A Date (Jonghyun)

CN Blue Scenarios

Written by Admin S

You felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes. You weren’t one to cry but when your boss was being an , the tears came all too easily. You clenched your jaw as he went on about how he knew he shouldn’t have expected a good job from such a young writer anyway.

His words hurt, both your feelings and your pride but you kept a tight lid on your anger because it was the only way you were going to keep your job, which you loved. He slammed your proposal folder onto the desk and you saw all your three months of hard work going down the drain.

The camel’s back finally broke when he tossed out a comment about how women shouldn’t even be in the business. A scoff escaped your lips and at that moment you felt more incredulous than angry that he would stoop so low. You opened your mouth and was just about to rip him apart when suddenly a knock came from the other side of the door.

It opened without waiting for a response and your eyes grew wide when in walked one of your favorite clients. He smiled and nodded at you and you fumbled to return the greeting in your shock. You prayed silently that he hadn’t just heard everything your boss had said because working with him was one of your dreams and you didn’t want it to be over before it even started.

“Ah, are these the new proposals?” He reached for your folder and both you and your boss failed magnificently at stopping him.

Jonghyun didn’t seem to notice your almost comical reactions as he skimmed through the pages. He nodded appreciatively a few times and you felt your heart thud frantically beneath your rib cage.

“Wah, who prepared this? Did you?” He turned to look at you in wonder and you barely nodded yes.

He smiled, “it’s perfect. It could use a little improvements in some places but overall, this is just what we need. I’m impressed, as usual.”

He turned back to address your boss, “may I borrow her for a while? I’d like to hear more about this.”

The stout man looked back and forth between the two of you with his mouth agape and silently nodded his assent, at loss for words. Never mind that Jonghyun was skipping a few steps to the entire process, your boss was a terrible up - whatever the stars want, the stars get.

Jonghyun thanked the man politely and led you out, guiding you with a hand on the small of your back. Once you reached the hallway though, he slipped his palm into yours and pulled you into the cafeteria. He sat you down and ordered you a drink, all with that charming smile of his and all you could do was stare at him like an idiot.

“What are you doing?” You finally asked when you could take no more.

He chuckled at your reaction, “I’m sorry… I hope you didn’t think I was too forward in there.”

You utterly bewildered expression had him outright laughing. He leaned forward and propped his head up with one arm. “You’re so adorable,” he muttered so softly that you barely caught it.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but I heard the way he was tearing into you and it really got onto my nerves, especially since you didn’t deserve it.”

You shot him a questioning look and he just shrugged.

“I knew you would do a good job, you always do. I’ve read all your proposals and I particularly liked the ones you did for ft. Island. How did you think you got to be main writer for this job anyway?”

You sunk in your chair in shock - He’d read all your proposals. And got you this job. And trusted in your abilities. Could this man get any more perfect?

You flushed a bright pink at the thoughts running through your mind before you were interrupted by him clearing his throat. You glanced up at him to see that he was wearing a similar, though less severe blush.

“And besides, I thought if I’d helped you, it might be easier to ask you out on a date,” he paused to clock your reaction and when you didn’t respond, he reached forward to take your hand in his.

“So… what do you say? Would you go out on a date with me?”

You break out of your shock at his touch and in an effort to maintain whatever dignity you had left, you pushed yourself to sit up straight. Clearing your throat, you nodded, “sure,” you say, cursing at yourself inwardly because it still came out as a half question and a half squeak.

He didn’t seem to mind because he smiled wider and his eyes sparkled, “great. That’s settled then, we have a date.”

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