Extra Chapter II

Our Problematic Relationship
Ehem. Err. Yeah. Happy reading...? 
Part II
It’s not that they did not call each other. They did! They called each other almost every day during her first few month away. Well most of the time, Daehyun was the one who did the calling part. He said he wanted to be a chef and Naeun really, really laughed at him but then as day passed by and she listened to him talking about his classes excitedly, she was happy that he finally found his dream.
“Hello? Naeun?”
“What’s up, Daehyunnie~” Naeun purposely squealed at the speaker.
“Yahh. I told you to stop doing that, right. It’s annoying! Have you got yourself a weird friend again?”
She chuckled. “kekeke… Daehyunnie~”
“Son Naeun!” Daehyun sounded firm on the phone. Naeun pouted. She was having a bad day with uncooperative group mate for Calculus assignment. And she know, her annoying act may be the result of holding too much anger, she thought if she didn’t let it out, she might explode. Daehyun just called on the wrong day at the wrong time.
But she stopped squealing. For the sake of proper conversation that cost money.
“Okay, okay Dae. So how was your day?
Naeun herself took a Mathematic major because she loves mathematic and decided to be a teacher back at her hometown once she finished her study. A ridiculous aspiration for someone scary like her, but Daehyun said it was okay and encouraged her, so… 
“Just don’t punch or kill the kids if they got the wrong answers and bad marks during exam. You’ll be fine!”
So the calls eventually become less and less frequent as they need to focus on chasing after their newfound dreams and ambition, what more with the assignments and projects they need to finish. Studying consumed so much of their time they barely have time for each other. Promises of tomorrow became a week and a week turned a month, then a year.
“Yah, Naeun-ah”
“What Dae?” Naeun bent a little to hide her phone.
“Jung Daehyun, what is it? I’m in the class right now,” she said, half-whispering to the phone.
“I know…”
“So why are you calling me?”
“Jung Daehyun, I have no time for this…”
“Are you coming home for summer break?”
“Can we talk about this later, Dae?”
“Yeah, sure… It’s just… ha guess I just miss your stupid face”
Naeun rolled her eyes. “Ok, Dae. Thank you. I miss you too. Call you later okay, bye.”
Now, things just got too awkward to talk to each other. Especially after that night…
Her train of thoughts was disturbed by the small tug on her sleeve. She looked to her side, surprised to see Sehun’s face so close to her. Then Sehun whispered to her ear, “Naeun, even though your mother knew that I’m coming but I think you should still introduce me to your parents,” causing Naeun to jumped due to the tickles.
She looked around, realized that she has reached her home, and were standing in the living room with her parents staring down questioningly at her. It seemed like she has been spacing out for a longer time than she should. “Oh, yes. Mother, this is Sehun. Sehun, this is my parents,” they shook hands and Sehun kissed Mrs. Son’s hand, being the Romeo he is. “And yeah, I hope you don’t mind that Sehun will be staying with us for this holiday?”
“Of course, sure sure. I heard you are one of Luhan’s acquaintance…?”
Sehun blushed as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Uh yeah… He was a close hyung of mine…”
Mrs. Son smiled happily then took Sehun into a bone-crushing hug and patted his back. She didn’t even hug her daughter and Sehun felt unfair. “Luhan’s friend is my friend too. We would love to have you with us, please stay.”
Naeun’s brow joined in a knot because, err… Mrs. Son, is that you inside my mother’s body? Where is my mother and what have you done to her, she wanted to asked but she was too tired to fight so she grabbed Sehun’s hand instead and dragged him upstairs. “We’ve eaten mother, so we’ll just go straight to bed. I’ll show him his room. See you tomorrow~!”
“Make yourself at home~!”
Naeun was just about to slump onto her bed after finished cleaning herself. But her eyes caught a glance at her closed window. Her feet unknowingly walked to the window and pushed the light blue curtain aside.
She mocked a smile to herself in the reflection of the window; when she saw the opposite window was pitch black. ‘What were you thinking again… Of course he’s not here…’
Then she heard the careful knocks on her door. She sighed. “Mother, let’s just talk tomorrow if you want to talk I--”
“It’s me,” she heard Sehun’s voice half whispering behind the door. Considering the fact that she half-forced him here and that he may felt weird in a stranger’s place, she closed the curtain and lazily walked to the door to open it for the boy.
“Can I get in?”
“No. Are you mad? If my father know about this, you’ll be kick out of our house by tomorrow.”
Sehun rolled his eyes. “Duh. I just want to talk. I won’t sleep with an ahjumma, thank you for the offer but I’m sorry you’re just not my type…”
Naeun shrugged and opened the door wider to let him in. He casually sat himself on the bed and pulled one of Naeun’s big teddy bear onto his lap. Naeun settled down on the floor, hugging her knees and chin propped on her kneecap.
Sehun looked innocent, wearing a white shirt and trouser, with his white-colored hair, hugging a white teddy bear in his lap, Naeun thought. But she decided not to be deceived by his handsome look, he’s an .
“So I think I deserve an explanation about what just happened…”
“What just happened?”
“Or should I just go back to that restaurant tomorrow to ask him directly what happened between you and him?”
“NO! Don’t you ing dare, Oh Sehun…”
“Then, tell me what is it?” amused grin ghosted on his lips. She knew him, and she knew how stubborn he was, maybe he got the disease from Luhan. But he wouldn’t budge if he doesn’t get what he wants.
Ughhh. “They are my old friends, happy now?”
“Old friends? Then, they must know Luhan-hyung, do they?”
“Yes, they do. Now can you get out and please let me sleep?”
“But the guy that kept on staring at you is something else isn’t he?”
Naeun gave up. Gahh. “Sometimes I wonder if Luhan has possesses you because you do sounds like him sometimes. How do you know so many things about me? We just met like… a year ago!”
Sehun laughed. “That was an indirect confirmation…”
“Fine. He’s my best friend. Can I sleep now?”
Sehun raised from the bed after a few satisfied nods. Naeun was more than thankful. He closed the lamp and bid goodnights and goodbyes before he closed the door.
But before the door was completely shut, he left her a question.
“Is he really ‘is’ your best friend? Or is it ‘was’?”
“Mother, I’m going to show Sehun around the town. We’ll be back before the sun set”
“Yahh, noona. You have eye bags!”
“Shut up…”
They took the bus to the town, and they walked side by side from there, hands in their sweaters, toes curling in their sneakers. It was a cold Monday at work hour, so not many people were walking around aimlessly like them.
“Where are we going?” the younger asked.
“It may sounds crazy at this weather, but I want to eat ice cream”
“That’s not crazy, Naeun. That is simply suicide!”
“Really? I tried it last year, apparently, I’m still alive. Come onnn!”
“Give me one peppermint and one chocolate, thank you.”
“I don’t eat peppermint ice cream!”
“The peppermint is mineeee.”
“But I don’t want chocolate either!”
Naeun slightly pushed Sehun’s head and glared. “Just eat, you ungrateful kid!”
Sehun rubbed his gloved hands, breathing out heavily as he looked at the woman walking beside him. She looked lost in her own world. They were in her hometown, but he has been doing all the leading to the mall and to the small tomato field and bought them some fish cake to eat.
He was still hungry but it doesn’t seemed like she will lead their way to any restaurant nearby because she seemed lost herself. So he looked up at the blue skyline and asked Luhan what should he do with her.
But then, an evil smile formed across his face and he took Naeun’s cold hand and led their way instead.
Naeun followed his footsteps, too lost to care about where he was taking her.
Sehun, till then… was a trustworthy person.
“Welc----ome… Welcome, please have a sit…”
His familiar voice was what brought her back from her little dreamland. When she was back to reality, a gasp was let out from as she took in the familiar environment surrounding her. She was just about to rush out of the building when Sehun stopped her by pulling her wrist. “Let’s sit, shall we? I’m hungry…”
Naeun glared at him, baffled by his words.
Sehun was trustworthy. Until then, Sehun and trustworthy should not sit together in one sentence.
Naeun glared at the man sitting across of her who was busy looking at the menu, avoiding her death stare and smiling happily. She gritted her teeth, her fingers formed a fist to hold her anger in, and the waiter who was waiting to take their order noticed that.
“So what you’re going to eat for lunch, sweetie?” Sehun asked.
Naeun narrowed her eyes. “I’m going to kill you.” She said with gritted teeth.
“Opps. Not in the menu”
A kick flied under the table. Sehun glared at her back as he rubbed his aching leg. “Just give us two rice with chicken, that will do…” After finishing his order, Sehun casually asked the waiter, “By the way, hyung. What is your relationship with Naeun?”
Another kick was sent, but Sehun ignored her. “Last night when I asked her about you—”
“Yah Oh Sehun!” Naeun raised from her seat, determined to strangle the younger to death. Only then Sehun realized that her face has gotten all red. Due to embarrassment or anger, Sehun doesn’t know. But Naeun seemed to come to her sense quickly when she stopped halfway. She sighed and Sehun snipped a smile. “Daehyun, just go and do your work…” she finally said, decided not to be a kid and stood at the same level as the immature Sehun.
Daehyun hesitated at first, looking at the couple glaring at each other. But he left, heart slightly broken. Burnt. ‘Who the hell is this young man?’ He figured that maybe, she found another him…
“What were you thinking?” Naeun asked when Daehyun left. She took back her seat in a more calm manner. “I thought by bringing you to my hometown, you could give me extra strength if I came to face him. I’ve forgotten what an you are…”
“You love me anyway…” Sehun grinned, Naeun wanted to punch his face and ruin that perfection.
“Hey Naeun…” Daehyun said, eyes focusing on the plates and the table as he transferred the plates from the tray onto the table. Sehun listened and watched as Naeun’s body stiffen. “…I’m just wondering if… if I’m still your friend, you know… uh,” Daehyun’s words stuck on his throat and Sehun wanted to laugh but he had better self-refrain.
“You never call me anymore after that day…” Daehyun has finished transferring. Naeun closed her eyes, wishing she was not even there in the first place. She was not ready to answer anything coming from that man’s mouth.
“I’m sorry if I startled you that day, I just… thought that… ugh please don’t be mad at me…”
“I’m not mad at you…”
“Don’t lie…”
“I’m not! I don’t even have the right to be mad at you for what happened, but… I guess. I don’t know. But I am mad at you for that night, how can you just… ughh I don’t know”
Naeun’s eyes was on the food on the table, trying to hide as many emotions as she can.
But Sehun’s eyes widened as he gaped when suddenly the man grabbed Naeun’s wrist and pulled her out of her seat and dragged her out of the restaurant.
Sehun bit his lips as he held himself from following both of them out because even though the drama was hot, ears dropping is rude especially when a couple is trying to solve some issues. Sehun smirked. just got serious.
Or so he thought.
Around a year ago. Her last day of winter break.
Daehyun remembered running like a crazy man at the airport. It was night and there were lesser people than he thought, but still… the search was almost impossible.
He tried to dial the number again, and cursed when his call was left unanswered. “Where the are you?” He looked around again frantically, but failed to recognize that one familiar face he always see in his dreams.
He started running again to the second floor. Back to the first floor.
He recalled the call he got from Himchan an hour ago, and felt mad again.
“Hey, Daehyun.”
“Hey! Haven’t heard from you in a while. How are you doing?”
“Err… I don’t think we have time to be polite right now, I have something to tell you…”
Daehyun’s raised a brow. He sounded serious. “Yeah, sure. What’s up?”
“First, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier, Jiyeon made me promise not to tell you, but I think it’s just… not fair for you so I’m… risking my life here…”
Daehyun chuckled nervously. “What is it?”
“Naeun is in town…”
“! Come on! Just pick up the phone, Naeun!” he tried to dial again. Eyes wandering around looking for even the slightest silhouette.
“Are you kidding me? She didn’t tell me anything about this.”
“Jiyeon said she saw you with another girl…”
Three seconds of silence as Daehyun tried to think hard and make sense. “What the hell? I didn’t even see her! Where is this coming from? Where is she?”
“Son Naeun!”
Her back was facing him, but he couldn’t fail to distinguish her from everyone else. He knew that figure. He slept with her for years. And his guess was confirmed when he saw her body froze and stiffened when he called her name. But then her right leg took a careful one step forward.
“Naeun, don’t you dare run…”
As if it was a cue, she ran forward leaving him behind and he groaned because he has to run after her again.
She tried her best to run as if her life depended on it. ‘What the , why is he here? And why am I running away? And why the hell is he chasing me?’
Naeun never participate in any sport activities in school. She hates sport. Especially when it involves running. ‘Damn, Dae. Damn you and your long legs!’
“Naeun! You have to listen to me!” she heard his tired, desperate voice yelling from her back. And he sounded closer and closer. Damned.
“Stop running after me, Dae!” she replied with a yell back.
“No! You have to stop running first!”
“I don’t want to see youuuu!”
“I don’t know!”
Ugghh! Daehyun had no choice but to increase his speed. And when he managed to reduce the gap, he grabbed her hand and forced her to a halt and tugged her wrist so that she flew into his arms. Naeun struggled to get out from his embrace but of course, he was stronger. “There, there. You need to calm down first,” he said as he tightened his arms around her.
“Let me go, Dae! I’m gonna kill you!” she wriggled and sending kicks and punches.
“Calm down…”
“Let me go!!!”
“I said, calm down, Naeun…”
Then she slowly gave up and let him have her in his arms for few more seconds. “I hate you,” she blurted out.
“I’m sorry, but you have to listen to me. We need to talk…”
She rest her head on his shoulder. Hands free fall to her side, refuse to hug him back. “My flight is in about an hour from now. I need to go…”
He sighed, his embrace has loosened, but he’s not letting go now that she’s in his hands. He decided just to talk like that, or she might just run away again. “Look, Naeun. I don’t know what you saw, but your assumptions is baseless and unfair to me.”
Naeun regretted telling Jiyeon anything.
“I thought you know how I feel, but it seems like you have very little trust on me…”
Naeun closed her eyes. Giving up.
“Why didn’t you tell me you’re back? I’ve been bothering you since like forever for you to come home, don’t you think I deserve at least to see my best friend?”
“You confessed,” Naeun finally spoke up. But that added the confusion in his head, he broke the hug to look at her in the eyes. “What?”
But she had her eyes on her shoe. “, Dae, you can’t just say you like someone and then hold another girl’s hand…”
“Wha-- What are you talking about?”
“Or did I took it wrongly? Were you drunk or anything when you said those words that night?”
Daehhyun’s brow joined in unison, trying to comprehend her words. Then he remembered what he said to her on the phone two weeks ago and came to realize why she was acting like she did. “Yes, I confessed to you. And those words are still valid. But you didn’t say anything about it after that, so I thought—”
“So you thought you can just play with another girl while waiting for my answer? Is it that?” Naeun asked calmly, giving boring stares at the man.
Daehyun was baffled, because what the hell? His hands started moving as he tried to find the right words to explain himself. “When did you saw me holding hands with another girl?” he asked, for a start.
“I don’t know,” Naeun refused to cooperate.
“Naeun, you’re not helping.”
“Well, maybe I don’t want to help.”
Daehhyun gaped at her, hands pulling his own hair exasperatedly as he tried to think of a solution. He needed to solve it right then and right there or else the situation might turn bigger than he could handle later on, especially when they are far away from each other.
“Naeun, yes, I confessed to you. And yes, I can do it again right now, if you want. But my confession was not a lie and whatever you saw, there must be some misunderstanding. We need to work things out, Naeun. I like the fact that you were jealous, but you are overreacting.”
“Hell yeah! I’m overreacting, so great of me right? Now you can just leave and stop your crush on me because I’m not worth it, because I overreacted on small things and who the is jealous over you, bastard!”
“What? Why aren’t you leaving, yet?”
“You are the one who’s going to leave me!”
“No, Dae. You can just walk away from me, I’m one of the bad choices, you don’t have to choose me now that you know what a broken pieces I am. I—”
“Son Naeun!”
“What Daehyun? I just don’t know anymore! You just—”
And that was when Daehyun pulled her closer to him, hand taking her waist and fingers cupping her cheek, closing his eyes as he let his lips brushed against her lips, shutting her up, melting her down.
Or so he wished.
Six seconds, and she did not melt into the kiss. In fact, she was perfectly conscious when she struggled and pushed the man away from her with a death glare, causing the man to stare at her in confusion. What? This thing always work in dramas and movies!
“Damn, Dae! Who the gave you the permission to do that?!!”
“…. I thought, by you being jealous means, …yes…? No?”
Naeun answered him by giving him the finger and then she quickly turned her heels and walked away. He could not really say anything. Her gate surely was about to close and if she didn’t hurry she would have missed her flight (not that he will be complaining).
But the issue stayed unsolved, and when he tried to call her later, his number was blocked. And the calls was discontinued from there.
Daehyun was determined to solve their issue when he dragged her out of the small restaurant. He can’t really say anything with his coworkers and other customers hearing and looking at them like that.
And that white haired boy, who the hell is he anyway?
He could felt the woman trying to struggle out of his grip but he just hold her tighter. He could not take them anymore, her silent treatment and her cold gaze. So when he pushed her to the wall, he tried to be as gentle as he can and trapped her in between his arms, palms fixed on the cemented bricks. His eyes firm on her as he tried to be serious because apparently this woman thought he wasn’t.
“What?” she asked, tone cold but not high. Her eyes refused to meet his.
“Why are you acting like this?”
“Like what?”
“I’m not planning to have a cat fight with you right now, Naeun.”
She gave him a sardonic smile. “Tch. Obviously…”
“I said I’m sorry. You didn’t even give me any chance to explain, it’s not fair Naeun…”
Naeun did not say anything. She doesn’t know why she was acting like how she was. It just seemed right at that moment, so she did what she did. Most of the time she thinks she was ridiculous too. After a moment, she finally braced herself to look up at the man ambushing her. And then she sighed at the sight of his eyes.        
“I was scared,” she tried to say. And his face softened when he grabbed the meaning. “I guess I’m still a failure in this kind of thing. I just don’t know what to do… I’m so clueless and stupid.”
“Yes, you are.” And a punch flied to his stomach.
He rubbed his stomach awkwardly after that. And the air between them seemed awkward too, as they searched for more vocabulary from the closet of their left brain. Naeun’s hand clasped together, thumb brushing palm and Daehyun rubbed the back of his neck. “So…?”
Naeun’s eyes met Daehyun’s raised brow and Daehyun was sure he saw a tinge of pink rose from her cheek before she restlessly said she doesn’t know and that she doesn’t care. She turned around and quickly walked back into the restaurant.
Daehyun sighed.
It’s been a year since he confessed. He wondered if a year was not enough time for her to make up her mind.
“Hey, Naeun,” Daehyun carefully called her name as he count the amount of payment for their lunch. Sehun who was busy rummaging his backpack for his wallet froze and eyed the two skeptically.
Naeun didn’t say anything, eyes wandering at anything that was not Daehyun.
So Daehyun continued without looking at her either.
“Go out with me.”
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Thank you!
and i may or may not include sehun in the extra chapter. uh huh.


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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 34: Beautiful ? Apink fighting ?
purplecupcakes #2
Chapter 34: Omg the ending was so cute I was rooting for Daeun the whole way. Great story <3
yasyas1998 #3
Chapter 7: OMG my ultimate bas daehyun and my lovely naeun i love your fanfic thaank u so muchh plz do more but wirth daehyun and jiyeon (so pretty) but this strory is amazing keep going OMG and my baby luhaan ♡♡
Chapter 34: Awww that was something hihihi . This two are rock yeah . Goodjob .
Chapter 34: Aw, loved this fanfic ~
Would've preceded it if she ended up with a particular dead person hint hint but oh well Daehyun is my BAP bias so <3
I read all of it in 2 days earlier this year, then 7 months later I read the extra chaps lol ya shoulda told me it wasn't the past chapter!
xoxosenshine #6
Chapter 34: Done reading . Its a nice story , good job .
aegyo-kid #7
Chapter 34: Authornim. Finally finished rereading this hahaha thank you for the epic story. Hahahha the plot was really interesting. It isnt really a typical story where you would jnow what would happen next. Hahah thank u again.
aegyo-kid #8
Chapter 21: Authornim!!! I'm confused uhh during the first chapters jiyeon was himchan's girlfriend. Then during the date with hyewon, dae, juniel, luhan and himchan nana was with him. Then in this chapter both nana and jiyeon. Really confusing TT^TT pls fix it :)