.


“That’s good…”


“So would you like to ummm… stay and maybe watch running man or something?”


“Running man?”


It wasn’t probably the most romantic show in the world, but having to watch it with Jessica might change everything.





Yoona was still buried underneath her sheets. Her only refuge was her kkuma stuff toy keeping her company when she should be with Yuri. It was their first Valentines dance together but it’s all ruined now… She should have said sorry first, but even if she did, will Yuri even forgive her?


Maybe everyone was right all along. That no matter how hard she tries, there was no way that a somebody like Kwon Yuri would fall for someone like her.


But before she could wallow herself in more pain, her phone starts ringing…


Those doe eyes blink curiously, that was her ringtone for Yuri… Is Yuri calling her? Or is this all a mistake?




Yuri could hear Yoona’s voice breaking up on the other line.


“Yoona… ummm… look at your window.”


“I’m looking at it…”


“No… ummm… look outside from your window…”


Yoona got all tangled up on her sheets and almost trip as she hurriedly runs to the window.  There on her backyard was Yuri standing with her friends.


“She’s going to sing to you!!!” Sooyoung announces excitedly…


“Soo… just…” Yuri takes a deep breath and she took another until she was at the point of hyperventilating.


“Just relax…” sooyoung whispers…


“Yes… I think even if you , Yoona would still like it…” Hyoyeon encourages Yuri.


“Thanks Hyo… I need that…” Yuri replies sarcastically…


“NP dude… NP… So, are we doing this or not?”


“Alright… alright… stop pressuring me.”


Yuri looks up and sees Yoona and that infectious smile. And somehow that made Yuri feel better.


“Ok… DJ put it back on…”


Tiffany the DJ pressed the play button, and beautiful strumming starts to fill that starry night sky. Yuri clears and looks at her shaky notes.


“Sing Yul…” Sooyoung hissed…


Yuri clears once again and this time as she stares at her notes, everything just feels so blurry… Out of nowhere, she suddenly feels so lightheaded.


 And without any warning, everything just turned pitch black, the only thing she could hear was Sooyoung’s screaming.


Sooyoung yells out as Yuri just collapse slowly to the ground.






Sooyoung, Hyoyeon and Tiffany was about to give Yoona with a slow clap as she jumps out of her window and quickly scurried over Yuri.


“MY DARLING!!!” Yoona yells out, clutching the tanned girl in her arms.




“I’m taking her home!”


Yuri squeezes Yoona’s hand to calm the raging girl. The girls told her how Yoona practically carried her all the way to hospital after she passed out. Now she’s laying on a hospital bed on a hospital hallway, since every room is occupied.


“You can’t do that miss.” Says the exasperated nurse. “The doctor say to keep her overnight just to make sure.”


“But she needs to be in a room…” Yoona needs to reason out.


And as soon as we have an available room, we will make sure to move her.”


The nurse’s eyes darted to her chart, then suddenly lock at the two girls intertwined hands. Friends hold hands, but the two seem so much more than that.


“Are you family?”


“I would be when we get married.”


From the corner, Yuri could hear her friends snickering amusingly at Yoona’s childlike answer.


“Dude… you should have seen yourself. You just passed out so bad.”


They were laughing at her expense again…


“Hey stop that…” Yoona reprimands them, before brushing Yuri’s hair out of her face.


“Why don’t we go grab some food for you guys?”


“ALRIGHT!!!” Sooyoung punches her fist in triumph. “We’ll see you later…”


Hyoyeon nudges the other girls and the three bid farewell.


“Are you feeling better?”


Yoona almost cried when the nurse inserted the needle in Yuri’s hand and seeing it still there made Yoona worry again. She softly Yuri’s hand, hoping it gives her relief from the stinging pain.


“Did it hurt?”


“A bit… but I’m okay now.”


Yuri scoots a bit to make room on her bed for Yoona, and Yoona was quick to cuddle close to Yuri.


“I called your parents, they’re still in that safari trip and Seo is still in her keroro fan meet but she said she’ll go home tomorrow as soon as she can.”


“It’s okay… Some Valentines, huh?” Yuri says mockingly as she lays her head on Yoona’s shoulder. “I’m sorry you have to spend it in a Hospital hallway."


“It doesn’t matter… Being next to you is the most romantic place on Earth.”


Yuri smiles happily, laying her lips softly on Yoona’s hair. The two laid there quietly until Yoona spoke first.


“Let’s not fight again, Yuri.”


 “I’m sure we're going to fight again… But we will always figure it out.”


She tilts Yoona’s chin so she could gaze into those brown eyes. They always look so sincere and honest that Yuri feels like she’s drowning in them.


 Then, out of nowhere Yoona quickly lifts the sheet and buries both of them underneath.


“What are you doing?” Yuri giggles softly “Are you playing house?”


“Nooo…” Yoona whispers “I realize we're in a hospital at night.”


“Yeah so?”


Yoona scoots closer and despite of it being dim under the covers, Yuri could still see those doe eyes shining brightly.


“What if we see a ghost walking around?”


Yuri quickly smacks the other girl on the arm.


“Don’t scare me like that!”


“Don’t worry Yul, they’re no match against me. I’ll protect you.”


“You will?”


Yoona head nods so hard like a bobblehead.


Underneath the blanket, Yuri inch closer to Yoona. She wraps her other arm around the younger girl to bring her closer, softly pressing a kiss on those adorable cheek.


“Happy Valentines day, Yoona.”


“Happy February 15, Yuri.”


“Oh… it’s February 15 already?”


“Yeah… but it doesn’t matter. Everyday is Valentines day… And Christmas… kekekeke…”


Yoona giggles while playfully nuzzling on Yuri’s neck.


"I'm sorry I didnt get you your gift yet."


"I just want you in a box." Yoona says playfully. “But seeing that you were going to sing to me was the next best thing. What were you going to serenade me with?”


“I wasn’t going to serenade you. I was going to read you your world history book.”


“Yah…” Yoona frowns at Yuri for killing the romantic mood “So mean.”


She lays flat on her stomach and buries her face on the pillow.


“How about you?”


“What about me?” Yoona’s words were muffled underneath the pillow.


“If you’re going to serenade me, what song are you going to sing?”


Yoona faces Yuri and a gentle smile plays on those sweet lips. She started singing softly, just loud enough that only Yuri could hear.


All For you


Actually, I worried about this a lot
Because I had nothing I could do for you
Even though I lack so much and I don’t have much
Will you still accept me?


For you, only for you
I might not be able to
give you the whole world but
Now I will promise only to you
I will be a person who is only for you


It’s only for you just wanna be for you

You just need to stay by
my side just as you are right now
Even if I’m born again,
I want to look at only you forever


Yuri tilts Yoona’s chin once again, and wishes to kiss those sweet words from those lips. She felt like she was changing so much for Yoona, but she likes it, she likes the feeling.






Yuri smiles as she could hear the sleepiness in Yoona’s voice. It must be past the girl’s bedtime already.


“Good night…”


“Good night Yuri…”


Yuri smile once again, Yoona’s hair as if patting her to sleep. And Yoona’s eyes starts to flutter as she was close to falling asleep. Yuri moves closer once more, leaning close in Yoona’s ear.


And whispers just soft enough for Yoona to hear…


“I love you, my baby monkey.”


Yoona was so sleepy but as soon as she heard those words her eyes just beamed.


“Y-y-you do? Y-you love me?”


Yuri kisses Yoona on the temple before caressing the girl’s hair again. She wished she could have said it somewhere else, somewhere much more romantic than a hospital hallway.


“Yes I do.”


Yoona quickly clings on Yuri’s neck, scared that it was just a dream. But it wasn’t, because there was Kwon Yuri once again, saying those words again…


"I dont know why...But I do Yoona... but when did loving someone ever needed a reason?"


Yuri smiles shyly at Yoona. Maybe she was getting cheesy too.


“I love you… I love you… I love you Im Yoona… and I’m sorry you have to hear it here, I wish it could be somewhere more romantic.”


Yoona shook her head hard. It didn’t matter to her if Yuri would have said it in the sewers. Those words were powerful enough that it took Yoona out of that hospital hallway and brought her to an almost dreamworld.


This was her dream to hear it from Yuri, and now it became her reality.


“I love you too, Kwon Yuri… Love you so much…”


“I love you too…”


The two’s lips meet in a sweet kiss once again. While they slowly get cradled into dreamland in each other’s embrace.


When people in this world thinks of Hospitals as needles and shots, of alcohol and germs, for Kwon Yuri and her Im Yoona it didn’t matter. It might not be like everyone imagine but for the two of them it’s different.


Yuri’s mind went back again to Sooyoung’s question. It made her smile that while she was thinking so hard what that place is, she never realized that she have been in that romantic place all along.


Because for Kwon Yuri, there is nowhere in this world more romantic than being next to her Im Yoona.



Happy fasting to all moslem readers :))

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Chapter 1: When SHYT did the Second challenge.. I immediately thought of this fanfic hahaha. The Sh!t club DID became a reality XD
I like this story <3
twiceoverload #3
Chapter 4: tiffany’s character is so funny ksfnsks the author did a great job writing her
This was very fun to read! HyoYoung's humors are the best.. as always.. and tiffany! Hahaha. Love her antics! ^^ Yoonhee-Anna couple.. wow.. they're so in love, after all those years.. and taengsic! I need a side story for them authornim! Pleaseee.. ^^

Loved how YoonYul's relationship developed. Like, despite yoona being a choding, her love for yul is so pure.. <3
Chapter 22: That was adorable! Although I was waiting for that rated M sign at some point (kekeke, excuse me for my byun mind, it just randomly pops up at times), but the cute YoonYul moments totally made up for it. Nice job! Now I'm off to see if you have any other YoonYul fics! :D
Chapter 3: This is ing hilarious! All the characters are dynamic, I can't stop laughing! Haha. As expected, Seohyun is the most mature character (in a cute way), but Yoona is just gold! :D
YoonYul moments are adorable. <3
Good job author!!! :)
Adampark19 #7
Chapter 22: Author-nim~ i have read your story for the nth time and i still can't help but fluttering whenever i read it. Thankyou for a beautiful story!
ilyy12020530 #8
I keep coming back to this story. It's been years! My god! I will never ever forget this fic!

I missed YY, i missed author KB. Hayyy...

Re-reading this fic for the nth time!!!! Still gives me the same feels. =) thanks author!!! God bless! Goodluck on your writing!
TrooperluvYY #9
This is the third time I reread this fic!
Still make me happy..