



By: theninjaghost


What is this feeling? I know this, sadness? Loneliness? Depressed? Ah yes, melancholy. The rain makes me feel like this, I’ve been staying inside our house for almost 2 days now. As I open our television, the first thing I’ve heard is “There are still no classes tomorrow, the storm…” I sigh, I changed the channel for how many times yet the all the channels were covering the storm here in our country.

Watching the news for almost an hour, the weather is still the same, I can hear the creaking of the roofs, the wind slamming the doors, and I can see the trees we’re about to fall, scary but I’m safe. I feel cold, but I’m wearing a pajama and a long sleeve shirt. I closed the television, and go up to my bedroom, I sit on the chair near my window, the feeling of a melancholic is spreading in me, I look outside, and then I remember some of the events when it’s raining…

5 more blocks and I’m home, but the rain started to pour, I ran towards a closed shop but I tripped down, my ankle hurts, I sighed, “Aigoo… I can’t stand at all” I get my bag and tried to stand up, then I feel someone is covering me I looked up and I saw “Ji Yong sunbae” he smiled at me and helped me to stand, “Are you okay?” he asked me, “Not really but I can manage the pain” I said to him.

“You must changed immediately when you got home” he said to me, “e-eh?” he looked at me but then looked away, he was blushing at the moment, but then he suddenly removed his polo and gave it to me “here, cover yourself, you don’t want anybody to see your…” he didn’t continue it, I looked at myself and gasp, “OMO… sorry, thank you for this, I’m going to return this soon” I said to him.

The rain is still pouring and it’s been 30 minutes, I looked at sunbae “Sunbae, are you not cold? I can return your polo, I can actually run to my house” I said to him, he smirked “No no, I’m okay, and are you sure that you will return that polo when it’s already wet?” he chuckled. “Oh, the rain is going to stop by now, here use this umbrella—“but before I make him finished “No, sunbae! You used it; I’m already wet so it’s fine! Thanks for the help” I bowed down and run.

That was the first time when my heart beats so fast, I remember his face when he was blushing because my under garments was seen already because of my blouse is already wet, and he let me borrow his polo just to cover it up. It’s so memorable, I can even forget it for almost a week, every time I see him and every time he greets me my heart beats so fast and I don’t know what to do.

And after a month, He confessed to me, he likes me since when we met at the path way, then we started going out.

I’m running because I’m late on our date, and I’m wet because I forgot to bring my umbrella, I hope he won’t get mad at me, then I stopped for a moment and I pant, I’m so tired then I heard someone “You should take a rest in the middle of the park” I looked up and I saw him smiling at me, I feel so dizzy at the moment and my eye sight is blur, “Dara… dara??” the voice of Ji Yong is fading…

I slowly open my eyes, all I can see is white, and then I searched for him, but I can feel his warmth, he was sleeping at the side, holding my hand. He suddenly woke up, “Hmmmm… how do you feel now?” he asked me, “Ah… ah… I feel good… bu-but what happened to me?” I asked him, he hold my hands so tight and looked at me, “You collapsed when I saw you and I rushed you here in the emergency room, they said that you have already fatigue and low stamina, and you got a high fever too” he said to me “Next tell me if you’re going to late so that I can give you time or I can go to your house” he said in a worry voice. I nod and hugged him “I’m sorry… I ruined our 100th day”

That was our 100th day, and I ruined it, I wanted it to be perfect but I guess the fate is selfish at that time. But the next day we celebrated it by eating in a restaurant. Ji Yong was really gentleman and caring, I like him… I love him so much.


I didn’t notice that I fell as sleep while thinking all the events of my life with ji yong, when I suddenly feel my phone vibrated. As I checked my phone, there are 3 miscalls and 10 message from a 1 person, the messages where sent about an hour now and the miscalls is every 20 minutes. I’m about to open the message and read it, the doorbell rangs so many times. Then I heard someone is shouting, “Dara!? Dara!? Are you there? Are you okay? Open this door! Hey!” he repeated it for 3 times. I open the door and I saw his worried face, “Thank God” he said and slumped his body on mine “he-hey… were your running? I can’t defined if it’s a sweat or a droplets of ra—ya! Why did you run!? It’s freaking raining no… wait… it’s storming here and you suddenly run!” I shouted to him, but he didn’t mind me, he just hugged me “I’m worried about you Dara, I thought something bad happened to you, I sent you a message but you didn’t reply, I called you three times but you didn’t answer it, I thought….” He sigh “Pabo, I fell asleep” then I hugged him back, “don’t make me do this again okay? Or else your dead, I love you so much Dara” he said to me, “Me too… Ji.. me too”

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Shiela76 #1
Chapter 1: Nice!
Chapter 1: kawaii^o^~~
xue_hea #3
Chapter 1: i love this! :))
Chapter 1: ahwwwwww...
and i thought jiyong was dead >.<

<3 this fc: neomu neomu kiyeopta ^^
ItssCheska #5
Hihi. :">
purple_angel #6
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :'']
Reeeynelle #7
so cute!!
luckypyo #8
kyeopta!!!! i want a boyfriend like that..♥♥♥