First Anniversary

To Infinity And Beyond


I N F I N I T E Forever


"What should we do for our anniversary?"

"Let's go to the beach!"

"Yeah, BBQ Party!"

"Drowning-dongwoo-in-the-beach day!"



For the journey to the beach, Dongwoo decided to drive despite the members' protests, everybody holding their breathes as they changed lanes. Myungsoo was the only one who didn't care and decided to sleep. Sungjong sat restlessly on the passenger's seat, a bad choice for him.

"I swear, hyung, we'll really drown you if we get harmed because of your driving," Sungyeol muttered from the back seat of the van. Dongwoo glared at him through the rear-view mirror.

"Dongwoo's the only one who has a license so shut it, guys. Unless you want me to drive there," Woohyun smirked as the other members gave him a look and cursed him silently, a wave of 'you're worse' and 'nevermind' spread into the vehicle. "See? So let's all go to sleep," He leaned on Myungsoo, causing the younger one to shove him to Hoya who pushed him back.

"How did you even become artists?! Sheesh..."


"Oh my god, oh my god, we're finally here!" Sungjong let out a deep breathe he didn't know he was holding as soon as he jumped off of the van. He felt like throwing up. "Let's now go drown Dongwoo hyung for his lethal driving!"

"It wasn't lethal! Look at you all, you're all safe." Dongwoo protested as he raised his arms, letting it fall limply as he went to the van's backseat where his things were placed.

"Manager hyung paid for a small house What the hell?" Sunggyu scratched the back of his head as he saw a tent at the middle of the white sand with a banner that says 'Welcome and Happy Anniversary, INFINITE!' "Is he freakin' kidding me?!"

"So what?! Let's now go have fun!" Dongwoo pointed at the beach where two dorks were already shoving Hoya's head underwater, trying to drown him. Sungyeol and Woohyun shrieked as soon as Hoya gave them the death glare.

"Good god, Hoya's going to kill us!" Sungyeol shouted in what seemed to be a high-pitched voice.


The night came and the boys surrounded the camp fire, Hoya and Sungjong were fighting over the marshmallow though there were still a lot of marshmallows on the plastic bag.

Myungsoo can't help but snicker at the two immature members.

"So, did anyone have fun today?" Sunggyu asked.

"Who didn't? We all had fun."

"I can't believe we've been together for one year already as a group," Woohyun mentioned as he grinned at the six faces surrounding him.

"One year down, forever to go."



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Chapter 1: Forever to go. :))) Leggo, infinite!
forever to go :') yessssssss LOL
dragonholic #3
Indeed, forever to go. :3