Broken Vow


this is my first story and im a newbie , i been a silent reader since before so be patience on me readers ... sorry if theres a wrong  grammar... :) :)




They said life is always begun and never end…

Love can move a mountain

They said mind can forget but heart cannot…

The promise is mending to be broken but a vow will last forever...

You can be a heartbroken and move on but left you a scar that can never be healed..

And you can forgive but you cannot forget…

Then what will happen when a simple nerd girl, living with a simple life, met the multi millionaire hunk man that have a jerk attitude that will change her life in 360 degree living hell..

And what if she and he fall in love with each other? ...  How can they admit it?

What if they start to create a love story ...  is it have a happy ending?

And what if an accident will separate them, promises broken, and one forget? 

Can one still fight if the other one is already give up…?

Does happy ending do exist…

“I never believe that love exist, until I met you … baby..I hate the world around me but you change me,

I never going to hurt you, I will always protect you, I will always love you only you… baby just believe in me , what ever happen don’t you ever give up on me..I’m not making a promises im making a vow.. baby always remember that you’re the only girl I will love for the rest of my life…”


“ I don’t believe in fairytale, but  i  believe in you , I love you so much that I’m willing to wait and get hurt over and over again, I don’t want to give up on us , I want to fight for our love , you make a vow to me ... but until when I can fight for the two of us… if ..The one I’m fighting for is already give up.. Why, you making me stop... why? Honey please…   remember  me …”


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