Dream Maker



I am a dream maker. It was my existance, it was my reason for being. I did not understand that there was anything more than this. I create dreams, beautiful, wonderful, fantastical dreams.

I stood above his bed hand in the air and he stared at me. His big, sleepy, brown eyes blinked up at me.
He was awake.
He was actually awake. I tried to grasp this, but I could not understand, the sandman should have been here. He was scheduled to be asleep, waiting for me to make him dream.
"Hi," he smiled at me a dozy bright smile. I gasped. He was radiant. I took a step back not knowing what to do.
"wait," he said softly his hand reaching out to take my hand in his. The Dream dust fell to the floor and dissapeared as my hand opened surprised by his touch.

"don't leave yet." He sat up making room on his bed. He pulled me on to the bed making sure to cover me up before he wrapped himself around me. Smiling he fell asleep. I stayed there for a while after he had fallen asleep wondering just what had happened. I looked at him, his angelic features bright in the moonlight. I was feeling something, mystifying. A kind of wamth in my chest I never felt before. Panicked, I stood with care not to wake the man as I left.


*Author's Note: This was actually a dream I had, sort of. Who says I'm useless at 3 a.m.? Don't forget to comment!!

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nunmuri08 #1
Chapter 2: This catches my interest...