The Suffocating Game of Hide and Seek

Going Crazy

Chunji’s POV

I run into my room with every anger in my heart. I harshly lock my door. And throw my self to the mattress. God. I can’t believe this. I’m really going crazy now. This isn’t funny anymore. He. L.Joe. The him who watches me. Everything I do. Whenever and wherever I am. He keeps following me. I don’t like this for God’s sake. He makes me scared.

I try to shove away the thought about him. I took my towel and go to bath. I need some relaxing time to forget about that L.Joe guy.

As I get into the bathroom I take off my clothes slowly and get into the shower slowly. I do everything slowly. I’m not in a hurry anyway. But it’s more because I want to have a longer time to get away from every thought of L.Joe. I don’t wanna think about him. And when I’m in the shower of course is the best time to get away from that frightening creature. I take a very long bath time. It really helps me to get away from him. Water helps me to cool my mind indeed.

After about two hours i get out of the bathroom don’t know what takes me so long on it. I switch off the shower and soon get out of the bathroom. I feel a bit more realx. The water has really helped me calm down. I sigh and get out of the bathroom with only a towel circled my hips. Cover my hips to half of my thigh. It’s okay. Only me in my room right? No one will see eventhough i don’t use any single thread on my y body.

“I will dress after this” I mumble to my self. I’m feeling a bit lazy. It has been a tiring day however. I need some rest. So I throw my self to my bed again. As I throw my self I hear some loud groan beneath me. What the ? Is it a groan? Just a moment after that, I feel hot breat in my neck and voice of a man that I have always remembered. “Why don’t you wear your clothe? Expecting something naughty babe?”and a tongue my neck. No way.


L.Joe’s POV

I follow on your shadow. Every day every night every time. But you seem don’t care. You avoid me. Why? My heart runs after your increasingly quick steps. Why do you try to run away from me? Do I look like a monster for you?

I wait you on your college. But you’re not there. You always find a way to escape me. I never found you in your college. Sometimes you got home earlier. Other time you run from some path I don’t know. I can’t ever find you wherever and whenever in this world anymore.

I make a phone call but you never answer. Why? What’s wrong? You love me don’t you? But why? Why do you avoid me? It used to be so sweet between the both of us. Now why do you want to put an end to our relationship?

So I wait on the station. I know you always get home with this train. So I wait you there. I wait all day whising I will see your beautiful face. You used to smile sincerely each time you saw me waiting for you on the station.  But not now I guess. Soon as you step out of the train, you saw me. Our gaze locked andI feel like I’m in heaven. It has been a long time since the last time I look into those eyes. I miss it a lot. But you break the eye contact. Soon you look away and run away quickly. What to run for babe? I call your name but you seem didn’t want to listen. Why? What did I do wrong?

Night gets darker. I run into you but you keep running. My heart’s calling you like crazy. I follow on your shadow. I try to chase you. But the harder I try to do that the more it backfires on me. You quicken your step but I’m still trying to chase after you. I miss you do you know? I’m really missing you. I want you to be with me once again.

I saw you run into your house as fast as you could. As if there’s a monster running after you. The monster, is it me? Do I really look like a monster for you? As I keep staring on your door I hear the door being locked harshly. What are you afraid of baby? I’m not a monster. I swear.

So I stand outside your house. I still wanna see you. Although only your shadow. I wanna see it. It makes me feel as if you’re still here beside me. Under the dead streetlamp in front of your house I’m watching you through the crack in your window. Only the shadow of your siloutte has made my hearts beating like crazy. Love you. I really love you. What’s with this stupid break up? I love you. And I know you love me too. Why do you keep playing this suffocating game of hide-and-seek- with me? You, you, you. You’re inseperable from me.

 It’s late at night you know? And it’s getting cold here. Where are you? I can’t see your shadow on your room anymore. No. I can’t take this anymore. So I step into your door. I search for your lock in my pocket. You gave it to me so I can get into your house any time. You don’t change your lock, do you? I put the key into the keyhole. Whirl it and click. It still matches. You don’t change the key. I’m happy. Does it mean I’m still allowed to get into your house? Does it mean when you said “break up” you don’t really mean it?

I quickly make my way to your room. My heart racing. The closer I am to your room the harder I try to breath. Why is it so hard to catch my breath when you’re around? I open the door to your room and see nothing but an empty room. Where have you been?

Soon as I step into your neat room, I hear the sound of splashing water. You must be on the bathroom. My face heated up all of a sudden. What the? Only the thought of you on the bathroom, splashing the water on your face has made me this hard. I look on a certain part of my pants which getting hard and tighter. Holy cow. How could I get hard and only by hearing and not seeing?

I calm down my mind and throw my body to the bed on your room. Your clothes are all in the bed. Even your underwear, you throw it there. God, I get harder for St. Mary’s sake. Everything about you has really made me going insane. Make me wanna get into the bathroom and you right there and then. Call me ert but it’s the truth.

After what feels like forever finally you make your way out of the bathroom. You seem don’t notice me on your bed. And you step outside the bathroom suitless. Only a small towel circling from your hips to half of your thigh. Seem like you haven’t noticed me. And you throw your self to your bed. Why don’t you use your clothe?

I groan and smirk on your neck. Look like you realise my presence now. I breath hardly on your neck.

“Why don’t you wear your clothe? Expecting something naughty babe?” I said then your neck. I can hear you shiver. So I keep your neck since I know it’s your sweet spot. But soon you wake and sit beside me. Look at me with an emotion I can never explain what kind of. You just look emotionless.

“Have you gone crazy?” You shout to me. “Why are you like this?”


Chunji’s POV

I shout at him. I can see his face getting darker like it soon gonna be raining. But I can’t hold my anger anymore. Crazy. He’s crazy. Absolutely crazy.

“Babe..” I hear his voice trembling.

“What?” I shout once again looking at him. “What? What? What? What?”I shout again insanely like there’s no tomorrow. “Leave me alone plese.” I said, soften my voice more like begging. I got enough for this. “Seeing you is suffocating. Don’t you know? Please dissappear from my sight.” I know that sounds rude. But I need him to stop this game. This isn’t fun anymore. I’m so done with him.

“No.” He shouts make me surprised. “I can’t. We can’t. You can never break away from me. You have no one to love but me.”

“No. L.Joe. No. We’re done. I can’t be with you anymore. I don’t love you anymore. Get away.”

“No. Please don’t do this to me. No. No. No.” He said. Shaking his head. Tears streaming down his face. Why? Is it that hurt? Really? I keep staring at him then I feel some liquid thing forming in my eyes. What? What makes me wanna cry too? I try hard to hold back my tears. I can’t give in to this. I don’t wanna cry no more. No more crying for L.Joe.

That should be one of the cruelest night for L.Joe. Time flies by and life goes on. L.Joe never surrender. The stalking thing still on progress. He keep stalking me every time and every breath of my life. I’m getting tired already. But no. I never tell him. I didn’t speak to him. That night on my room was the last night we talked. I let him slept over. But the next day he woke up without me beside him. And soon after that I changed my lock that he can never get in anymore.

Today should be the usual day. Yes. Usual. I’m doing my life. And L.Joe must be also doing his life. What I mean with his life is stalking me. Yes. His life is stalking me I guess. I never call a day without him stalking me. He doesn’t have any other thing to do.

I get out of my college building with my bestfriend Ricky. We walk to the gate laughing of some funny accident in the class during Chemistry experiment today. Keep talking about our lecturer, Prof. Park who spilled out sulfide to his own wig and cause it damage. Ricky stops suddenly at the gate.

“Why stop?” I said. Ricky looks to some significant spot in the gate. I follow his gaze and see a certain blonde that cause him to stop.

“You know what?” he said rubbing the back of his neck.”I will just go first.” I nod and give him a sign just to go ahead.

“Alright.” I say and I smile sincerely at him. He nod and ready to just leave before he turn back facing me once again saying, “I really think that you need to have some talk with him you know? Talk like, eeem really talk. Not just talk like calling him crazy or asking him to back off.” Both of us look at the guy standing on the gate in unison. I can see the pity in Ricky’s eyes. I pat his back. “Don’t worry about us.” I chuckle.

“Just talk please.” He beg me. I roll my eyes. See what you’ve done L.Joe. You’ve made this pure little guy begging for me to talk to you. You did it. Congratulation.

“Alright. Alright.” Is my only answer. I’m not sure whether i can talk well with him.

“Good.” Ricky said again before running, leave the building. I watch his back as he runs leaving the building. Such a caring and angelic guy. I also make my way to leave the building. I stop a while glancing at L.Joe only to see his begging like puppy eyes. But soon I continue walking ready to leave the building. And he follows me like a puppy.

“Why do you follow me?” I say once we’ve left the building. Silent. “Why do you keep stalking me? I said I’m done with you, didn’t I?” Silent. “Talk.” Silent. “Tell me a good reason.” Still silent. I lost my patience. “Don’t you have a mouth to talk?” I turn around shouting at him. He look to the ground, refuse making an eye contact with me. “You’re not saying any single word?” I said again already boiled with anger. I stop looking at him and continue to walk. He keep walking behind me. Following every step i take. I quicken my step he quicken his. I slow up he slows up too. Enough of this. “Stop it.” I shout once again facing him. “Stop doing this. Please. Get lost. Just back off. I really can’t breath. Wherever I go, Wherever I am. This is frightening. The you who follows me.”

“I... I called you.” Finally he speaks. Find your long-lost-voice already huh? “A hundred times. No. Ten thousands of times I’ve called you. But why? Why is there no answer?Did you forget? It’s already a thousand days since we met. I prepared a gift you like.”

“Are you crazy? I said we’re done.” I scream hysterically. Not caring about the walk by people’s stare of us. I already lost my sanity because of this insane guy. “How many times I have to tell you? We’re done. DONE. No need to celebrate days like this anymore. No need to sit on the street I frequently travel. No use to wait for me. Stop this. Stop. I’m getting tired. Really. I’m so tired of your obsession.”

“Don’t call it obsession.” He sream back at me. The pedestrians look at us again. Nothing more embrassing than this. But I don’t care. I pretend as if I ddidn’t hear any of their rude words for the both of us. I lost my sanity already. “You don’t know love. Don’t say I’ve gone crazy. You don’t know my heart. You can never be separated from me.”

After feeling enough of embarrassing my self on the street near my campus, I bring him to a quiet park. Far from walking and staring people. Great I will be the talk of the campus tomorrow. Thanks L.Joe. I sigh looking at L.Joe. Why do you make this so hard for me L.Joe? I want to live without you.

“I said this once already. But you seem don’t understand.” I said while swinging on one of the swing in the park. “Please just leave me alone now. Seeing you is suffocating. Please disappear from my sight.”

“Stop. Stop saying such a thing.” He looks deeply into my eyes. He gave me a gentle look. His beautiful eyes lock with mine. Why does this feel so right? Nothing’s more perfect than our locked gaze. What am I thinking? Stop it. I promised my self to forget him. “You know you want me too.” He speaks again. He knows me too well. How could he always know my heart? “You know you love me. Don’t run away from me.” He said. Looking at me. I don’t return his look this time. I look anywhere but his eyes. I don’t wanna see those eyes. It will ruin my commitment.

“Cut the crap. Get a hold of yourself and stop it. Let go of me now.” I have always talked harshly to him. But why won’t he stop doing this? Do you love me that much L.Joe? “This ain’t right. This isn’t love. It just hurts me, don’t be like this.” I stop a while to catch my breath. “I loved you. I did. But I don’t now. Erease me from your memory. Please.” As I said those thing which hurts not only me but also him, I try to walk away. Leave him. But I feel a pair of hand find their way to my waist. Hugging me from the back. What’s this for L.Joe? I don’t wanna cry no more.

“Don’t make me beg. The reason you left is not logical.” He whispers in my ear.”Please give me one chance to make it right again. I won’t cheat on you anymore. After all this heartbreaking things, I now realise you’re the only one for me. See? You’ve punished me enough. Please get back. I’ve been living my life crazily just like what you want. Now please get back to me. Please babe. I need you.”

“I can’t believe your words anymore L.Joe. You spat too much lie. You’re a very big fat liar.” I don’t even try to free my self from him. Yes I love him to be honest but as I say. I don’t wanna cry no more. Two years is enough for me to bear all of his act. He always cheats on me. I don’t wanna be betrayed anymore.

“But you love this big fat liar don’t you? You’ll always love him right? That’s why you’re still using the necklace I gave.” I can’t help but surprise at his words only to realise his hand has found its way under my clothe to do things to my body.

“It’s not fair. You can’t ually pursue me. This ain’t gonna work.”

“Yes it will.” He grins on my neck then blow some hot air to my neck and it. Gosh I can’t resist this. Right. I have punished him enough. But it also suffers me. I give up. So I turn around only to see his lustfull and hungry eyes. I smirk at his face before finally I put my lip on his and kiss him passionately the way I like it. However I still love him although it drives me insane.


Again, sorry for the error grammar and typos, english is notb my first language as i told you >< and sorry for the long wait. I'm kinda busy and can't update early /bow/

So, enjoy the story and tell me what you think about it ^^

Love you all :* Byebye. I'm gonna write new chunjoe fic  ( '-') /

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I really love it. i hoped for against ending, but I enjoyed they stayed together. L.Joe possessive is so hot and intense.
Rosa812 #2
Chapter 1: I always like an obssessed & possessive L.joe towards Chunji :) Write more Chunjoe (in 3rd person if possible), will u? :D
Chapter 1: wow... i cant believe chunji gave up.. haha.. but.. ljoe cheated on him?!?! thats not right... no wonder chunji wanted to get away..
ILoveYou_Forever #4
Chapter 1: LOL Channie gave up huh~~~ I can guess he will... LOL~~~
Chapter 1: and so chunji gives in… yayy!!! ^^ nice ending i really like it!!
MIKeeMIKee #6
Chapter 1: Haha, chunji, there is no point of resisting when it comes to l.joeXD
Chapter 1: yay happy ending ..... !!
plz update i so totally want to hear how this ends ^^
cureybaby #9
update soon... sounds interesting. please...<3
Its has happy ending .right pleass say yes ..