That One Mistake

Dear Diary, 
       Remember when I told you the reason why I work so hard in school? Yup! Well I made it! I got into Seoul University! Out of the whole school, only Chanyeol and I made it in! Aren't you happy for me!? We worked our asses off so that we could get into Seoul University, graduating at the top two of our grade! Oh! Yeollie is calling me, gotta go! I'll spazz more later! ^.^ kk Bbyong!

       "Hey Yeollie! What's up?" You questioned Chanyeol as you walked down the stairs. It was already night and Chanyeol was still at your house hanging out with your brother. You had just ran upstairs to update your diary on the recent happenings. 

      "Did you even read the full letter? Or did you only get past the first sentence of that letter? TL;DR much?" He wasn't your best friend for nothing! Of course he would know that you didn't pay an ounce of attention to the rest of the acceptance letter. Why do I have to read the full letter anyway, as long as I got in is all that matters isn't it? 

      "Why? Is there something in the rest of the letter?" You wondered out loud "Of Course there is! Aish, you'll forever be a babo! BABO BABO BABO! The letter's saying that to save trees from extinction, they want us to fill out a form online! If you don't...then I guess you'll be sleeping outside on the streets!" He answered with a smirk.

      "No I wouldn't, I would just invade your room every night!" You retorted with a cheeky smile. "YAH! How is that possible, your a girl! Staying in a guy's dorm is forbidden! Plus, all the guys will be staring at you and who knows what they might do to you!" Chanyeol  reasoned, his face slightly becoming tinted. 

      "Why so serious!? I was just kidding! hahaha who's the babo now!?" You laughed until you were holding your stomach because of Chanyeol's reaction. Oh~ your best friend is adorable! "But then, I wouldn't mind staying in a guys dorm! Girls are just...Aish!" You pondered as you ruffled your hair. "mmmhmm...and you're not one?" Yeol pointed out. "I am, but Psh! I'm different! My definition would not include drama, snotty, hard to deal with" you answered. Chanyeol just shook his head with a smiled at his dramatic friend. He knew you too well!

       The only reason why he was your only best friend was because you hated becoming close to girls and you would always go to him to avoid too much contact with girls. Because of his deep voice, girls were kind of intimidated by him. At the same time though, a million girls had crushes on him but were too shy to approach him. This also caused many girls to not like you because you were way too close to him for their liking. But something also happened a long time ago and it was still a touchy subject to you. 

      "Ah arraso arraso! I need to leave now, I have a family celebration of some sort because I got in! Talk to you tomorrow! Don't forget to fill out the online forms! If you don't, I'll be sure to kick you out of my dorm! HAHA Bye Babo!" He said while patting your head before he headed for the front door. 

      "Who is he calling a babo! That stupid tower!" You muttered while fixing your hair as you headed for the kitchen.


      After dinner, you headed up to your room and plopped down at your desk. You fiddled with your little stuffed animal as you waited for your laptop to boot up. Finally, SHINee greeted you on your home screen and you checked all your websites. Suddenly, 'Ping!' Your Facebook messenger alerted you of a new message. 

Chanyeol: I think someone's too busy fangirling over SHINee to remember to fill out the form! 

Chanyeol snickered, knowing that he hit the spot after a few minutes of read at 11:30 with no response

*Aw shizzles! Count on me to forget stuff like this! Darn! Chanyeol got me again!*

_____: No! I didn't forget! I was asking mom for the letter just now!

You lied, but Chanyeol knew so there was no point, really.

Chanyeol: Yeah Yeah! Whatever, just fill out the form right now, this second! Here's the link in case you copied it wrong! HAHA *link*

_____: Thanks! 

You answered unwillingly. 

*This is such a stupid form! It's so freakin long!* You complained in your head as you quickly filled it out! Your Onew oppa was waiting for you! hahaha Not bothering to check over it, you submitted the form and closed the tab.

Chanyeol had a feeling something would go wrong! It was already like part of his sixth sense to feel when you did something wrong. He was sniffing his nose but this time, he couldn't really point out what you did wrong. *Oh well, maybe my sixth sense is deteriorating* Chanyeol thought, shrugging the feeling off.





DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!! HAHAHA you/she probably DID do something wrong cuz it's you/her! XD But what is it!?!?!? mwahaha LOLOL WTF!? Well, this is Ch 2 ^.^ I'm so excited~~~~~ for the rest of the story when the real story starts rolling! haha Inform me of any typo's please! haha 



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champaka #1
Chapter 7: Wow, I like it very much~ ^^ I want Chanyeol, since he is the best friend :) And, also my bias :D
ParkChae #2
Chapter 7: I want Chanyeol~ he's perfect~ ^^ update again soon~
ParkChae #3
Chapter 6: I like it! Update again soon~ ^^
Aww I like it so far (: Chanyeol is my ultimate bias........but sehuns my old bias T_T
But i hope I end up with Chanyeol in the end (;