


[The Accident]

Blurred lights, thumping bass, ing, grinding mindlessly,
An Absolut euphoric carelessness.
Above the world and bulletproof, youthful and invincible,
The world is waiting, waiting for your dawn.

Driving isn't hard, you think softly to yourself.
Plus, I'm barely tipsy, as you stumble out the door.
Was your name called out behind you? By a date? Perhaps a bouncer?
Did it matter? Nah. Nothing did, any more.

The world was flashing, flickering, with mesmerising colours.
A pretty twinkle here, then over there.
Your eyes dart back and forward as you kick on the ignition,
The pretty colours danced without a care.

You pull out from the curb and nudge the car beside you, giggling as you speed away unseen.
The lefts and rights roll endless, aimless, over top each other.
The rain, tracing lines down your windscreen.

You're racing down the highway, revelling in the heavy rain,
Your windows, sunroof open for the breeze.
You feel the back wheels slipping as you round a sharper corner.
You feel the breaking lock, the steering freeze.

Ahead you see the nature strip, empty, calmly raining.
Beside you see a tanker's lights grow huge.
Your thoughts still groggy from the evening's vodka,
You realise what you're just about to lose.

You shut your eyes, preparing for the impact. And think your final thought. You think of him.

"Teen lost in tragic car crash. Drink driving is to blame."
The papers call it tragic, but a warning.
Your family cries, a loss they'll feel forever,
But leave alone the boy who was your love.




[The Aftermath]

The ‘guests’ were filing in to take their seats.
Filling up the church in an array.
Apologies and sorrow echoed ‘round
As they saw their dearest comrade’s passing day.

The mourners crying mantras: “Such misfortune”.
“I just don’t understand how this could be…”
“Condolences” and “Sorry for your loss”.
“A saint, he was. As good as men could be.”

And as the priest began his long, slow sermon,
The families, together, shed a tear.
The kindest words were read before the masses,
To try forget their most beloved dear.



[The Aftermath]

A broken mind inside a broken shell.
A shame to see one lost without a trace.
Locked steadfast underneath a solemn spell
Of painful, soulless, unending disgrace.

He wanders round and round to find a cause,
An aim, a sign that life is worth the wait.
His search unfruitful, mind stuck in the wars
Of heartbreak, sadness, pointlessness and hate.

Something like a ghost, dead, yet alive,
Transcending the dimensions for all of time.
Floating here and there, stuck, life deprived.
The young boy Kai, wasting his life’s prime.


Agnus Dei

[The Accident]

Agnus Dei
Glass flew
Shards embedded

Time stopped
Something clicked
This was the end

Movement slowed
Back and forth

Through the metal
Through the air

Metal crushed
Bones snapped
Skin split

Blood welled
On us

Our collapse
Our demise
Our fault

Our thoughts
Our thoughts

Shadows formed
Mort appeared
Crops were reaped

Silence struck
Time began
The circle closed.

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Chapter 1: your poems and prose is beautiful! this was my first love all those years ago when i first read it ♡
Chapter 3: im your fan for your poems so amazing!
Chapter 2: nice poems author ssi love them! XD