The Love I wanted

Forbidden Dreamers Graphic Review Gallery
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»The Love I wanted«

Impression (20/20) → Holy cow! LOL! I really love it the moment I saw it. The colors, the characters, there surroundings! It is really pretty but I think it doesn't suit much for an angst poster. 
fonts & colors (20/20) → The colors used in this poster didn't suit an angst poster however it works a little bit more because it is under romance as well. The fonts were beautiful especially the love part. What font did you use?
Texture & stocks (20/20)→  A light texture suits beautiful and you really didn't use much of a stock. The way the light seems to shine on the characters. Really good!
Pictures (25/25)→ The way you blended the pictures together is really well done. The positioning is great. You made two pictures that would be hard to blend, come out real great. I am so amazed x. x
Overall (15/15)→ LOVE IT! COME BACK WITH MORE! You are even better than me! *pouts* 

Bonus (5/5) → Thanks for requesting. The link to your review is by clicking on the picture of your poster.


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Chapter 45: thanks for the review^^
Chapter 35: Thank you so much for the review ><
I really love it :D
HaeriLuvsU #4
How can I request for a review?
So how do I credit you for a poster review? Like a blog post? :DD