
If this is Love, then Love is Easy


This is a story about a couple of best friends who don’t even realize that they’ve completely fell for each other... It started in summer 2013, where teenagers are starting to enjoy the time of their lives; hanging around with friends for 24/7, hit the beach and crash some parties. Got the friends and you’ll get it all. Same goes to these two teenagers who have been best friend since forever and known as Kyuhyun and Sungmin; the two inseparable friends. Though Sungmin is slightly older than Kyuhyun, they are compatible, eventually. Kyuhyun, who is known for his genius brain, skipped a couple of years back when he was in middle school. So, both best friends are currently in college where Kyuhyun is studying in an engineering school—and he just got beaten up with final papers—while Sungmin is pursuing music and art major in an art school hundreds miles away from Kyuhyun. In a couple of hours, Kyuhyun will head back to their hometown and the best part of it is he can meet his best friend. He can’t contain himself because he’s too excited to meet Sungmin after a semester being apart from each other. So now, the said man is packing his stuff for summer break.

It is hours before he takes off, so Kyuhyun decides to take a quick cold shower to wash off his summer sweat. He walks leisurely in his room with a towel hanging from his shoulder when suddenly a blue box under his bed caught his eyes.



The curiosity got him as he kneels on the floor and pulls out the medium size box. He can’t recall what this box is all about so he opens it without being hesitated before sits his down on the cold floor. He beams widely before shaking his head, “I can’t believe it. They are all here all these while.”

There is a bundle of pictures of him and Sungmin since they were kids until their high school days. He turns the picture one after another. He snorts, chuckles, shakes his head and even laugh his heart out. Suddenly, a soft knock hit his door, “Son? Is everything alright in there?” A voice of a middle-aged lady wedges through the locked door. “Nothing madam,” he chuckles, calming himself down from his high, “nothing.” The clean lady of his dorm dismisses but not without a few mumbles.

His laughter disappears when his eyes catch a glimpse of an old diary of young-him behind the box he found earlier. He brushes the slightly dusty cover. With a sigh, he opens the first page of the hard-cover book. He smiles. There’s a picture of him and Sungmin when they were in elementary school, his hand was on Sungmin’s shoulder; he has always been taller than his older friend since they were young. They smiled widely showing their missing front teeth and there’s a caption below the old photo saying, ‘We will grow two awesome steel teeth in a matter of time.

He turns to the next page and the entry makes his eyes watery as he holds in his laughter. It was about the Halloween they celebrated that year. He was being Peter Pan while Sungmin for a reason was The Tinkerbell. He laughs to see his best friend grumpily looked at the camera and was fitted in sparkling clothes and even with a pair of wings.

Kyuhyun is then turns over page by page amusingly. It’s like he’s going back to the past which kind of make him sad because they have missed a few times of their lives without each other and only got to meet a couple of times a year. Then, there’s an entry that steals his attention. It is from the date he was in 4th grade while Sungmin was in middle school saying, ‘I will protect Sungmin till death separate us. I swear.

He chuckles but reads the notes nevertheless. His smiles are slowly vanishing after he read the first sentence.

Today I was so pissed. I went to pick Sungmin-hyung at his school and as usual we went home together. But for some reason, he didn’t talk much. He even tried to avoid any eye contact with me. Then, there’re something that caught my eyes…his elbow was bleeding! And there’s a cut on his forehead. I really suspected he’s been bullied but he just shrugged it off saying he’s fine. But he’s not! I know! I swear, if I know who did that to him, I’ll beat them up until they’ll apologize to my Minnie-hyung!

He hisses as he recalled that incident. Just to think about it make him steamed. So, he keeps on turning the frayed pages. Then there goes another entry that gets his attention, ‘First date….’ At that time, they’ve already in the same grade after Kyuhyun skipped two years in middle school. And then there’s a picture of them with two other girls. It was their first date back in their freshman year. They were standing in the middle while their dates were on the either side of the picture. It was such a fun date though that was the last date he had with that girl because she said he paid more attention to Sungmin rather than his date and the funny part was that, same goes to Sungmin! Later that night, they got home late. Feeling contented with each other’s company even though their dates ditched them. It was such a nice day that they’ve got to spent more time together, playing and fooling around. And they’ll always make fun of that day even until now, blaming each other playfully and saying that they’ll never date anybody anymore because they’ve already got each other.

Starting from that, Kyuhyun is slowly recalling their high school days…



It was junior year when Sungmin started playing quarterback for their school’s football team. Even though Sungmin was a bit feminine compare to other boys of his age but he really good in sport and looked exclusively manly on field. But that’s not it, the deal was Sungmin got bullied by their teammates in their locker room. Kyuhyun who was witnessing the actions before his eyes can’t help but to beat the crap out of them. Turned out, they were the same kids who hurt Sungmin in middle school. Kyuhyun didn’t regret when he was sent to detention and had to do public services for two weeks around their school’s compound. He didn’t care because after all, it was worth it to put three bullies on hospital beds.

Kyuhyun snorts as he stares at his knuckles which are once—well maybe twice or thrice—used to punch the villains that hurt his best friend. He clenches his fist hard after recalling what really happened after he beats those kids.

Kyuhyun embraced Sungmin in his arms. He whispered lowly, “It’s alright. I’m here,” he rested his chin on Sungmin’s head. Low sobs could be heard when he rubbed his palm along Sungmin’s back. He leaned out a good few inches away just enough to wipe the bead of tears fell from Sungmin’s foxy eyes, “Kyu, I’m afraid.” Kyuhyun involuntarily pecked Sungmin’s bow-shaped lips, “It’s okay. It’s over. They won’t bother you anymore.”

After that day, they didn’t become awkward or anything. They still hang out like usual. They even make fun of how Kyuhyun stole Sungmin’s first kiss.

Without knowing, his fingers are slowly reaching his lips. The feeling of Sungmin’s lips on his full one still lingers perfectly like it was just happened a while ago.

Then, reality hits him like a truck. He gets up on his feet and changes his clothes without even bother to shower like he planned earlier. He stretches his long limbs to grab his keys and quickly dashes to his car.

Three hours of journey passed just like a minute because his heart is pounding so hard that it is ached to meet his best friend. He parks his car carelessly in front of Sungmin’s house. He gets panic when he sees that Sungmin’s car is already there. ‘He’s home. What should I do? How should I say it?’ Kyuhyun thought as his hands tremble in anxious. He is going to say it. He has to lift the load inside his chest and he needs Sungmin to do it for him.

He squeaks oh not so manly when a light punch lands on his shoulder from behind. He turns his head in horror. His eyes widen when he sees Sungmin stands slyly with a genuine smile plasters on his pouty lips. “Sungmin!” He states, more like shouts.



They are sitting next to each other under a shady tree on a park nearby. “So, how’s campus life?” Sungmin asks as his fingers are lacing and playing with the grass. Kyuhyun nods without looking at the older man, “Good. And yours?”

Honestly, Kyuhyun is a bit nervous for some reasons and it didn’t remain unnoticed to Sungmin but he just shrugs and chirps happily about how his campus life are. Kyuhyun learned that Sungmin is still playing for his college’s football team. Sungmin also joins a musical theater club or something and the rest Kyuhyun just taking his time appreciating the beauty next to him.

“What?” Sungmin questions the daydreaming man. Kyuhyun shocks and bits his lips, “What what?”

“Why are you staring at me like that?” Sungmin chuckles lightly, “It’s like you’re being possessed by a ghost,” he turns his head to look at the view in front of him. ‘The sun is about to set soon,’ Sungmin thought. Little that he didn’t know is that Kyuhyun’s eyes are boring his form from his side. A soft peck that lands on his cheek startles him. He turns to look at his best friend who puts on his poker face. Before he could argue, Kyuhyun’s melodious voice reaches his ears.

I brush off my worn out diary and suddenly,
in the opened pages
You clearly are there,
you still remain there just the same.
I remember the pictures
that I forgot all this time,
small trembling gush out of my body
It’s a bit sad
that I can’t go back to those times.

Kyuhyun takes his time as he breathes in before standing up and reaches his hand out to the shorter man. Sungmin blankly takes Kyuhyun’s hand and the younger leads him to the playground. Kyuhyun starts singing again and pushes Sungmin down on a swing.

I clearly remember beating away
all the villains
who bothered you.
From that moment,
I had your heart and even shared a kiss.

Sungmin blushes as he recalls the incident Kyuhyun beat the bullies during their high school days. Kyuhyun chuckles to see Sungmin’s reaction but nevertheless, he continues.

I’ll go looking for you to Neverland
by following Tinkerbell,
who was sent by the memories.
At that place,
you and I are looking at each other, smiling.
I’m am your eternal Peter Pan,
your man who has stopped in time.
I may be clumsy but I loved you so much
and I will run to you.

Kyuhyun lightly pushes Sungmin off the swing causing Sungmin to fall with a thud. Sungmin rolls his eyes knowing perfectly how playful Kyuhyun is. He knows this is all an evil scheme of the evil maknae. The older man is about to stand when suddenly Kyuhyun crouches next to Sungmin and holds his chin firmly. He pecks the pouty lips which abruptly causing Sungmin to gasp, “Yah! You stole my second kiss too!”

“Doesn’t matter,” Kyuhyun shrugs, “because I will steal the third,” he pecks Sungmin’s lips again, “and forth,” again, “and all you have,” and this time he kisses the man fully on his lips.



“Are you sure this isn’t just a summer fling?” Sungmin mumbles as he crosses his arm across his well-built chest. Kyuhyun shakes his head, “Nope. It’s not until today I realized how much I love you more than friends. Are you feeling the same way too?” Kyuhyun hesitates. He’s afraid if Sungmin has already found another man. Though he pretty sure this is not a one-sided love but still, he can't help but to feel anxious. Sungmin smiles genuinely and Kyuhyun takes that as a sign that the older feels the same way too, so, he opens his mouth to sing the last part of the song but Sungmin quickly palms his mouth, “Na-ah. Stop singing!”

Kyuhyun smirks, “Why? Are you shy?”

The shorter man scoffs, “Shy? More like embarrassing, for me,” with that Sungmin walks past Kyuhyun a few steps ahead. A few seconds after, he runs with his short legs when Kyuhyun sings his lung out and they become the center of attention at the park.

Let time fast forward.
We still have half of our story left.
At some turn,
fate is still waiting,
they definitely have a beautiful plan for us.



And with that Sungmin dashes toward his house covering his redden ears leaving a happy man at the park grinning like an idiot, “I love you, Lee Sungmin!”  








A/N: Kkkk. Unbeta-ed. Actually, I am so in love with this song. And I can’t help but to imagine Kyumin in this song kyaaaaaaaaaaa! ~ It is Peter Pan by Exo (Yes, I mixed both M and K version) and cr to translator. Actually, I am confused. Is this a sad song or a happy song? LOL I’ll still love it either way.           




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fygaeming #1
Chapter 1: this is too adorable and sweet <333 my favourite part is when Kyu pecked Ming's lips many times, so cute
Chapter 1: awww. it's so sweeeet i got a toothache.
venzsuju #3
Chapter 1: i think i've read it before..
but still, it was so sweet~ ahahaha
ayawani #4
Chapter 1: This is so sweet author-nim..
Me like it.. ^^
mrs_kyu #5
Chapter 1: really really awesome :D
HinKyuMin #6
Chapter 1: sweet ^^
good job author-nim :$
Chapter 1: Minnie is so cuteee!!!!
Heheheee.. Love it~♥
Chapter 1: so sweet!! I really love it <3
when I read the the title I did belive that has something to do with Mcfly's song "love is easy" haahaha sorry about that X D
Chapter 1: GOD~ this is so cute, beautiful and all ~ i felt so fluffy ^^
Chapter 1: THIS. This was just so adorable. It made me grin and squeal so much :)) Really well written..