White Carnation


In the language of flowers, the white carnation means sweet and lovely, innocence, pure love, faithfulness. That's all that you wanted.

[AU-Fairy Tale Universe]


Because I'm more used to European fairy tales and fantasy, this story will be based of that hierarchy instead of the South Korean one. @w@ I just like to keep things easier for me. lmao Nothing is really accurate cause I'm too lazy to actually do research right now.

And because I love flowers so much, I decided to weave in some flowers and their meanings into the story. OuO

Laurel - the flower's meaning is "ambition, success, renown"

This story is based off a small story that one of my friends wrote for me on tumblr. ;u; Here's the link if you're interested [x]


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Chapter 2: Ohhh another story with my gom shinwoo as the lead ~ let me hug you!!! *u*

Read the two chapters and I need to calm myself because I know this will be another great story like your 'Because of You' fic <3
gonamsoon #2
Chapter 2: This really is so sweet! Thank you for the update. I really liked this chapter and where this story is going. I can't wait for more. Please update soon again~
gonamsoon #3
Chapter 1: This is really sweet so far! I can't wait for more. Please update soon.