Just Like Hyung-deul (One-Shot)


This is my first one shot ~ and was supposed to be  EunHae-Kyumin-Yewook but... i'm sooo into BOYFRIEND ♥ right now. haha!

(~useulbwa~ blow me KISS.! oh so SWEET~! iLIKE that :">)


The boys had already debuted here ^^

Pairings ♥ ::

Youngmin x Minwoo

Kwangmin x Jeongmin

Donghyun x Hyunseong


...so. it's like, the youngster - the middle ones - the oldies :))) hahaha!

got inspired while fixing up my bed XD please comment.! hihi :"> thanks! :D


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Chapter 1: HWQUEG i love this!
finnana #2
Chapter 1: wkakakakka, so cute!! :D
Chapter 1: 2Min, Minyoung, YoungMin.. I don't know what to call them but they are so frickin' adorable!!
Lol actually Youngmin is the older twin :3
uwaah. cute and adorable, good combination haha. this was a great story!
eunpaeshi #6
Thank you readers! especially to the ones who took time in posting their comments! ♥ Comments really do make a writer eager to write more! :D

Rini6189 ~! kyyaa~ thank you again!! it's like i'm having a short review of my story ♥ thank you! :D
kyahhhh minwoo so cute >.< and youngmin kkkk don't be so shy boy! :D
This is one cute and sweet one-shot with all the Boyfriend members paired together separately but mainly focusing on the Youngwoo (the official name that slash/shonen-ai/ fans call the pairing of Youngmin and Minwoo) couple.<br />
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Youngmin's actually the older twin, but he doesn't act like an older brother most of the time. The Jo twins and Minwoo are the same age, so it can still be considered a maknae pairing whether Minwoo is paired up with Youngmin or Kwangmin.
A word....<br />
CUTE!!!!!!!!!<br />
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Woowwww, two maknaes are the cutest!!
cute...please make more minwooxyoungmin couple...