It's a Date Then?

Seoul Arts Debut


It was 12 p.m on a Sunday afternoon and most of the girls were already awoken. Kat was out and about with Anne somewhere and Aimee went out with Pat also. As for Joy and Mae, they stayed at their dorm. Joy woke up to her phone's message tone ringing right next to her ear. She glanced at her phone and it was a text from Luhan.

Luhan (•‿•):

I'll pick you up at 1 ok? :-)

"Wait...1?!" Joy thought.

She looked at the time on her phone and the time read 12:45. Joy cursed under her breath and got up from her bed immediately. She stumbled through her closet trying to find something to wear. She simply put on a beanie, a plain t-shirt, a cardigan, and skinny jeans.

Before she can look at the mirror, her message tone rang again.

Luhan (•‿•):

I'm outside already. You ready yet?

"Ugh! He's fast!" Joy thought.

She went out of the room and started heading towards the front door.

"Where are you going?" Mae asked in the kitchen.

"With Luhan!" Joy replied as she struggled to put on her converse quickly.

"Aw what. I'll be the only one here when everyone's out hm." Mae groaned.

"Mianhae!" Joy responded as she exited out the door.

"Have fun!" Mae shouted to her.

Joy was making her way to the parking lot when she sees Luhan dressed up in a very casual manner just like her. She thought he looked cute in his beanie and sweatshirt.

"Wait, wait a minute." Joy's eyes widened. 

Luhan spotted Joy and waved to her. As Joy approached him, he looked up and down at Joy's outfit.

"Hey! It looks like we're matching!" Luhan pointed out and grinned. Joy just smiled.

Luhan led her into his car and they were already on the road. Joy still had no idea where he was taking her. She noticed that Luhan kept grinning to himself throughout the car ride and was happily bobbing his head to the girl group music playing on his stereo. Joy was about to say something until Luhan let out a sudden sigh.

"Ugh. Traffic!" Luhan pouted and slid back in his seat.

"Hey, Luhan." Joy said and he looked to her quickly.

"What is it, Joy?"

"About last night...what do you remember?"

Luhan stared into space for a minute and thought before he spoke. 

"I remember that last night was just crazy. I was so drunk too. The partying, me punching a guy, and I somehow crashed at Suho's place." Luhan answered.

"Oh...nothing else?" Joy furrowed her brow curiously.

"Mm. Not that I know of. Why? Was there something I missed?"

"Hm. No. Just wondering."

"Oh, arasseo." Luhan then continued to drive while singing to girl group music.

"Can I really tell him?" Joy drifted off.

After what seems like an eternity of singing to girl group music, Joy just couldn't help but sing along with Luhan. Apparently, he seems to be in a very good mood and Joy was too. Though, she's still kind of unsure.

"Oh! Oh! Look! We're here!" Luhan excitedly jumped in his seat.

Joy looked through the windshield to see a sight of a bright and colorful sign with an amusement park in the background.

"Lotte World?!" Joy cheerfully said.

"Come on! We need some bonding time!" Luhan playfully punched her shoulder lightly. Joy punched back playfully and the two suddenly broke out into a playful punching game.

"Yah! I win!" Joy declared.

"Yah, you have an advantage since I'm still driving!" Luhan laughed.

He soon parked in an open spot and got out of his car quickly to open Joy's door. Joy came out eagerly.

"Come on! Let's go!" Luhan grabbed her wrist and he was leading her to the theme park's entrance.

"Maybe I shouldn't think about telling him right now. I'll just have fun with him today." Joy grinned as she thought. 

Girl's Dorm

"Aish. Why do they have to leave me alone. Oh, well. At least I can have some me time." Mae sat comfortably in her pajamas on the sofa as she watched television.

While she was flipping through the channels, a knock came through the door.

"Who is it?" Mae yelled as she walked towards the front door. She opened it and what came into view was Kai in simple clothing and glasses. Mae noticed that he had a pencil and a packet of paper in his hand.

"What do you want?" Mae asked calmly.

"Mae-ah, help me with my homework!" Kai whined.

Mae sighed and let him inside the dorm.

"So, what do you need help with?" Mae questioned as they both sat down on the couch.

"Look!" He pointed at a math problem on the paper. Mae studied the problem deeply. 

"Hm. I don't know. How am I supposed to know? I'm not that good in math." Mae stated and continued to flip through the channels on the television.

"Aish! That's why I came to you for help!" Kai babbled as he threw the packet down on the coffee table. Mae let out a laugh from seeing his reaction.

"Yah, what's up with the glasses? You don't usually wear them." Mae observed.

"Oh! These? Well, actually-" Kai paused for a moment as he remembered a conversation he had with D.O this morning.

Flashback: To This Morning

"Aigoo! I don't get this!" Kai was back in the dorm with some of the EXO members. He was sitting down in his desk with frustration.

"The hyungs don't know either. So, who will I ask? Oh! Mae!" Kai thought.

Kai didn't care if he went out in his casual attire, so he decided to come over to the girl's dorm to ask her. Before he headed out, he spotted D.O's fake glasses sitting on the counter. Kai stared at it for a moment and took it. When he put on the glasses, he looked into his mirror.

"I think I'll look smart for her when I put these on." Kai posed in the mirror.

"Aw, yeah. Looking handsome as ever~" Kai admired his reflection as he slid his hair back with his hand.

"Jongin-ah. Why do you have my glasses?" D.O appeared in his room.

"AH. Kyungsoo-hyung! Do you think Mae will like it if I put these on?" Kai said.

D.O stared at him for a few seconds and then he burst out into laughter.

"Haha! Why not? I think she'll like it!"

"REALLY?" Kai admired his reflection more.

"Sure, why not! We all know that you like her, man. Admit it." D.O crossed his arms smugly.

"Oh, would you look at the time. I should really be going uh anyways, see you later hyung!" Kai rapidly said and quickly exited out of the dorm.

"Huh. He won't admit it just like Luhan hyung." D.O said to himself.

End of Flashback

"Uh, well I can take these off if you want." Kai suggested. Mae laughed a little more.

"Pabo, I didn't say you have too." Mae grinned.

A few minutes passed and Kai inspected Mae's face as she watched the television.

"Yah. I can see you staring." Mae took notice of him and Kai looked away quickly.

She smiled to herself as she found his reaction cute. Kai and Mae suddenly jumped up to a woman's screeching scream on the television's stereo.

"Hey, a scary movie! Let's watch it keke." Mae shut the blinds and it darkened the room.

"Y-yah." Kai shifted uncomfortably.

Before Mae can reply to him, Kai screamed at the horrifying face shown on the screen. Mae couldn't help, but laugh to herself.

"I'll go get some popcorn."

"Yah! Let me come wih you!" Kai followed Mae into the kitchen.

"Gosh. He's really making me laugh today. I feel great." Mae thought happily.

In The Streets of Myeong-Dong

"Come on Anne! There are still more shops to go to! Oh~! Look at that dress!" Kat was distracted by all of the vibrant clothes of the shops.

Kat went inside of the shop and gazed at the clothes with admiration.

"I think this would look good on you." A voice spoke near her ear.

Kat looked around to where the voice would be.

"Over here." She heard the voice and looked under the clothes rack.

"No, not there~" The voice spoke again and Kat sighed.

"Where are you voice!" Kat questioned.

She then sees the the clothes being parted in the middle of the rack beside her. In between the clothes appeared Suho's playful smile.

"AH! Suho! I knew it was you! What are you doing here?" Kat pinched his cheeks.

"Ah, ow. Well, I happen to be in the area." Suho grinned and stepped out of the clothes rack.

"Now, where were we..." Suho picked up some clothes and gave it to Kat.

"Try it on. I think it'll look good on you." Suho smirked at her.

"Aish! It better be something appropriate." Kat eyed him suspiciously and grinned. 

After trying it on and showing her outfits to Suho, she picked which clothes she wanted to buy from his choices. He went over to the cashier with her so she can pay for it. 

"$235" The cashier lady said. Kat nodded and took out her wallet. Suho looked inside her wallet closely to see that it wasn't enough.

"Erhm. Here's the money." Suho took out the right amount of cash out of his wallet quickly and paid the price. Kat looked at him with surprise. When the two exited out the store, Kat hit him lightly.

"Huh? What was that for?"

"You didn't have to pay for me you know...I could've used my card..."

"What's wrong with me helping you out?"

"Well, you've done a lot, but thank you." Kat smiled at him and Suho wrapped his arm around her waist, strolling with her to wherever the street led them.

"Ugh. Kat. Wait up..." Anne complained. She gave up following her and decided to sit down on a bench.

She was completely exhausted from Kat hauling clothes for the past hour. She was also getting herself clothes, but shopping can really be of a hassle to her.

On the other side of the street, some of the EXO guys happen to be present in the area.

"Yo Chen! Check her out!" What sounded like Xiumin's voice, echoed through the street.

"Sorry, man! I can't!" Chen yelled back at him through the loud chatters of the busy crowd.

Anne's head lifted up from hearing Chen's voice from across the street. She looks to see Chen with some of the EXO guys and several girls crowding around their group.

"Ah, oppa! Would you like to eat ice cream with me?" A girl brushing up on Chen said with an aegyo tone.

"Aish, who is that calling him oppa?!" Anne's mouth shifted into a frown. 

Anne's fist curled and her fingers clenched down on it tightly. She went over to where the group was and vigorously pushed the girl away from Chen. The girl collapsed on the floor and let out a fake cry.

"Ahh! Oppa! She pushed me onto the floor! Wah!" The girl yakked.

"Watch where you're touching him." Anne furiously said. The girl let out an annoying scoff.

"A-anne!" Chen raised his voice at her. Anne ignored him and continued to glare at the girl.

"Ugh! What are you? His girlfriend or something?!" The girl broke in.

"What if I am?" Anne replied to her.

EXO and Chen looked at her with shocked faces. Chen's mouth dropped open and glanced at Anne in surprise.

"How can oppa date someone like you? You are such a for pushing me on the floor!"

"Listen here ."

"OKAY OKAY LADIES THAT'S ENOUGH!" Chen went in between the two.

"Oppa, is she your girlfriend or not?!"

Chen hesitated for a moment and glimpsed at Anne. Anne looked at him with hope in her deep dark brown eyes showing her patience for his answer.

"She's my girlfriend." Chen answered confidently.

The girl and her posse's eyes widened in astonishment. The EXO guys smiled and whistled at Chen's answer. Anne's cheeks were flushed in red as she lovingly stared at him.

"WOO! YOU GO CHEN!" The guys cheered.

"Sorry ladies! He's taken!" Baekhyun shouted at the girls.

"I'm not taken!" Chanyeol yelled at them and danced around them followed by the EXO guys hitting on girls.

Chen admiringly gazed at Anne and she did the same. He held out his hand to her and she gladly took it. He squeezed her small hand tightly. Anne felt his warm touch with her skin and began to blush more wildly. 

"Anne, you can call me oppa now." Chen brushed up against her cutely.

"Aish. I don't want too..."

"Oh come on! Say it."


"ANNE!" Chen whined playfully.


"Say it with my name~"

"Chen..oppa." Anne held her head down in embarrassment.

"THERE YOU GO! YAY~!" Chen hugged her. Anne felt like she was about to explode from his embrace as their bodies were close and warm against each other. She held him close and took his embrace in with comfort. He suddenly started to hug her tighter.

"UHHH CHEN. C-CAN'T BREATHE." Anne gasped for air.

"Woops~ sorry yeobo~"


"S-sweetheart?" Anne thought.


Anne blushed and continued to stroll down the streets happily with her boyfriend, Chen.   

Lotte World

Joy and Luhan excitedly roamed around the amusement park. Luhan has been dragging Joy to random rides and the two of them were just having too much fun. They went over to the stalls where they had prizes if you win a game.

"Joy! Let's go to this one!" Luhan took her to a stall and stood in line with her. She looks to see that it is one of those games where you have to kick the soccer ball at the target.

"Oh, soccer?"

"Yeah! Back home, I played it a lot and even now when I have time. You should play it with me!" Luhan gladly nudged her. Joy kept laughing due to the fact that Luhan kept complaining about the long line they were in.

"Aish! I want to play it now!" Luhan cutely whined.

"Oh come on we're almost next! See!" Joy told him.

Joy then took notice of some girls checking out Luhan. They were near them chatting anxiously and admiring his appearance.

"Omo! Look! He's so cute!"

"Woah! He's so hot, but he's with a girl, look!"

"Is that his girlfriend? Aww."

Joy clearly heard their murmurings and a blush of red was shown on her cheeks.

"NEXT!" The guy working at the stall announced.

"Ladies first." Luhan grinned at Joy and gestured his hands to the soccer ball.

"Ah, but I'm not very good at this..."

"Oh it's okay! I'll be cheering for you! Fighting!" Luhan held his fist in the air.

Joy took a deep breath before she can kick the ball into the target. She then swung her leg and her foot directed towards the ball. The ball flew through the air and it almost hit the target.

"Aw, dammit."

"AH! ALMOST!" Luhan shook Joy's shoulder with encouragement. 

"I'll win this one! Don't worry!" Luhan went next.

Joy watched him as Luhan was doing slight stretches on his leg. He had a look of determination on his face and he remained in a ready position. His foot quickly directed at the ball and it perfectly strikes right at the target. Luhan smirked in satisfaction.

Joy looked extremely impressed and behind her some girls were anxiously fan girling. Luhan glanced at her and gave her his bright smile. Joy's heart began to beat instantly and her cheeks were becoming very rosy.

"Pick your prize!" The worker called out.

"Joy, which one do you like?" Luhan asked her and she pointed to the pororo plushie.

The worker handed him the plushie and Luhan handed it to Joy proudly.

"You guys look like a good couple." The worker complimented.

"Um, thank you." Luhan scratched the back of his head, somewhat blushing a little and Joy hid her face behind the plushie.

After winning the prize, Luhan went to get food and Joy sat down on an empty bench waiting for him.

"Cotton candy!" Joy cheerfully said as she saw him with a bag full of cotton candy. He sat down next to her comfortably and the two ate it in silence.

"So, Luhan. Is this a date?" Joy decided to ask him straightforwardly.

Luhan paused when he was about to put the cotton candy in his mouth.

"Eh. I shouldn't have said that." Joy thought.

"You can say that. Other than a date, I just wanted to spend some time with you." Luhan explained as he chewed the piece of cotton candy.

"Might as well call it a date though~" Luhan looked at Joy and grinned at her.

The two were looking into each other's eyes for a while until they directed their attention to the screams nearby them. It was coming from a roller coaster ride and they see people exiting from it with flushed faces. Luhan gulped uncomfortably.

"Oh yeah we've been on all the rides except for roller coasters! We should ride that one! Do you want to ride it Luhan?" Joy beamed at him. Luhan suddenly continued to stuff his mouth with cotton candy by avoiding Joy's request.

"Are you okay?" Joy tilted her head at him.

Luhan swallowed the cotton candy down his mouth nervously before he spoke.

"Uh, well. Actually Joy, I have Acrophobia." Luhan informed her.

"Aw. I see." Joy replied as she hugged the pororo plushie. Luhan observed that she looked a little disappointed, so instead of glancing at other roller coasters, he sees the ferris wheel.

"Come on, Luhan. Be a man." Luhan puffed out his cheeks.

"Let's just go on the ferris wheel!" Luhan threw the cotton candy away quickly and grabbed Joy's hand towards the line to the ferris wheel.

Girl's Dorm

The two were alone in a dark room with a scary movie playing on the television. Mae couldn't really focus on the scary movie because Kai kept screaming every time. He gets frightened by the little things on the screen like when the lead actress is talking. Kai buried his head onto Mae's side with the blanket she gave him as it was wrapped around his head. 

"Omo. Stop screaming like a woman Kai. Your scream is more horrifying than that actress's."

"Aish. I can't help it." Kai covered his face with the blanket.

"Come on, Kai. Be a man and endure your fears!" Kai thought as he lightly hit his head repeatedly. Mae noticed and snatched the blanket off of Kai hastily.

"You don't like scary movies, do you?" Mae assumed smugly. 

"Y-yah! I need that to protect myself!" Kai protested. He reached for the blanket, but Mae took it away from him.

"You know, I see that it's very hard for you to express your feelings." Mae suddenly said.

Kai ignored her and grabbed the bowl of popcorn, but then Mae took it away from him.

"Hey! I want some.." Kai pouted.

"From that night, I know something that you can't say because you're too much of an idiot to say this thing." Mae continued.

"Aish Mae! Give me more popcorn!" Kai avoided her statement.

"Y-You like me. Don't you?" Mae finished.

Kai paused and widened his eyes at her. Mae's eyes didn't meet his as she continued to watch the screen with it's bright flashes reflecting on her face. Kai stood still with his jaw slightly dropped open. Silence fell between them. Kai slowly reached for the remote and turned off the television. Mae hesitated to turn the television back on, though, she was completely frozen and speechless. Silence still remained in the dark room between them. Through the dark, Mae could feel Kai's gaze at her even though it was not visible to her. She a nearby lamp, but it's glow barely lit the room. Though, it's glow lit enough for Mae and Kai to see each other's faces clearly.

Kai leaned in slowly and Mae did the same. Their faces were inching closer and closer. Soon, they were close enough to feel their noses rub against each other. Kai then landed his mouth onto Mae's lips very gently and Mae kissed back. His lips were so soft and smooth as it came into contact with hers. His teeth nibbled onto her bottom lip and Mae let out a quiet moan. This made Kai want more from her as he deepened the kiss. 

Kai then continued to dominate the kiss when he pressed his lips more onto Mae's. Her chest was beating rapidly and she figured maybe Kai would've felt her heartbeat because their bodies were also against each other. Her chest was rested onto Kai's sturdy torso as she lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck. Kai's hand was directing up to Mae's hair on the back of her scalp and gripped it tightly. He parted his lips beneath hers, crushing her against his torso, and tasting each other's flavor of popcorn. He suddenly then slipped out his tongue into . Upon receiving the sudden contact, Mae pulled away. Kai sat there confused by her action. He then got the idea that he was taking it too far.

"I-I got to go." Kai told her and hurriedly went out the door.

Mae sat still in the dark living room, speechless, and in shock. As he exited out the door, Kai's body was telling him to run back to the EXO dorm.

"Aish, why am I running." Kai ceased as he leaned his back on the wall.

Lotte World

Joy and Luhan were sat in their booth on the ferris wheel overlooking the bright view of the amusement park as it's lights lit up at dusk. They sat face to face from each other with their knees touching a little.

"Wow. The view's amazing." Joy stared through the glass in awe. Luhan glanced at her and smiled. He then nervously fidgeted and Joy took notice of this quickly.

"Are you okay up here?" Joy asked with concern.

"Uh, yes kind of. I'm just trying to imagine that I'm not in the air." Luhan shut his eyes and let out a breath.

"You don't look okay." Joy rested her hand onto Luhan's.

"I'm fine, really." Luhan replied to her. Throughout the few minutes of the ride, Luhan has not made eye contact with Joy at all. 

"Hm. Why isn't he looking at me when he talks?" Joy wondered.

"My heart's beating really fast. I know I don't like it up here, but I'm with Joy..."  Luhan thought tensely.

"Luhan, calm down. You're breathing really hard." Joy said.

"Joy, it's okay, I'm-" Suddenly the booth tilted to the side and Luhan landed on top of Joy.

"Uh. Joy, are you alright?" He finally looked at her and she gave him a nod. The two were in a slight embrace for a while now and a silence fell upon them.

"Luhan, your breathing has calmed down." Joy told him.

"Huh. I guess being here with you has survived my fear." He grinned at her and Joy smiled at him warmly.

"Wh-what is this feeling. It's not fear." Luhan wondered.

When the ride ended, the two came out of the booth and started making their way to the exit of the amusement park. They got into Luhan's car and he drove off silently. After a few routes, he stopped his car in the dorm parking lot.

"We're here already?" Joy asked wearily.

"Yes, ah I need fresh air." Luhan replied and came out of his driver's side.

The two went out of the car and strolled along the path to the dorms.  

"I've been meaning to tell you this for a while now, but you know how I asked you about that night?" Joy reminded.

"...yes, but why all of a sudden?"

"Well, you see. That night, you took me out to the balcony and kissed me." Joy drifted off.

Luhan stopped walking and looked at Joy startled.

"I...I kissed you?" Luhan panicked a little.

"Yes. Kat and Suho were in trouble and we had to go find them. I was stuck carrying you around and when we got there, you threw a punch at a guy that was about to attack at me." Joy explained.

Luhan stood in his position, swallowing the things Joy explained to him about that night.

"I honestly thought that was a dream..." Luhan went on. Joy stepped closer to him, but Luhan moved away.

"Joy, let's just forget about that happening. If I made you uncomfortable in any way I'm sorry." Luhan turned back.

"Wait! Luhan!" Joy went after him. Luhan turned back at Joy and held onto her shoulders.

"Just...just forget about it." Luhan quickly stormed off.

He went back into his car with mixed thoughts in his head. He slapped himself lightly and let out a grunt.

"That probably ruined our friendship, I can feel it. Ugh! What was I thinking about doing that when I'm drunk! But, today I seemed to be a lot more excited around her. What am I feeling?!" Luhan was deep in thought.

Joy watched as his car exited out the parking lot. Her heart began to race wildly.

"Luhan, I can't explain how I feel for you right now." Joy thought. 

Somewhere In Myeong-Dong

"Pat! Take me to a dessert place now!" Aimee whined as Pat piggy-backed her.

The two ate out at a Korean restaurant for the past hour after their afternoon shopping. 

"Aimee, we just ate Korean bbq. Are you ing kidding me." Pat complained.

When they walked across the street, Pat sat Aimee down on a bench. Pat sighed.

"You know, you are really a handful." Pat lightly patted her head.

"Mm. I'm tired..." Aimee rested her head on Pat's lap. 

"Hello, Lin! When is your plane landing?" A lady nearby was talking through the phone. Pat couldn't help, but overhear the conversation when Aimee was incapacitated at the moment. When the lady was done talking, she walked towards where Pat and Aimee were.

"Um, excuse me kids, can you tell me which street this bus will take me to the airport? I'm kind of lost." The lady spoke in English.

"Oh well, ma'am. I have to say you're far off from here." Pat replied and typed down the directions for her on her cellphone.

"Thank you so much!" The lady thanked them and she went off into the bustling streets.

As Pat watched her go, his mouth surprisingly turned into a frown.

"Huh. Pat, what's wrong?" Aimee asked him.

"Did you hear that Aimee? She said Lin. Where did we hear that before?" Pat stated.

"I don't know, but I had a weird feeling when that lady was talking to you." Aimee spoke.

"Don't tell me who I think it is." Pat furrowed his eyebrows suspiciously. 

"Pat, that's impossible." Aimee said and the two of them looked at each other unsurely.

That was a very...very long chapter. In that case, I'm not sure if I am going to update next week, but anyways, stay tuned~ IT'S CANON GUYS, the ChenxAnne ship is finally sailing! How about the LuhanxJoy ship? Hm I see heavy waves hitting against those ships...As for SuhoxKat, seems like they are about to leave the shore to set sail OH YES. KaixMae, um. Their journey seems to be really unexpected! Also, Lin. Who was Lin again? I don't know, I'm not saying because you should know who she was from the previous chapters ooooo. This chapter I swear I thought I was about to myself from all these words and all this happening and ahhhh too much. Thank you for reading, so come subscribe, upvote, or comment! I like comments js.  

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twiddles #1
Chapter 17: Im reading this at night time and I keep laughing so hard at their backup plans omg great story!
Chapter 1: That would have been so embracing on the plane :P
I haven't even read this and i love it.. cause Joy is my name.. and luhan is my top bias of all time XD
Chapter 30: This fanfic gives me hope to look upon. I'm going to audition for SM once I've trained more + ask my HS about a foreign exchange program with Korea & this fanfic is great. It's just great. Thank you for giving me hope, author-nim~ Saranghamida
TinapaySichuweyshon #7
Chapter 1: cool. my nickname is also Joy. hahaha
update soon:)
Salpal132 #9
Chapter 23: Please update!!!
Update please !!!!!