D.O 0001

~Facts About B1A4 & EXO~

Birth Name: Do Kyungsoo

Stage name: D.O

Power (Badge): Earth

Date of Birth: January 12th 1993

Blood Type: A

Height: 173cm

Weight: 60kg

Position: Lead vocalist

Hobbies/Skills: Singing, beatboxing, cooking

Birth Place: Goyang, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea 


FUN FACT! He has a habit of humming songs.


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gahhhhhhh all the links are messed up again UGH i'll fix it tomorrow or something, idk im sorry -.-


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Chapter 42: this type of guy often get friend-zoned ! xDD . poor bb !
Chapter 136: what does minor in here means?
Chapter 136: cieee grown up Sehunnie
-Moshiexo- #4
Chapter 50: Poor Panda AB style Tao XD
-Moshiexo- #5
Chapter 14: I love D.O . You should mention too that he got a special big owl eyes XD
Chapter 7: Luhan's full name is Lu Han. His family's name isn't Xi.
duviet #7
Chapter 24: Hahaha xDD
Chapter 104: poor gongchan.. what perfume he wear anyway? O.o
Chapter 103: omo.. baro is so romantic~ gongchan is so cute! like a child~
duviet #10
Chapter 90: Tao so cute xD