First MV

The New Trainee

Eden and I have been secretly 'dating' for a few weeks now. All of LC9 and the other female trainees in my group know but no one else, not even our managers. We've been 'dating' so to speak but we haven't actually been on a date or had any alone time since our group is trainee for our debut and LC9 is having a comeback soon.

Our group had been asked to help out as background people for LC9's new MV for their comeback which will feature Gain as the female lead and Eden as the male lead. I should be happy of Eden but the song is about how two people can't decide whether to be together or not and in the end they decide not to be but they part with a passionate kiss. I haven't even passionately kissed Eden yet.

I couldn't sleep the whole night before so when we got to the set for the MV shooting I was already dead tired. LC9 was already there and so was Gain right next to Eden so I couldn't even say hi to him. As the filming started I thought that eventually I would get a chance to talk to Eden or even say hi but Gain never left his side and was constantly hanging on his arm. Plus she started to really get into the mood of the MV, which only pissed me off even more, but what really made me mad was that Eden just let her, he didn't even try to brush her off.

Eventually it was our turn and we were back up dancer with Gain and LC9 in two different scenes. We did a y, permiscuous dance in the background with Gain, but with LC9 we were their dance partners. The director announced the pairings and he put Eden and I together. I looked over at Eden, he smiled at me but I was too mad at him to smile back. I glared at him and turned away. I walked up to the director and suggested that maybe one of the other girls would make a better partner because Eden and I's heights didn't match well. The director agreed and switched us up so I was now King's dance partner.

We had been filming the dance for almost three hours when the director told is to take a break before we tried one more time. I walked over to grab some water when I saw Eden walking towards me with a serious look on his face, I didn't want to talk to him. Eden was a couple feet away when Ao and King came up behind me, grabbed my arms, and drug me away telling Eden they needed to borrow me. They dragged me to a stairwell on the side of the building that led to the street and once we sat down King immediately asked me what was wrong. I told him how I didn't like Eden letting Gain faun all over and hold onto him all day. 'I know I have no right to say that because its our job to act professional even in head situations.' King and Ao agreed, but King thought it wasn't fair that Eden diet even try to brush her off or at least explain things to me. 'Why don't we tease Eden a little bit? What do you say?' King's proposition sounded like fun but I didn't want to act like a child, I told King and Ao that I'd just talk to him when all the filming was done with.

After the break, we got back on the set but the director said he wanted to change the ending move for a more dramatic ending. So instead of the old move, now at the end our LC9 partner would dip us down and act as if they were just about to kiss us but stop so that the final scene would fade out right before the kiss. I was a little shocked but it was our job so we need to do it. So we all practiced  for a few minutes and then started filming. After about half an hour the director said he was satisfied but wanted to go one more time and then we'd be done. So the music started and we all did really well but this time when the ending came King whispered, 'I know you said you didn't want to tease Eden, but I think he needs to know how you feel.' King grabbed my waist for the final move, he dipped me down but instead of stopping right before, he actually kissed me! Although it was just a quick peck in the lips, everyone was astonished, except Eden, he was just mad. At that very moment the director clapped his hands really loud once and told us that was all he needed.

We all started getting ready to leave when I saw Eden storming towards King and I. I thought he was going after King and King was just peacefully smiling, but instead of going for King, Eden grabbed my arm and dragged towards an extra room off to the side and slammed the door behind us. 'Why did you let King kiss you?' Eden raised his voice, he was livid. 'I didn't know he was going to.' Eden looked me straight in the eyes, looking for the truth. 'You should have let him do that.' He said it as if he was accusing me, like it was my fault, 'I didn't do anything!' Eden turned to me, he looked like he was ready to burst, 'That's exactly the problem, you didn't do anything, you didn't even try and stop him.' Again, it seemed like he was saying it was my fault it happened, 'Then what about you? Letting Gain hang all over you all day, not doing anything about it, just letting it happen, aren't you at fault too?' That made him mad which made me even more mad, 'Just forget it.' I reached for the door but then Eden grabbed my shoulder, spun me around, and pushed me up against the door. Eden had both of arms on either side of me, 'Let me go, I'm done talking to you.' I tried to keep a serious look on my face but it didn't work. 'Did it really bother you? That Gain was next to me all day?' he asked with such a serious look on his face. 'It bothered me as much as King kissing me bothers you.' I looked at him expecting to see a remorseful face but instead a smirk spread across his face, 'So you were jealous? Of Gain? All day long?' My jaw dropped and I became even more mad. 'I can't believe you! I hate you Eden!' Then he dropped his head on my shoulder and started laughing. I wanted to leave but he still had me pinned to the door, but then just as I was getting ready to push him away, Eden softly kissed my neck and then moved to my ear, whispering, 'I'm not letting you get away.'

He cupped my face with his left hand while wrapping his left arm around my waist and pulling me in closer. He smiled at me sweetly and then passionately started kissing me. I had my hands against his chest trying to push him away because I couldn't breathe. When he finally stopped, I leaned back trying to catch my breath. Just as my breathing finally steadied he looked me straight in the eyes and smirked saying, 'Let's go for round 2.'

'Wai-' was all I managed to get out.

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Taemin_Droval #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^