
Hyung, gwenchana?
SHINee has just finished their recording for their new album and were really exhausted. As they walked out of the building they noticed it was raining rather heavily and they got the call from their manager hyung saying their van got stuck in the traffic and they had to wait..
They stood inside the building waiting. Everybody was beyond exhausted. All they wanted to do was go home and sleep.
Jonghyun bounced on his feet a little to keep himself up.He looked around and saw that something was wrong with their leader.
The rest of them were busy with their phones but the leader leaned onto the pillar with his hands inside his hoodie's pockets and eyes closed.. There was frown between his eyes. Jonghyun slowly made his way towards the leader. He thought he was sleeping. When he reached the elder he couldn't help but smile at him. He din't like that frown on Jinki's face.. He liked him always smiling. Even though he was stressed so much as the leader of the group,he never showed it. He never even depended on Jonghyun even though he was the second eldest. He always wanted to stay strong for his group.
"Pabo jinki..", Jonghyun said to himself smiling, slowly raising a finger to jinki's forehead and easing out that frown on his face.
Jinki slowly opened his eyes and looked at the younger. He stood up straight but lost his balance and was about to fall when jonghyun grabbed him by the waist. Jinki let himself lean onto Jonghyun who din't seem to mind.
Jonghyun felt the heat coming off Jinki. Hecould feel Jinki's skin burning under his touch.
"Omo.. Hyung! you are burning up!", Jonghyun gasped and put his hand on Jinki's forehead to check,"Hyung you have a fever.. You should sit down", Jonghyun put Jinki's arm around his shoulders and made their way towards the seats.
Before he could place him down on a chair, Jinki  resisted and stood there taking his arms off of Jonghyun.
"No I'm completely fine.. I just need some sleep.. Don't worry", Jinki said and walked away with hands in his pockets. He looked like he would fall off any minute! That really worried Jonghyun.
Kibum walked out of the washroom, looked at Jonghyun, who looked really bothered.. 
"Hyung, you okay?", Key asked placing his hand on the elder's shoulders, snapping him out of his thoughts.
"No.. Jinki hyung has high fever and he won't let me take care of him..", Jonghyun said plopping down on one of the chairs in the reception area..
Key was rather surprised.. He was about to go talk to Jinki but Manager hyung came running inside asking them to get into the van.
Jinki sat in the backseat alone.. He was sleeping.. The remaining four exchanged worried looks
As soon as they entered the dorm, Jonghyun went  in search for some medication for Jinki.
Jinki went straight to his room and plopped down on his bed.. He felt weak.. He din't want his dongsaengs to worry about him.. His eyes were watering.. He stared at the ceiling for sometime and he heard a knock on the door..
He opened the door and saw Jonghyun with some water and medication.. "Jjong, really i'm fine..", He said trying his best to smile
"You don't seem fine to me.. Well please take these medicines hyung.. Key is making you chicken soup.. Have that and take these okay? ",Jonghyun said handing them to jinki.. He hugged jinki tight once before mumuring "Please get well soon hyung.. I want to see you smile"
Jonghyun left to take a shower.. Key was still cooking when he heard a thud in the living room.. He hurried to see what, rather who, made that sound..
"Aish hyung! Here, get up! Why are you so stubborn.. You should sleep and take rest", Key put Jinki's arm around his shoulder lifted him up and put him on the couch.
"You are really burning up hyung",Key went into kitchen and got the chicken soup..
"You have to eat this and take the medicine.. Here.. No wait. you may drop the bowl you look really weak.. I'll feed you", Key sat beside Jinki..
He brushed jinki's bangs off his eyes.. He blew on the spoonful of soup and brought it towards Jinki's mouth..
Jinki obeyed and opened his mouth to eat.. After Key fed him,he gave the medication..
He went into the kitchen to place the dishes in the sink,when he came back Jinki was already sleeping on the couch..
Key smiled to himself and got a wet washcloth and placed it on the elder's forehead.. He kept on wiping jinki's hands, forehead,face.. When he felt the temperature go down a little he sighed in relief..
The remaining members all gathered to eat their dinner..
"Hyung, is Jinki hyung going to be okay?",Taemin asked really worried..
"Yes Taemin-ah, His temparature has gown down a little.. By tomorrow he will fine.. ", Key smiled at Taemin assuringly but the younger was not convinced..
He was really worried..He was the first one to finish his dinner. He went and satdown on the floor near the couch facing jinki..
"Hyung! Please get well soon.. ", He whispered and brushed jinki's cheek with the back of his hand.. jinki shivered and leaned into his touch..
He must be feeling cold.. Taemin went into his room and grabbed all the blankets, even key's, minho's and jjong's..
All of them finished eating and were about to go to their respective rooms but were shocked to see a bundle of blankets on the couch and there was grinning like a mad man taemin on the floor sitting facing the couch
"Omo.. Taeminnie.. Why are all the bedsheets here? Where is Jinki hyung?", Key asked gasping
"In here.. He was feeling cold so..", Taemin said and looked up at key still grinning..
"Omo so you  wrapped him up in so many?? You want him to suffocate and die? Aish jinja", Key went and started pulling the blankets off jinki..
"I was helping Jinki hyung.. We all love him, not just you.. You are mean hyung!", Taemin could help but pout, he got up and left to his room and banged the door shut..
"You were a little harsh on the kid", Jonghyun said earning a glare from key..
"You guys go ahead and sleep i'll stay with hyung for sometime..", Jonghyun sighed and left..
Minho wanted to help jinki too.. Well he can't win against the diva so he just shut up and left..
Key changed the wet cloth on jinki's forehead wiped his hands and body too this time.. He was tired too.. He fell asleep near jinki's feet.. 
Minho came out his room in the middle of the night to drink some water and saw key sleeping, his head resting near jinki's feet.. He felt bad for him and he saw that jinki was sleeping in an awkward position too..
He went to key and  silently woke him up
"Kibum, please go sleep inside.. I'll take Jinki hyung to his room.. seems like his temparature has gone down too..", Minho whispered to key..
Sleepy key simply nodded and got up and wobbled his way to his room..
Minho stared at the older man in the room.. His face was peaceful.. He was curled up in a ball.. 
Minho picked up jinki bridal style with ease, that is when he noticed how much weight his hyung lost..
The infamous thighs of his were as skinnier as Taemin's, his cheeks were hollow..
Minho sighed and carried jinki to his room and placed him on his bed and neatly tucked jinki under the blankets.. He stuck some of jinki's bangs behind his ear.. He never voiced it out but he knew how much Jinki is going through..
Being the leader is not  a simple task, there were times when all of them were sick and tired of doing what they were doing but jinki would always motivate them.. All the members cried because they missed their parents but jinki never did, on the outside.. 
He was just a wonderful leader and an amazing person.. But a little stubborn headed.. He has to know sometimes it is okay to let go...
Minho sighed once again and left the room
on the other hand Taemin couldn't sleep at all.. He tossed and turned.. he decided to go see Jinki.. He slowly opened his room door and peaked outside to see if anyone was with Jinki.. He was shocked to see Minho carrying Jinki in his arms.. 
He couldn't help the tug he felt at his heart
How come everybody gets to help him but not me?
He pouted once again and waited for Minho to go back to his room..  After what seemed like a long time, Minho went back to his room..
Taemin slowly sneaked into jinki room.. He saw him curled up on his bed.. He reached the bed and placed a hand on jinki's shoulder..He felt him shivering! He din't know what to do.. He din't wanna suffocate him so he just climbed into the bed and hugged Jinki close..
He felt his hyung relax under his touch.. Jinki slowly opened his eyes only to see a smiling Taemin infront him..
"Taeminnie, you shouldn't be here.. You will catch fever too..", He said his voice hoarse..
"Wae?? I am just trying to help.. I am giving you warmth.. You were shivering hyung! aish.. why doesn't anyone let me help you", Taemin pouted and shifted away from Jinki..
Jinki smiled at his cute maknae and nuzzled closer to him.. Taemin smiled..
"Thank you so much minnie.. I'm really thankful to all of you.. You know i love all of you right?", Jinki mumbled making Taemin chuckle
"Neh hyung and we love you too.. Now take rest", Taemin cooed hugging Jinki closer..
Jinki sighed and went back to sleep...  

gahhh when will i get better with endings?? >.<

anyway i hope you enjoyed reading this ^^ 

comment and subscribe ^^

love ya all shawols ^^ <33

My last fic for now T.T Thank you for all the support T.T 

until later =]






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Chapter 1: can't stop reading this..
all i can felt is love :)
Chapter 1: Woah that's so cuuute ♥ <3
YoonHee_ #3
Chapter 1: My ontae feels~
Chapter 1: Omo! this was so cute! :D
Chapter 1: omg this is so cute >< ! <3
taemluvva #6
Chapter 1: so sweet ^^
everyone love OnDubu Leader ^^;;;
Chapter 1: molla im so touched! I want to cry... Everybody love onew,n they want to take care their leader like onew take care them. How sweet they are! :")
ShawolVIP #8
Chapter 1: ...and them minnie wakes up with a fever XD cute with just the right amount of fluff, I love it ^^
Chapter 1: Jinki sooooo adorable >♥<

This story was cuuuuuuute..

Thanks for sharing author-ssi ^^