
Some Things Never Change

Hi everyone! I was going to post this update a few days ago, but something came up :/ I apologize for the long wait. Without further ado, enjoy reading it~ 



The day has finally come. I'm actually on a date with Aemi.

"Do you mind we eat at a café for breakfast? There's a place I know that has great coffee, plus the food is great." I told Aemi as we stopped at a red light.

"Sure, no problem, I love coffee." she gave me a nice smile. Yes! I got one thing right so far! If I wasn't driving, I wouldn't mind staring at her all day, though I would look a lot like a creeper. What can I say? I'm really crazy about her.

For the rest of the ride to the café, I didn't really talk much with Aemi because I was afraid I would get too distracted from the road, though I really felt like holding her hand and asking her questions to know more about her. Well safety first sadly…

There wasn't a parking space that was close-by the café, so we will have to walk a bit before getting there. I hope Aemi won't mind… After I parked my car, I got out of my car immediately and went over to the passenger's side and opened the door for Aemi.

“Kris… This is very gentleman-like of you, but you really don’t need to open the car door for me. It makes me feel weird haha… Just act like you normally do okay?” she looked up with her big dark brown eyes with a small smile on her face. I didn’t expect this kind of response from her. I thought girls would go crazy if the guy treats them this way.

“Oh alright… Sorry…” I rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment.

"Oh it's fine, don't worry about it." she assured me. Aemi is such an easy-going person.

"And also… We might need to walk a few minutes in order to reach the café. There was no parking space nearby that was available..." I said biting my lip nervously.

"Kris, you don't need to be so tense. I don't mind walking. You look so scared; relax and let's just have fun. You don't have to be so concerned whether I like this, or whether I like that." she tried to reach for my shoulder to pat it, but due to the height difference, she sighed and just patted the side of my arm to assure me everything's fine.

"I just wanted this date to be perfect…" I mumbled.

"Don't change, just be yourself. You're fun just the way you are." she said.Oh so she caught what I said... Woops. 

"Haha alright…" I smiled. "Do you mind?" I asked as I took her hand.

"Nope…" her cheeks reddened.

We walk hand in hand until we reach the café.


This is so awkward!! I can feel my face becoming red like a tomato. I really am not used to this kind of skinship. This is the first time I really hold hands with a guy I walk with.

As we sat down at our table, Kris ordered some food. I took a look at the surroundings and the café is quite nice. It wasn't super big, and it wasn't overly luxurious looking. It was quite cozy actually.

"Are you a chocolate fan?" Kris asked me.

"Oh my god yeah! It's one of the best foods in the world!" I beamed. Whenever someone mentions things about chocolate, I automatically switch on my crazy button. 

"Perfect then. You will love the breakfast." Kris said confidently.

In a few minutes, the waitress brought over our food and placed it in front of us. Oh my god… Chocolate croissants! The smell of the freshly baked croissants and the chocolate is absolutely heavenly.

"Don't just look at the croissants, eat." Kris gestured. Since he offered, I didn't hesitate to take a bite of it. Hmmmm… The taste is even better than the smell! I swear, this is one of the best croissants I ate in my life. Plus the chocolate was melting on my tongue as I bite through the croissant.

"Kris," I said after finishing it. "This is so delicious!"

"I'm glad you like it. Now take a look at your coffee." he smiled. He seems very happy after knowing I like the food. I take a look at the two cups of coffee.

"Oh my god…" I gasped. "A Rilakkuma latte art…. You remembered I like this bear…  Oh and yours is a Totoro! These are so cute!! It's actually the first time I get to see these in real life." It's so sweet of him to have remembered I like Rilakkuma.

"How could I forget you like it? I mean, you gave me one." he said and pointed to the one on his bag. Oh yeah… I completely forgot about that. Wow, he actually hung it on his bag. "Aren't they too cute to drink?" he chuckled and I nodded in total approval. "Let's drink it though before it gets too cold."


"Tell me again why I'm here with an idiot like you?" I asked Kai. I feel really ridiculous right now.

"You're here because you're being a good best friend and sister." said Kai taking a peek at Aemi and Kris from the menu he was holding.

When I was done changing, Kai gave me a hoodie, a pair of sunglasses and a cap. He forced me to wear them, because he said if I just went out with my normal clothes, Aemi might recognize me.

"Dude, I'm going to get a heatstroke if I keep this hoodie on. We're in summer you know!" I complained. The hoodie he gave me was really not meant to be worn during summer time.

"It's not that hot! I wear much more clothes when I perform on an outside stage in summer!" said Kai taking a sip of his drink.

Kris and Aemi looked like they were enjoying their date a lot. Aemi was really impressed by the latte Kris had ordered for her, and they were chatting endlessly. They must have a lot in common… They practically talked for the entire meal. Not a single moment of silence.

"You have chocolate on your nose." I heard Kris say to Aemi. I took a small glance at them.

"Where?" she blinked confusingly.

"On your nose haha… Here, I'll wipe it off for you." said Kris while he reached Aemi's face with his napkin to wipe of the chocolate from the croissants.

After seeing Aemi's face turning red, I turned my head back immediately. Another stab in the heart… I breathe in and out in order to calm myself down. I wouldn't want to start crying here. I mean Kai is here, plus Kris and Aemi are here too! If I do that, I would look like a pathetic loser.

"You okay Elle? You look kinda pale…" said Kai with concerned eyes.

"I'm fine." I answered immediately and composed myself. "Just feeling a little bit light headed. No big deal."

"If you say so…" he took one last look at me before his eyes darted back to Aemi and Kris.

Why on earth did I agree to come here with him? This must be one of the stupidest thing I've ever done in my life. I dug my own grave. I knew I would be witnessing those two in lovey-dovey moments with my own eys. How can I be so stupid to come with Kai?

"Oh , she's heading this way!" Kai panicked.

"Turn back and just drink your coffee." I hissed and lowered my head as I take a sip at my drink. If our cover is blown, this would be so damn embarrassing for the both of us. Aemi walked by our table without realizing who we really are. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Dude, relax, she was just heading towards the washrooms." I said.

"Oh okay… For a second there, I thought we were screwed." said Kai feeling much more relaxed.

"Well I wouldn't be surprised if we get caught, I mean you're peeking so obviously from the menu to look at them!" I said to him.

"Hey, at least I didn't look at them like you did! You just glanced over your shoulder! That was even more obvious." he said. I rolled my eyes. Arguing with him would be pointless, so I don't bother saying anything else.

"Look at him…" said Kai irately. "He's trying to make a move with that stupid napkin trick! Pfff. How lame. He probably took that one out of a drama. Aemi's totally capable of wiping of the chocolate on her own! And the lattes… He's trying so hard to impress her with those! How unoriginal."

"I think it's pretty cute of him to do so…" I mumbled. I wouldn't mind being in the place of Aemi. Heck, I bet a bunch of girls would die to be in her shoes right now.

"Cute? Seriously? Even you say it's cute?" said Kai incredulously. "You girls are so easy to please." he shook his head.


As I went to the washroom, I let out a loud sigh of relief. Finally, I can actually breathe now. I felt as though I was suffocating from awkwardness there. I was cautious with every action I did and every word I said. I really didn't want to do anything that would hurt him.

As the breakfast went on, Kris kept asking me a lot of questions about myself. I felt like I was being interviewed honestly. Whenever there was a moment of silence between us, Kris would throw me a question in order to know more about me. I hate to admit it, but I actually feel a bit overwhelmed by all the questions he's been bombarding me with. The beginning of the breakfast was fun, but now I just feel awkward around him again. I can see he's trying to learn more about me, in order to please me more easily, but he's really coming on too strong! I understand he may like me a lot, but I still need a little space.

I'm usually a pretty patient person, but at the table, I felt like I was about to snap any time and I seriously felt like escaping from this date through the washroom's window!

But that would be very mean of me to do so… Kris is a nice guy after all.

I look at myself in the mirror, and let out a sigh. I guess it's time to go back to Kris… This small break to the washroom helped me calm down a bit though. Let's just hope the rest of the date wouldn't be so bad…


"Ouch…" I said and glared at Elle. "What was that for?" She kicked my leg.

"Shut up!" she hissed. "She's coming back."

Oh so that's why.

I lower my head as Aemi passed by, and let out a sigh of relief again when she was back in her seat.

After a few more minutes, Kris paid for their meal and left the place while holding Aemi's hand.

I took out the amount of money needed for this meal, left it on the table, and got up while pulling Elle's arm to urge her to leave quicker.

"Sir, you haven't paid yet…" a waitress said as she saw me leave.

"Money's on the table along with your tip." I snapped.

"Stop pulling my arm!" said Elle while yanking her arm out of my grip. "What is wrong with you today? Are you trying to dislocate my arm? And dude, you look as though you want to murder someone. I have absolutely no idea what you said to that waitress, but I know it wasn't very nice by the tone you used. You frightened that poor girl."

"What do you mean I look like a murderer? Oh crap! Come on! They're on the move!" I said pulled her arm again and led her to my car.

As soon as we were in the car, I drove to see if Kris' car was still in spot. If they left already, then we're going to have a lot of trouble finding them later. Luck seems to be on our side right now. As we almost reach Kris' car, they were just about to leave.

"Kai, you look like a freakin' stalker right now." said Elle.

"You're part of all this you know." I stuck my tongue out and returned my focus on the couple. 


I think I was asking Aemi way too many questions back at the café. She looked a bit uncomfortable, but she didn’t say anything and kept on smiling. Throughout the ride to the next location, I kept my mouth shut. I think she'll like this slight silence between us.

Yesterday night, I asked a few Exo-K members to know what Aemi likes to do. I wanted to ask Kai, since they're best friends, but he was nowhere to be found last night. Sehun suggested me to bring Aemi to a park. I thought it would be boring, but it turns out, sometimes she likes to play on the swing sets and the slides because it reminds her a lot of her fun childhood memories with her parents. Also, Luhan told me to keep the date simple, since it's the first one. It'll be a bad idea to scare her with too fancy stuff.

"Where are we going?" asked Aemi.

"Oh you'll see." I smiled and said no more. She'll be surprised later.

As we got out of the car, Aemi was still a bit confused to where we're going and I chuckle at her cute confused expression.

"Ta-dah. This is where I wanted to take you." I smiled. The park I chose wasn't very crowded, so it's perfect for our date.

"How did he know…?" she mumbled to herself as she saw the slides and swing sets.

"Come on. It's fun to act like a kid when you're an adult. Race you to the swings!" I said and started running.

"Hey! No fair! You're way too tall!" I heard her yell as she attempted to outrun me. Of course, she wouldn't be able to win. I arrived there around 15 seconds before she did. She was practically breathless when she arrived.

"Come on, I'll make it up to you." I said and lifted her up to put her on the swing.

"You don't have to push me, I can just swing my legs to move the swing." said Aemi.

"You won't be able to reach very high though. Let the Giant Kris push you." I smiled.

"Alright fine." she laughed lightly.

After pushing her on the swing a few times, I sat on the one next to hers and started to play too. This is actually pretty fun. It's been years since I played on park games.

"Slides?" I asked her.

"Oh definitely." she said and got off her swing. She started running towards and yelled:

"Race you there!"

Of course, she got there before I did since she started first, and I let her win this time. 

"Now this time, you cheated." I .

"That was not cheating. It was a handicap for a giant like you." she stuck her tongue out. So cute…

People who passed by the park looked at us weirdly, while others just shook their heads and laughed at our silliness. Even if I wasn't wearing my disguise, I wouldn't have been ashamed of being here with Aemi. Right now, I feel like I'm a kid again. It really helps remove the stress from the idol life. 

"You know…" said Aemi. "You're one of the rare people who doesn't make fun of me for playing on park rides. Thanks." she smiled sincerely.

"You’re welcome, but why would they make fun of you? This is really fun." I smiled back.

"Haha. Hold on a sec, I'm just going to call Elle to see if she's okay."


"…" I whispered and quickly pressed on the hang up button on my phone.

"Why didn’t you put your phone on silent mode?!" Kai hissed at me.

"It's not like I did that on purpose! I just forgot! Now shut up before they hear us." I hissed back.

"Eh… Is it just me or did you hear a noise coming from the bush?" Aemi asked Kris. She probably forgot she was suppose to find out whether I'm still sick or not.

"Nope it's not just you… I heard it too." I heard Kris say. Damn!! Kai's eyes widen and he looked as though he was about to have a panic attack.

Oh crap, oh crap… I hear their footsteps approaching us.

Suddenly, I hear some ice cream cart music. I pray that they get distracted by that and leave us alone.

"Oh look ice cream! Let's go get some!" said Aemi.

Well, I guess my prayer got answered. As I hear them walking away, I let another sigh of relief.

"You're so useless! How could you be so stupid and put your phone's sound on?" said Kai along with a bunch of swear words.

"It's no big deal… I mean we didn't get caught." I said while setting my phone on silent mode. "There. You happy now?" 

"Whatever, let's go before they get too far." said Kai getting up from our hiding spot, and tugging on my right arm again.

"Kai. I swear, if you pull on my arm again, I'll kick you in the balls like I did this morning." I threatened. Can you blame me though? I wouldn't have complained if he just tugged my arm lightly, but so far, he's been using so much force that my muscles hurt more than when I do a bunch of push-ups in gym class! 

"Okay, okay." he released my arm immediately and looked at me in fear. "Just don't walk too slowly when you follow me, and I won't tug your arm again."


I have to admit, this is really fun. Kris really knows how to impress a girl. I ran up to the ice cream cart and went ahead and paid for two cones before Kris could pay again. The café he took me to this morning wasn't a cheap one, so I feel kinda bad that he had to pay.

Since Kris is such a big guy… I guess I'll buy him a cone with two scoops.

I order the vanilla and green tea flavors, and tell the ice cream guy to put that in one cone. I'm so glad he understands English! I would probably look ridiculous if I try to hand sign him my ice cream orders haha. As for me, I got myself a single chocolate scoop in a cone. What can I say? Chocolate maniac here hehe. I paid for the ice creams and when I turn around, I face Kris.

"Don't you know that the guy should always pay on dates?" said Kris as he gave me a disapproving look.

"Oh come on! Don't be so ist! Who came up with that rule? Now enjoy your ice cream before it melts." I smiled and handed him his cone.

"How did you know I like green tea and vanilla?" he looked at me in surprise.

"It's really just a lucky guess haha… Well Elle's brother's favorite ice cream flavors are vanilla and green tea, and you're both tall… So I took a chance and chose these flavors." I smiled.

"Haha alright then. Thanks Aemi." he said and happily ate the scoops of ice cream.

We walk as we chatted about little things. No more Aemi interview, which I am very glad of. I'm feeling much more comfortable around him now. As we walk, I spot a small accessory store with a nice outside design. I bet they have some cool stuff in there.

"Kris, do you mind we go there? I promise it won't take a long time. I'm just curious what kind of accessory they sell."

"Sure, no problem." he said and took my free hand as we crossed the street to go there. I said I was comfortable around him, but I'm still not a big fan of this hand holding thing.

The inside of the store was even prettier than the outside. The store really sells all kind of accessory. From earrings, to hairpins. And I have to say, the style variety is pretty vast.

I go to the hair accessory section and a saleslady comes up to me and say a bunch of things in Korean. I just nod and smile and pretended to know what she was saying.

A hair pin catches my eye. It's just a silver hair pin with a bow on it. This doesn't look so expensive, plus there's a strand of hair that keeps falling in front of my face. This could be useful. 

But man was I wrong… It turns out, the hairpin costs more than my shoes! What kind of store is this?! I take a look at the tag and it turns out, this hairpin is made with a high quality silver imported from an European country. Also, the shiny rock in the place of the bow's knot turns out to be pure crystal from Austria.

I guess I'm too poor to buy this haha. Oh well. It's no big deal; such a small hairpin costs so much! It's not that worth it.

The saleslady was looking at me, thinking I was going to buy it. I let out an uneasy smile. She's probably saying I'm another one of those annoying customers who just look and won't buy.

I let out a sigh and went to see Kris.

"I'm done. Let's go." I said.

"Wait for me outside. I just got a text from Xiumin telling me to buy a birthday gift for his sister." said Kris.

"Oh alright then, take your time." I said and went outside to wait.


"Excuse me…" I tapped the saleslady's shoulder. "Could you tell me what that girl was looking at before?"

"Sure no problem." she said and led me to the hair pin section. Xiumin's sister's gift was such a lame excuse, but Aemi bought it.

"Your girlfriend had her eyes on this hairpin." she said and showed me a silver bow pin. Girlfriend… Not exactly yet, but I hope she will be soon! I bet this gift will make Aemi happy.

"Good, I'll take this." I said and went over to pay for it.

Aemi thought I wasn't paying attention to her when she was looking around the shop. I noticed she was looking at something, and she seemed to like it a lot. Her eyes widen she saw the price tag though. The hairpin is kinda expensive, but not for me though. Being an international known idol has its perks.

I bet she'll flip when she sees the gift I got her.


Kris is such a nice guy to help out his friend pick out a gift. And it's a girl's gift, so it must take him a long time to choose.

I hear the store's door open and I spot Kris holding a tiny little bag.

"You found the gift?" I asked casually.

"I'm practically 100% sure she'll like it." he grinned.

"Oh? A lot of confidence I see there." I laughed.

"Could you do me a favor please?" Kris asked.

"Sure." I said without hesitating. He did a lot for me already today, a simple favor is the least I can do to repay him.

"Close your eyes." he said.

"Okay…?" I said, feeling puzzled.

Kris was touching a strand of my hair for some reason. What is he doing?

"Open your eyes now." he said. I open my eyes, and he was holding his phone in front of me as a mirror.

"Oh my…" I gasped and touched the hair pin. "You really shouldn’t have…"

"It's no big deal. I just wanted to get you something you would like." said Kris grinning. He actually bought the hair pin that I was looking at in the store. I was quite positive he wouldn't be able to see what I was looking at though.

"Thank you…" I whispered. I was still under shock. "I love it."


"What is he doing? Why is he touching her hair?" said Kai looking through a pair of binoculars. I was also looking through a pair. "That's it. I'm going out there."

He was about to jump out of our hiding spot to interrupt their date. What is wrong with Kai today? He's so damn aggressive and so not himself. I've never seen him act this way before. I pull on his hoodie making him fall back down.

"Don't make such a big fuss. He's just putting a hair pin or something on." I said and rolled my eyes. "Are you really willing to blow our cover because of such small matter? They'll think you're crazy, and what if this gets exposed to the media? You'll be the laughing stock in the Kpop industry you idiot!"

"Fine." he said and crossed his arms.

I wonder… Could it be he's acting this way because he likes Aemi…? The way he was looking at them… He looked so jealous.


As much as I was reluctant to go on this date this morning, I actually enjoyed it in the end. It got much less awkward at some point, and I really had fun with Kris.

However, when I say I had fun on this date, it doesn't mean I like Kris back. To me, it was just like hanging out with a friend with not romantic feelings towards him what so ever. I feel kinda bad though… Kris spent so much on me, and I just bought him an ice cream… Plus, the worst part is that he doesn't even I don't like him back yet…

What should I do?

"Thanks for the date Aemi. I had a really great day." said Kris when he walked me to my apartment's door.

"I should be the one thanking you. It was a lot of fun." I smiled back, trying to hide the guilt I'm feeling. The hairpin holding my strand of hair actually feels like it weights a ton now.

"I should go now." he gave me a peck on the cheek and hugged me. "I'm probably going to be busy with work, so I'll try my best to come see you again."

"You don't have to if you really don't have time… I mean you probably barely have time for sleep." I frowned.

"You don't need to worry about me. I rather be a sleepless zombie than not see you." he winked. "Anyways, bye Aemi."

I watched his car pull away from the apartment's parking lot and wave at him one more time before going in.

I think I just dug myself a bigger grave. What am I going to do with Kris? Tell him I don't like him after all he did for me?

I really need to talk to Elle about this, but she's not even home!


Throughout the entire day, I notice that Kris and Aemi looked happy together and I realize, there's absolutely no more reason for me to be so sad. The hugging scene would have probably crushed the me from yesterday, but now, surprisingly, I don't really feel crushed or hurt at all anymore. My best friend got herself a very nice boyfriend, and my first love seems extremely happy with her. There's nothing for me to mope about. Two people who are important to me are happy, and I'm very glad for them. This just shows that I was not meant to be with Kris.

On this trip, I never thought I would meet my first love, cry because of him, and getting over him. I guess what people say is true. Traveling to another country gives you many life experiences.

After realizing all this, I feel as though a heavy weight got lifted off my shoulder. It feels as though all my sad feelings from all this just got whooshed away by a tide. I no longer need to avoid Aemi anymore, or Kris for that matter.

This spying thing wasn't a complete waste of my time. In a way, I'm glad Kai convinced me to go with him, despite the annoyance he caused me. It was like a closure day for me. 

I can go home in peace now. 


"Where do you think you're going?" I put a hand on her shoulder to stop her from leaving.

"Home? Aren't we done with the spying game already? Aemi went home and Kris drove away already." she said and blinked confusingly.

"You can't just go home like this! Wouldn’t Aemi find it weird if you just go home right now? Right after she goes in? She will suspect you were spying on her and Kris!” said Kai.

“Dude, you're being way too paranoid…" she rolled her eyes.

"Just go home in an hour or two okay?" I said to her.

"Fine. After that, I'm leaving." she said.

"Good then." I smiled in victory.

"Where do you want to go then?" she asked me with bored eyes.

"You mind going to a bar with me?" I asked her.

"Sure, but after a couple of hours, I'm leaving. I'm kinda tired from the whole spying thing." she yawned.


Kai drove us to a bar called Silver Moonlight. The bar wasn't super crowded, so I didn't feel too uncomfortable there.

I ordered myself a simple beer; I didn't really feel like drinking today. Kai on the other hand… Right from the start, he ordered himself three bottles of soju. I never really tasted this type of alcohol before, but I heard it's quite strong. Well, at least, stronger than the beer I'm drinking.

"Kai… I think you should ease down on the soju. You're drinking way too much in one shot…" I said worriedly. He was already almost done with the third bottle, and his cheeks started to redden. This gives me extra reason to stop at one beer. One of us has to be sober. At first, he poured it into his shot glass, but eventually, he just started drinking from the bottle directly. Is he trying to intoxicate himself?!

"No I'm not!" he said and hiccupped. "This is just my third bottle!"

He waved to a waiter and said a bunch of Korean words. I assumed he was ordering more. By the look on his face, I would say he's in between the tipsy stage and the drunk stage. Very near the drunk stage though.

"You know," he started saying after finishing the last sip of his second bottle. "I really don't know what Aemi sees in Kris. He's way too tall, and if someone with her height stands next to him, they would feel so inferior. Plus, what was all that stuff he did! Buying cute lattes, and expensive accessories. I can do that too you know! And the ice cream… That scene just made me sick, but nothing can beat the kiss on the cheek moment outside your apartment. *hiccups* I felt like punching Kris in the face at that very moment! If you weren't there with me, I would have probably gotten over there and do that! PUNCH! Right in the face!" he said and threw a punch in the empty air. I'm glad he's still conscious enough to not use my face as his punching bag.

"MY Aemi can do so much better than Kris… So many guys out there are much better than him. Plus, he doesn't even know her that long!" said Kai who started to drink his fourth bottle of soju as the waiter set down three bottles.

"Like who?" I asked.

"EH…" he hesitated and thought for a second. "I don't know! But I know that guy is somewhere out there!"

"Is that guy you?" I asked as I played with my empty beer can.

"Huh?" he looked at me confusingly. I take a look at his eyes, and I confirmed that he's definitely drunk now.

"You know what your problem is? You're bothered by Kris because you like Aemi. You probably liked her for a long time already, maybe even before coming back to Korea, but you just didn't realize it. You are jealous that you are not the guy that was spending the entire day with Aemi. That's why you keep bashing on Kris, and keep saying that Aemi's better off with another person, and that ideal guy you think that's perfect for her, is you. Just admit it now Kai. You're in love with Aemi." I said all of this in one shot

He blinked a few times, and looked at me. He was about to open his mouth to say something, but I think the large amount of alcohol he consumed kicked in; he passed out with his head landing on his arms that were on the table. At the same time, he also spilled the remaining soju all over me.

Great… I would yell at him for ruining my clothes, but I would like a mad woman yelling at a passed out guy. Plus, the poor guy must be heartbroken right now.

*Sigh…* Drowning yourself in soju won't help you at all in this situation. If you really want Aemi that badly, go fight for her you idiot. I'm sure if you confessed to her before Kris did, you guys would probably be together right now.

I poked him a few times to see if he's going to wake up any time soon, but he had absolutely no reaction. At least he's still breathing though. I take out my phone, and I call Baekhyun to come pick him up. I can't just leave him here, and I also can't stay here until he wakes up! He might be knocked out for the entire night!

"Come by foot though." I told Baekhyun. "His car is close-by the bar, so you can drive on the way back."

While I was waiting for Baekhyun, I called a waiter to come over, and I paid for all the drinks we ordered. Man… The soju Kai ordered is so damn expensive!

About an hour or so, Baekhyun finally came, with a disguise of course, but I can still recognize him easily.

"What happened to Kai?" he asked as he reached our table with wide eyes as he spot the knocked out Kai.

"Oh nothing much." I shrugged and skipped all the details. "He just drowned himself in soju. Just take him home before people spot him."

"Oh alright… Thanks for watching over him." he said and reached for one of Kai's arm while I took the other one.

I help him drag Kai to the parked car.

"When Kai wakes up tomorrow, tell him the soju he ordered cost me a fortune, and he owes me big time. Also, tell him to man up before it's too late." I did not hesitate to say before leaving. "Anyways, good night Bacon."

"But wait Elle! How about I drive you back?" he called.

"It's alright, I can go back on my own. Just bring him home." I said and started to walk away.

Kai is probably feeling worst that I felt yesterday. I was very sad to see my first love confessing to my best friend, and I didn't know Kris for a long time, and it hurt so much already. Kai… He knows Aemi VERY well. He must be in so much pain right now…

Be strong Kai. I'm not saying I want Aemi and Kris to break up, but if he really wants Aemi to be his, he better do something before it's too late. They just had their first date; he can still have time to turn things around if that is what he wishes.

Hurting a brother's heart or being with the girl of his dreams… It's going to be a tough choice for him to make.

Good luck Kai. You'll need it.  

I would like to thank everyone who subscribed and those who commented ^^ Also, I want to wish all my readers a Happy New Year! 

Kris & Aemi's lattes

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TheDanceMachine #1
Chapter 16: Why Kai? Why can't you see?? D: YOU'RE JEALOUS BECAUSE YOU LOVE AEMI!!!

*rage attack ended*

I really hope that it'll turn out fine for everyone, so much heartbreak... :( Really looking forward for the next chap! ^^ Please update soon author-nim~
iLoveSJ01 #2
Chapter 14: Aww Kai....TT.TT I knew it you would get hurt :((
Kris...uhmm..Idk...but Kris is too clingy and blunt :))) Maybe I'm like Aemi who doesn't like those straightforward kind of guys...
Chapter 14: Kris & Aemi's date wasn't that bad... Though poor Kai >.< He has to see all that D:
Chapter 14: Ugh i hope Elle will have her happy ending. it doesnt matter if it's with kris or any other guy, just as long as she gets her happy ending. she deserves it. ;(
TheDanceMachine #5
Chapter 13: Cute plushies~ :3 Liked the Christmas spirit in the chappie (since it's Christmas and all xD)!!
Hwaiting for more updates so please update soon author-nim <3
KimEmiLee #6
Chapter 13: The plushies <333333
_BangLo #7
Chapter 12: update soon author nim! ^^
xoxoHISTORYxoxo #8
Chapter 12: Uh oh... Kris and Aemi's date.... Awkward :$