Release The Beast

Taemin the freak

Sweet and spicy aromas encircled Taemin, their smells combining with scent of soap radiating from his body, fresh from his recent shower. Taemin welcomed the sound of  a frying pan crackling, aware that Key was cooking and anything Key made was bound to be delicious.

Walking into the kitchen Taemin was greeted by the sight of the back of Key's beautiful figure; perfectly toned from his years of dance.

Quietly creeping. Taemin came up behind him and gave him a swift slap on the backside.

"Taemin!" Key scolded, almost dropping the chopsticks.

Taemin smiled at his boyfriends nagging and wrapped his arms around the back of his waist. Resting his chin on Key's shoulder he took a deep breath.

"Mmm, Key, that smells so good!" Taemin nuzzled Key's soft neck. "You smell good too." He murmured sensually and planted a small kiss at the base of his neck.

Key turned the hob down slightly and turned to place a small, chaste kiss on Taemin's small, plump lips.

"Thankyou Minnie!" he smiled. "It should taste good too, i used that hot sauce you like so much."

Before he could turn back Taemin pulled Key towards him again and pressed their lips together. Caught off guard by the youngers sudden urgency, Key let out a small gasp, giving Taemin even more access to his mouth, which he gladly accepted.

"I bet you would taste even better." he whispered against Key's lips between kisses.

Key smiled but broke the contact.

"Taemin! Control yourself or the food'll burn and we'll have to starve." he joked and gave Taemin a quick peck on the cheek before scuttling back over to the hob.

Still hungry for Key, Taemin turned and followed, wrapped his arms around his waist and rested his chin on Key's neck again. But instead of interrupting him, Taemin simply watched Key's nimble fingers as he stirred and added spices to the aromatic concoction. 

Looking up, Taemin watched Key's profile; deep in concentration, his slightly furrowed brows, small pouted lips and high cheekbones that caught the light whenever he moved. Noticing Taemin was watching him, Key gave him a smile.

"Nearly finished!" he chirped.

Taemin grinned and slowly moved his mouth to where Key's shoulder and neck joined. Using his front teeth he bit down gently. Key gave a small yelp and glanced sideways.

"What are you doing Tae?" He asked quizzically. 

"Mmmmm." Taemin hummed but didn't reply. He carried on nipping and massaging the sensitive part of Key's neck with his teeth.

Key tutted and shook his head. "Kids these days." he chuckled and carried on cooking.

Taemin continued working on Key's neck, but this time he bit down harder.

"Yah! Taemin! That hurt!" Key shouted in shock.

Taemin stopped and looked up at Key , wide eyed.

"Oh no! Sorry!"

A small bead of blood began to from where he'd bitten him. Taemin leaned forward and the blood away.

"I'm sorry Key." he said again.

"It's okay. You just startled me." Key looked at him with furrowed brows and turned back to the pan. Confused and a little concerned, he carried on stirring.

Softly kissing where the blood had been, Taemin tried to comfort Key. He placed his teeth on either side of the inner corner of Key's neck again and on the sensitive skin.

"Ah, Taemin." Key breathed. Taemin smiled against his neck as he felt Key's pulse quicken. He softly bit down on Key's neck again, steadily getting harder.

"T-Taemin. Please. Stop." He moaned. But Taemin didn't stop, he tightened his hold around Key's waist and angled his head so he could get better access to Key's neck.

"Taemin! Aaargh! Taemin stop!" Key shouted out as Taemin drove his teeth deeper into Key's flesh. Blood poured from his wounds but Taemin didn't stop. He couldn't stop.

"AAAAAARGH! TAEMIIIN!" Key screamed and then. Silence.

Taemin retracted his teeth from Key's neck and loosed his grip from around his waist. Key's body fell forward, his arm catching on the pan's handle, sending it and the contents crashing to the ground as his body slumped to the floor in a pool of crimson liquid.

Taemin's eyes widened and his mouth fell open in shock as he stared at the body that was once the love of his life. The faint smell of copper mingled with the smell of spices, and what Taemin recognised as the smell of his favourite hot sauce.

"Oh no. No no no no no. No!" Taemin fell to his knees beside his beloved Key, the blood soaking into his jeans.

"Key." He sobbed. "No, what have I done?" Taemin the side of Key's soft, cold face, his tears diluting the blood on Key's neck.

"Key! KEY!?" He started repeatedly slapping Key's face to wake him up.

"KEY! KEY! WAKE UP! THIS ISN'T FUNNY ANYMORE!" But he knew it was useless. He leaned over and pressed his forehead against Key's. Tears streamed from his eyes and heart wrenching sobs racked his body.

"K-Key." Taemin could barely bring  himself to utter the name that had brought joy to his life for the past 2 years.

"What have I done? K-Key, I love you Key. I'm so sorry." He whispered.

So sorry.


Man this is so depressing! When i first thought about this it wasn't as bad.

I actually killed off my own bias =_= I'm sorry too Key.

And you're probably all thinking "Taemin's a vampire!?" to be totally honest, my answer to that is... I don't know. lol. i guess it's whatever you make of it, i didn't intend to write a vampire fic. I never did ,but this is just what it turned out to be like. I think it's because i've been listening to The Gazette on repeat while i was writing it. lol.

meh, well lately all I've wanted to do is show a completely different side to the SHINee members, something no-one would ever really think of, especially Taemin (Taeman) and Onew, they're the innocent ones. I'm gonna have a lot of fun with those two...hehe

ANYWAYS!! thankyou for reading, don't forget to comment, if you have any questions or whatever. You can write on my wall or PM me if you want to! ^_^

And this A/N is longer than the fic so i'm gonna stop now! Bye! and thankyou again! (I bet you all think i'm one messed up bish lol)


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Kanpop #1
Chapter 1: wow! i actually liked this. i got a little sad at the end, but the story was really good! ^^
Chapter 1: Q.o wha- he killed him?
corg-key #3
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^