Under Your Arm


In which Tao dreams of replacing Ace.


It’s been over a year since Tao has moved into a shared apartment with Kris, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol. They weren’t close at first, but Tao warmed up to Baekhyun who treated him like a good dongsaeng and soon enough Tao was able to become good friends with Chanyeol too. The problem at hand was more or less Kris. He was hard to talk to at first, nearly impossible to understand when he spoke in a slurred mix of four different languages and not to mention the fact that he seemed to always carry around that ing stuffed alpaca named Ace. Tao didn’t understand why a badass looking guy like Kris even needed a stuffed animal.



short drabble for BABYkonIsVIP who is such a favorite reader of mine for both my taoris and myungyeol fics ouo 

also because we were talking about how the entire taoris ship needs more light hearted fluff instead of depressing angst. 

pairing: taoris with implied baekyeol

rating: pg

word count: 1846


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there are more replies hurr too o3o
mzjonghyun #2
Chapter 1: so adorable
Chapter 1: Poor ace :) I like ace, actually. It's adorable.
MissBunnyGyu #4
Chapter 1: XD because of you I searched about that plushie Ace and here's what I found

An alpaca plush!!?? sooo weird but with Kris's fierce look it's like seeing TOP with an Hello Kitty doll...it's weird but cute! XD

And about the story: it was HELLA CUTE!!!
Kris was being a cute little baby and Tao a naggy little brat :P I like it
Chapter 1: dawww this is soo cute^^ I enjoyed it a lot xD
star_x #6
Chapter 1: This is so fluffy! Thanks for writing this! Taoris deserve more fluff!!!
Chapter 1: I pity Ace... really.
I'm happy for the 2 of them but, why do you guys have to throw the poor alpaca? You ungrateful bastards ><
He brought you guys together and that's what you repay him?

but still a nice sutori! :D
nice job author-nim!!!
K-immy #8
Chapter 1: Aaaaw, that's so cute omg. Even though it was a bit strange at first, I liked it !
Chapter 1: I pity Ace at the end. Lol. Cute. Thank you for writing this. Because TaoRis deserves fluffy times too. And Chanyeol is weird. Hahahahaha and oh, Sehun sniffing Tao? Reminds me of mbc championship thingy? Where sehun was i thnk sniffing Tao's nape? Lol.

God, you're an awesome author! XD