A Dolphin's Heart

A Dolphin's Heart

Dark eyes slowly fluttered open, hate radiating from them as a soft snicker was heard from outside the bars.

"Kid, they have come to pick you up."The human policeman, a tall, grey-haired man said, his eyes holding a hint of amusement. "You know, I know nothing of the sea-guys,"he chuckled as he fidgeted to open the door, seemingly not being able to find the key that fit the lock although it was probably the same as other,"but I really doubt that they are going to actually let you go after what you've done."He finished, letting out another, almost disgustingly happy snicker. It seemed like he was having a good fun about the situation the kid was in.

"Stop it."The kid said, his voice dangerously low as the handcuffs were finally removed from his aching wrists. He rubbed them slightly, unnaturally huge eyes fixed on the policeman.

"I hope you do know that you really shouldn't just talk like that to me,"the elder man chuckled, his eyes once again twinkling from emotions that seemed mockingly playful to the creature that slowly walked out of his cell, wincing when a new set of handcuffs were placed on his wrists, a different color and material from the previous one."I could easily make the prince or whoever you attacked make you stay here.Now wait here, I'll send in the guy who'll take you whereever. I wonder he's so young though..."

The man walked outside, leaving the kid there, staring ahead. He knew that he could have escaped easily: the walls were thinner than they seemed, the chain that connected the handcuffs nowhere near as strong as the one he had on before though he was almost sure that they were made of something he would never be able to melt or set on fire.

Of course, why would have he done that when he could just tear the chain apart? It's not like he wanted burn-marks from hot, melt metal.

Before he could have snapped the thin chain though, the door opened. The kid had to admit that he hadn't expected the creature that stepped into the cell. He thought that a mermaid would come to take him home and watch over him, not... not a beautiful, thin boy.

His eyes widened as the lean, dark eyes teen walked to him, reaching out to shake his hand, only to giggle sheepishly as he probably realized the fact that he was still cuffed.

"Sorry,"the obviously younger creature said, his cheeks a pale pink. He sighed quietly as he looked at the other, biting into his lower lip. "Well, I guess, we should go..."he mumbled. His heart was pounding hard against his chest but not in fear of what the other could do to him. Oh no.

Something much worse was making him so fidgety, his hands sweat, eyes never meeting the taller boy's. He knew what was happening, he had witnessed it many times before though he had never felt it, and well, he wasn't sure if he should be happy or not.

Already, he could feel a weird, unbreakable string slowly wrapping itself around the two of them, its grip almost painful yet pleasant, bringing him a completely new kind of happines: one of belonging, of loving someone for ever.

"Are we ever going to leave?"The elder asked, his tone a bit mocking yet his lips were curled into a soft smile.

"Y...yeah!"The younger boy stammerred and quickly lead the other out of the police office he had to stay in for a couple of days. As he wasn't human but a demon and a powerful one at that, he couldn't have been just taken to the jail of mortals. Most of said race was too terrified of every other type of creatures, for rightful reasons, of course. Though, immortal creatures never really cared about them until they did something wrong.

Which, of course, happened pretty often.

As the little couple walked out of the office, the elder couldn't help but look at the smaller boy for a long time. His long hair hit his slightly exposed back with every single step, one of his thin but quite muscled arms holding the chain that connected his cuffs. Sometimes, he would turn back, his cheeks flushed, eyes swirling of emotions, only to yelp when the demon would poke him gently, wanting them to finally get out of the place and even the yard that reeked of humans.

He too, could feel the connection between them. His hands ached to couple that sweet face, to caress those rosy cheeks while his lips would slowly near those soft, pink ones. All his wants to escape had faded by then, all he wanted was the boy to free him of the handcuffs so he would be able to embrace him.

It was weird, honestly but he didn't complain. His chest was filled with warmth and adoration, his hatred towards many things in the world disappearing. He felt like he was a completely new person and he probably was.

Many people had told him before that once he would find his mate, the only person for him in the whole Universe, he would see everything differently. And, he had to admit that it seemed like they had told the truth. This cute, tall boy with constantly blushing cheeks and sweet eyes had seemingly turned his whole world upside-down in a matter of minutes.

He wasn't complaining though.

"So, you're Minho, huh?"The younger boy asked softly as now they were walking on the streets. A couple of people had shot them weird looks but they didn't really to care about them.

"Yeah."The elder answered, small smirk playing on his lips when he felt the lean boy's fingers brush against his though moments before, they had been tightly wrapped around the chain between the handcuffs. "And, what's your name?"He asked.

"Taemin."The other answered with a soft smile, letting out a soft sigh of relief once they reached the house - Minho's - where they had to go. He couldn't help but gasp in awe at the sight of the mansion. "Wow."He whispered, only to be chuckled at by the demon who was standing behind him.

"Pretty neat, huh?"The elder asked, watching as Taemin look at everything with genuine admiration. The mansion wasn't the grandest one ever but it had a huge garden framing it with thousands of flowers that bloomed in every color possible. It was obvious that the younger was enchanted by them.

Minho could practically see him want to run and explore the garden. His back was slightly bent, fingers twitching on the chain and there was a certain bounce to his steps. "You can go, if you'd like you know."The demon said, chuckled when he was met by a quiet whine.

"I can't, you're gonna escape."He said, a small pout forming on his lips.

"It's not like you could stop me if you stayed."The demon chuckled once again, his voice not at all as menacing as the sentence would have implied. It was soft and happy, quite playful. To this, Taemin just blushed once again, his free hand twirling a strand of his hair nervously.

All the demon could think about how cute the younger was. As he bit his lower lip nervously, he seemed to have an air of innocence around him. His eyes lit up the moment he would spot something, soft, childish squeals escaping his lips.

"You're cute."The demon blurted out as they finally reached the door of the vast mansion, chuckling a little when he heard an offended, but obvioulsy embarrassed and happy yelp from the younger.

"I'm not!"He had said cutely. "But now that we're here,"he started as he took out a small key from the pocket of his tight jeans."I can actually let you go."He finished, quickly taking the handcuffs off Minho.

"You know, I've been waiting for this since the moment you stepped into that damned office."The demon snickered, grabbing the boy's chin quite roughly."You made me wait for centuries, huh?"He asked, his voice softer as he slowly leant in, seeing regret in the younger's eyes.

"I'm sorry,"Taemin breathed softly, their lips merely centimeters from the other's."but I'm here now..."he finished, finally letting their lips touch in a slow, sweet kiss.

Taemin, who couldn't help but forget everything but the kiss, barely noticed how his mate's arms sneaked around his waist, keeping him close as if he was scared that he would disappear. He didn't even hear the phone he had been given to use while he was on land ringing.

No, the only thing he could think about while being so close to the demon he loved so much was how happy he was to finally be home.

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Chapter 1: Awww this is sooooooooooooooo bloody cute! Love it :D
Chapter 1: Omg so cute and perfect <3
Chapter 1: Cute cute Cute >o<
Good luck in The contest~~
musicismyworld #4
Chapter 1: Awww so sweet! I do worry for them though,after all being that happy so fast usually is followed by some sort of sadness .
heme-sanloveminho #5
Looking forward to fic. ^v^
musicismyworld #6
Oh this is already making me want to read more.