Gone Gone Gone Alternate Ending

Gone, Gone, Gone

A/n: This is my first time writing in first person, so I hope it doesn't ...

It was the week after Kyuhyun's funeral and I spiraled into a depression I knew I would never escape from.  Thoughts of my brother plagued my mind at all times, making me an utter mental wreck.  I never left the house anymore.  What was the use? Why eat? Why sleep? I completely blamed myself for his death, so I stopped eating, I stopped caring about everything that had once been precious to me.  Lack of sleep, food, and water led to me being dehydrated and constantly having hallucinations.

I imagined Kyuhyun sitting on our bed, patting the spot next to him.

"Come sit with me for a while Zhou Mi," he would beckon me over with a smile, "I haven't talked to you in forever!"

I couldn't believe my eyes, "a-are you really there Kyu?"

"Of course I am!  Why wouldn't I be?" He laughed at my question, but when I reached the bed, he disappeared.

This is how Kyuhyun always was, there from a distance, then nonexistent when I got in arms length of him.  I was at my wits end and by the end of the week I had convinced myself that the ghost of my brother was haunting me and purposefully making my life a living hell for letting him die.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I bawled into my pillow as I heard Kyuhyun's voice ridicule me in my head.

"You said everything would be alright! You promised me you wouldn't leave! Look at where I am now! I'm dead, and you should be too!"

Maybe he was right, maybe I did deserve to die after breaking every promise I made to him.  Besides, if I ended everything today or tomorrow, who would even care?  There was no such thing as family or friends, and if I had any of either, where were they when I needed them now? Not here.  Nobody cares about a man who has lost his everything and wallows in self pity. Self loathing ran thick through my veins, but there was something in me that couldnt bring myself to end my life.

I had managed to survive in my pathetic state for a week and I hadn't recieved a visit from my brother's "ghost", and it made me sink deeper into depression.  For what reason though?  I never figured out the answer to my question because I was so overcome by the urge to die that exact moment, I acted upon it.  I stumbled into my room and ransacked the drawer in my bedside table, finally finding what I was in search for, prescribed sleeping pills.

"This is it Zhou Mi," I said shakily, staring at the bottle in my hands, "you'll finally be free of guilt and nightmares."

Bitterly smiling, I walked into my kitchen and grabbed the few bottles of soju that were left of my supply and headed back to my bedroom.  I poured the entire contents onto my matress, which was a total of about twenty pills, I uncapped the soju bottle and began swallowing the pills like they were my favorite candy.  After I consumed half the bottle of pills, the strong effects of the drug mixed with alcohol took over my body.  I fell forward onto my pillow and let out a content sigh, feeling happy for the first time in what felt like forever, as my eyelids drooped shut.

Everything was dark except for a ray of light illuminating a figure standing a good distance away from me.  It was my brother.

"Mimi, are you going to keep your promise?" Kyuhyun said hopefully.

Even though he was far away, I could hear his voice as clear as a bell.

"Of course," I said smiling, walking over to where he was, the feeling that I could actually reach him today in my heart, "I wouldn't want to be a liar now would I?"

"Finally," he sighed in relief when I reached him, "I've been waiting so long for you big brother."  Sadness was present in his eyes as he looked up at me.

"We can finally be together forever, just little Kyuhyunnie and Mimi." I whispered looking down at him with tears in my eyes, taking ahold of his hand.

"I missed you so bad Mimi..."

"I missed you to Kyuhyun, more than you would know."

A/n: And there's the alternate ending! you can pick your own ending; the sad one where only Kyuhyun dies or the super sad one where they both die! :P  I feel so horrible writing about them both dying, but it's just how it played out.  I hope this ending doesn't disappoint!  aaaaaaaand I'm writing a horror story about Ryeowook soon, I just have to do a bit of research about a certain serial killer.  See ya around~!

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yojeongpark #1
Chapter 6: So sad :'(
Qmi brothership was so touching
yojeongpark #2
Chapter 6: So sad :(
Qmi brothership is so touching :'(
ohmysuperjunior #3
Chapter 2: oh my god. why. i'm only on chapter 2 and then my stupidity had come over me and i scrolled down to read the comments and found out QMI died in the end. i friggin spoilt this story for myself. ;----;
Chapter 7: Why my kyuniee always die.
bigbanggdlover #5
Chapter 7: This was a good story. Good job author-shi! :D
Chapter 7: They die.....it'sad....but kyunnie and mimi together now
Chapter 7: NOOOOO MIMI
why'd you have to die too T___T
i wish there was a third alternate ending where neither of them die. i'm going to be depressed for the next couple of days, i swear.
Ji-Hana #8
Ok so now I know you enjoy making me super sad!
Chapter 6: *sobbing* ahhh noooooo kyuhyunnie!! T___T (he's not even my bias but oh well...) what a sad ending, poor mimi! :'(
Chapter 6: *sobs* (T ^T) IT'S BEAUTIFULLLLLL...now excuse me as I sob my eyes out ; 3 ; MY SECOND BIAS....KYUHYUNNIEEEE OMOOO...you know I hope the police find Leeteuk and Yesung |D Give them a piece of justice if I do say so myself :D Haha anyway this was a really great story! >u<