
After the Rain...







Jiyong stared out the window and gaze at the night starless sky. The air is cool and crisp like fall, a reminiscent of an early morning. Soon, droplets of water started to fall, hitting his face, for a moment, he stood there and breathed the smell of something other than dirty, and dusty air and when he looked down, he could see the people ran for cover and umbrellas were opened as the clouds began crying.


He closed the window to shield himself from getting wet.  He could hear the raindrops tapping his window. The sound like static filled his ears.


It was relaxing.




Pure Bliss.


He turned around and his eyes roam around his little haven. The small room that has been the silent witness of his joy, of his hardships, his own sanctuary, his own home. His apartment wasn't grand, just a simple studio type fit for one person only, the only thing that's separating his bed from his so called living room slash dining room is a white thick cloth that he hanged across the room. 


That's all that he could afford. He got no decent job, his source of income is from the gigs at the various cafe and clubs in Hongdae, that is, if he's lucky enough to get one, but if he doesn't have one, he spend his day on the streets or maybe inside the train station or any place where there's lots of people roaming around. He would play his composition and he will get a few wons in return, just enough to feed himself for the day.


Dara once asked him why he chose living a life like this instead of going to his father and work for his company. He told her he refuse to be his father's puppet and besides, his stepbrother is already doing a good damn job for the role and most of all, he wanted to pursue his dream, he wanted to do what he love the most. Music.


Sighing, he retrieve his guitar on the corner and sat at the edge of the bed. He positioned his guitar on top of his lap and closed his eyes as his fingers gently tap the strings. He heard a sound of a door creaked and when he opened his eyes, he saw Dara came out from the bathroom. He smiled. She was only wearing his white polo shirt and he thinks she fits in it the most, her cheeks are still flushed, an aftermath of their previous lovemaking. She was beautiful. He finds him the most beautiful when she wakes up in the morning and right after he made love to her. 


He's not being cocky, but he is happy and proud that he's Dara first, her first love, her first kiss, her first in everything, and he will make sure that he will be her last. 


"What are you doing?" Dara asked and he felt her small arms wrapped around his torso, planting a soft peck on his shoulder as she sat beside him. 


"Nothing...I'm just thinking about how hot you look right now..." He smiled at her mischievously and he chuckled when he saw her blushed. "I love you.." He whispered and kissed her forehead. 




"Yah! That's it? You're not going to answer me back?" He pouted. He hates it everytime Dara like that. He rolled his eyes at her and he heard her soft laugh. He nudged her and tried to pull out from her arms. 


"Okay..Okay...I love you too..." Dara finally answered "so much..." 


"I know" He told her and gave her a playful wink.  


They sat in comfortable silence. Only the melody coming from his guitar was heard in the four corners of his room. He glanced at Dara when he felt her head leaned on his shoulder. 'That is a beautiful song that new? What  its called?" 


"I don't know yet.."He answered simply " I came up with the melody just now..." 


"Hmm...spur of the moment huh?" 


"You could say that..." He said. They are once again envelope by silence and he continued to strum his guitar. " you think this song can pass YG ent? I'm planning to submit another demo tape to them..." He waited for her answer but she remained silent.."Dar--" He glanced at her and saw her with her eyes closed, breathing evenly. She had fallen asleep. He watched her sleeping face  and his heart flutters, sometimes he wonder how he manage to have someone like her, she's nice, kind hearted, supportive of him, she was just perfect.


Jiyong slowly leaned closer to her and planted yet another kiss on top of her head. "Goodnight Dara..." He whispered lovingly.


And as he play his guitar...there is only one person in his mind. His inspiration, his happiness, his precious angel.


His Dara.






The smell of cigarette and sweat filled my nose as I entered the cafe Jiyong told me to go to. I recieved a call from him earlier and he told me he wanted to see me.  I didn't bother to ask why, my boyfriend is always like that, always making plans at the last minute. I was supposed to have a study date with Bom and Chaerin. My two bestfriends in the university. They were nice and fun to be with, Bom is like a quirky cheerleader and while Chaerin is the snob little , I sometimes wonder how they ended up being friends, they hated each others guts, well, maybe its just becuase of me, I was the most sane one in our group and I'm responsible on keeping the two grounded. 


A frown slowly formed in my face when I remembered our talk earlier. They were upset when I broke the news that I won't be joining them tonight because I'm going to meet Jiyong. They really aren't fond with him, they say I am just wasting my time on Jiyong, they say I do not deserve a college drop out turned musical junkie like him. But I didn't care. 


I love Jiyong. 


My Jiyong. 


 I am the happiest when I'm with him.  I feel like everything is all rainbows and unicorns and fairytales everytime we are together. I feel like nothing can go wrong eventhough in reality everything seems to go wrong, as long as we are at each others arms. 


I don't need anything...just the two of us is enough for me. 


So here I am, standing by the entrance of the cafe despite the fact that my friends are upset with me for ditching them. My eyes started to roam around, searching for him..and there he was, in his usual get up of skinny jeans and a white shirt, his newly dyed pink hair bounced as he move. 


"You came...." He cheerfully greeted me and hugged me, wrapping his strong arms on my waist. 


"Of course I will...though Chaerin and Bom is not really happy about it..." I told him and he rolled his eyes and shrugged. I sometimes feel bad about it, I would be happy if my friends will accept him, but then maybe I'm asking too much. 


Jiyong held my hand and guided me inside the cafe, shielding me from the crowd with his body. I giggled cheekily. I feel really love and special everytime he does that, but not all the time, Jiyong sometimes have the tendency to go overboard. There was a time that he caught a guy looking at me like I am a piece of meat and he'd gone ballistic, its fortunate that I was with him or he will surely end up in jail. I once again giggled at that thought. 


"What are you giggling about?" He asked and was looking at me confusedly. He guided me at the table nearest to the stage, front and center. He pulled out the chair and had me seated and sat in front of me. "So?" He asked again, waiting for me to ans


"It's nothing...i just love it when you protect me like that..." 


He smiled smugly at me "Of course, your my princess..I don't want them going near you and touching even a single strand of your hair...I'm the only person who have the right to do so..." 


I shook my head, sometimes, his childishness makes me speechless. I roamed my eyes at the stage and noticed the sign board. Jiyong and I had been here many times and the performer for tonight is quite new.




That's what was written on it. "Oh..they have a new performer huh...G-dragon...What kind of name is that?" I laughed.


"'ll see..." Jiyong grinned at me, right in time, the stage lit up and a guy climb up with a microphone on his hand. I wave at the guy when I recognized him, his name is Daesung, he is one of Jiyong's friends.


" have a new performer, some of you may have known him, as he is quite popular here in Hongdae" Daesung spoke and I can hear ooohh and ahhhs behind me. "Without further ado...give it up for G-Dragon"


Everyone in the cafe began clapping and I did the same. With a smile on my face, I glanced and Jiyong and saw him standing on his seat. "Hey, were are you going?" I asked.


"You'll see.." He just said and winked at me. My eyes widened when Daesung went to him and gave him the microphone along with his guitar. "What the...." I wasn't able to continue when loud cheers roared inside the cafe, yes, my boyfriend is quite popular in Hongdae, after all, he rules this part of Seoul. I watched him, my gaze never leaving him, he sat at the stool at the middle of the stage and settled his guitar on his lap, then he started playing a very familiar melody. It was the song he was working on a few months ago. "What's going on?"  I asked to no one.


"This song is called Butterfly..." Jiyong introduced the song "This is for know who you are...Saranghae" I felt a pain in my heart, but a beautiful kind of pain. He was staring straight in my eyes and I felt that I was being hypnotized, and when he started to sing the first line, my soul died and back again, and by the end of his song, I'm already in tears. Happy tears.







Jiyong was all smiles when he came back to me, he reached for my hand and pulled me up. I was just there staring at him, lost and confused but happy. "Dara-yah...I made it..." I heard him mumbled something or is it just because I'm already deaf with the wild beating of my heart. 




"I made it Dara...YGent wants me..." He said cheerfully, his eyes dancing with happiness.


My eyes widened when his words registered in me. "Oh My God!" was the only thing I could say. I clasp my hand and covered my mouth. I can feel my body shaking, tears b in my eyes. Oh my God! He made it! His dreams are finally coming true! "Oh My God! Jiyong!" I exclaimed and jump on him, hugging him. "Oh my God!" And this time, I can no longer hold it in, when he encircled his arms around me and felt the beating of his heart, his hardships and sacrifices, his late night trips to the convience store everytime he run out of coffee which he needed cause he's composing his songs mostly at night, everything, they all flashed in my mind. I cried.


My Jiyong. Finally. 


"I'm going to be a producer, I will make more songs...and my songs will be heard by more people..Dara..this is it.." He said happily, he lifted me up and twirled me around. "This is it! Dara..this is it! I made it! I ing made it!" 


"I'm so happy for you Jiyong..." I told him with my shaky voice.


Jiyong put me down and lifted my chin up so he could take a good look of my face "But why are you crying?" He asked, his thumb found its way on my cheeks and wipe my tears. 


"I"m just so happy...I'm so proud of you jagiya...your dreams are finally coming true..." He stared straight at my eyes and slowly, I saw tears forming at the corner of his eyes "Waeyo? Why are you crying? Is something wrong? Are you hurt?" I panicked. 


Jiyong shook his head and smiled warmly at me "It's because you're crying..." 


"Aigoo...Jiyong-ah...we look like idiots..." I joked and we both laughed. "Don't cry Jiyong or people will think you're gay.."


"Aish! This is your fault!" He pouted and once again pulled me to him and enclosed me in a tright embrace. I sighed in contentment. The heat of his body not only gives me warmth physically but my heart and soul as well. "Have I told you that I love you a lot?" He asked, resting his chin on top of my head. 


"A gazillion times and I love you too a gazillion times more..." I answered and I felt him smile. 


I don't know how long we stayed that way. And to be honest, I really don't care,  I could spend a lifetime with just hugging him, feeling his warmth against mine. 


Because with where I found my bliss.














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Chapter 9: I love the story and feeling bad for both of them,can you authornim to make a sequel about both of them back together bec of second chances and living together forever
Chapter 9: I❤️❤️❤️your story authornim but I'm sad they did not end up together.
apryl91 #3
Chapter 9: Awesome story
aneesh #4
Chapter 9: this is woah... i just finished this and im not a reader who cries or get emotional on a fanfic but dayum ... the storm chapter breaks my heart

off to rid tgG epilogue . ur daebak authornim!!
Chapter 9: Guysss!! Theres an epilogue, but its posted as a seperate story! ㅋㅋㅋ authornim, this story was absolutely beautiful ㅠㅠ please never stop writing, you really do have a gift for tugging at peoples heartstrings T^T !!♥
driyanne10 #6
Chapter 9: i think u forgot a chapter?
Chapter 9: a sequel is definitely needed...oh my gosh...the ending give us a happy ending...
peppiwelsh1 #8
Chapter 9: Oh my gosh! This is very lovely, though heartwrenching! I cried from chapters 2 to 9 except 8! Everything is written perfectly! This needs a sequel! Please!
Chapter 9: What the? SEQUEL pleeaaase auth0rnim!!!