Sooner or later



The clock read 11:59. Onew'a birthday would be in less than a minute and he still wasn't home. 
   Key was busy washing the dishes and at the same time nagging about how Onew still wasn't home.Suddenly his cellphone rang.
Onew: "Hello? Key I'm sorry for being late please forgive me"
Key: *Dead silence*
Onew: "Look you don't need to respond I'll be right home"
              /Call ended/
Onew stepped out of his car with a big boutique of crimson red roses. He silently opened the door, took off his shoes,stepped into the kitchen walking slowly and quietly gently hugging Key from behind.
  Of course being a couple now and moving out of SHINee's dorm he couldn't help smile. Jonghyun had all ready found himself in a with Minho and Taemin so everything had worked out.
   "Where's my birthday present?" Onew whispered into Key's ear gently kissing down to his neck.
Key biting his lips responded "It depends what do you want?"
"Hmm..... I don't know... exercise?" He seductively said while ping Key's pants.
Onew made the first move; he carried Key bridal style into the bedroom and sat on the corner of the bed with Key on top of his lap.
    Key looked into Onew's eyes and spoke out "Onew when we started dating I thought it wouldn't all be ." "I'm sorry Key" he murmured and gave him a gentle kiss. 
   Onew fell backwards with Key still on top of him and like that they decided to go to sleep.
           *Next morning*
"Onew wake up!" Key urged pushing Onew back and forth*
"What is it?" "Jonghyun is here so is Taemin and Minho"He jumped out of bed and quickly stepped into the living room to see what was happening.
Of course since Jonghyun and Minho were the tough ones in their they were kissing and sticking their hands down Taemin's pants. But Key didn't bother stopping them before Onew walked in,knowing Taemin was way past erted and enjoyed it due to his moans.
"What do you guys want?!" Onew bellowed madly from disgust of what he was seeing with his very own eyes. "Is that really how Key and me looked like?" He though.
"Oh,hey Onew" Jonghyun said pulling his hand out of Taemin's 
pants. The maknae let a giant moan of relief though his juices were all on Jonghyun's hand,but the dino didn't care and it right off.
Onew sighted this was going to be a long day for him and Key,having to take care of 3 erted guys, what else could happen?


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