A New Start

Working With the Enemy

Soomi's POV


   "Bye Unnies! I'm going to school now!" I yelled at my sister and her friends as I ran out the door.

   "Have fun on your first day!"

   "Make new friends!"

   "Don't die!", I heard them tell me.

   As I walked to my new college, I began to think of what happened these past months. Just a few months ago, I was living in the countryside with my parents, happy and carefree with everyone. Since it was such a small town, I knew everyone and everyone knew me. Now, I'm living in Seoul with my sister, my parents are dead for a reason no one knew, and I didn't know anyone in this huge city.

   I must have been lost in my thoughts because the next thing i knew, I was on the floor with my hurting. I looked up to see a handsome man glaring right at me.

   "Watch where you're going, idiot.", He coldly sneered and walked away. Well that was rude of him!, I thought. He could've atleast apologized or helped me up, but no. He just walked away. See, this is why I don't like Seoul. How can my sister live in a place like this?

   Once I dusted the dirt off my clothes, I got up and resumed walking to my new school, Woollim University.

   I only had one word for this place: Wow.

   This place was so big, I think it's as big as my old town. Maybe even bigger. There were fresh flowers blooming along the school pathways, a large fountain in the middle of the campus, and cute guys. A lot of cute guys. There were limos and fancy cars parked in front of the school and everyone just gave off this rich vibe that it made me feel a little insecure. I mean, I only got into this prestigious university because of my academic performance. I wasn't rich.

   One I stepped onto the campus grounds, I noticed cliques everywhere. There were the jocks playing soccer on the field, the nerds studying under the tree, the girls gossiping on the grass, and much more.

   "Watch Out!"

   I looked up to see who said that and noticed a ball in the air. It looked like it was coming straight towards...me?! I quickly avoided the ball before it hit me on my head.

   "Phew! That was clo-"


   I wasn't able to finish my sentence when I felt something hard hit me on my head and i fell face first onto the grass with all my stuff flying around. I realized a few seconds later that another ball had hit me and everyone had seen me fall. How embarrassing...

   I quickly turned around to see who had thrown, or kicked, the ball, only to see a hand infront of my face. I followed the arm up with my eyes to see it leading up to a familiar face. It took me a few seconds to realize that it was the guy who had bumped into me! Is he helping me? Maybe he isn't such a bad guy.

   I was about to take his hand when he suddenly pulled away and shook his head. He pointed at the ball that was on my lap.He just wanted the ball? I take back what I said. Before I gave him the balls I asked him,

   "Were you the one that kicked these?"

   He simply stared at me before shortly nodding and grabbing the two spherical objects on the ground. Before he left, I began to scold him.

   "Yah! Can't you atleast say sorry? I mean, you bumped into me, called me an idiot, hit me on the face with a ball, and you can't say sorry?! Shouldn't you atleast help me u-"

   I was cut off once again when he glared at me.

   "Can you shut up? God, you're so annoying." He monotonously stated before walking away with the two soccer balls.

   I was fuming. How could he?! I wanted to kick his balls. And I'm not talking about the ones in his hands. I looked around to see my stuff lying around and began to pick them up.

   "Why, that no good b-"

   "Butthole. That no good butthole. Don't mind him. He's always like that", Someone said behind me.

   I turned around to see four figures standing with most of my stuff in their arms, handing them to me. They were really pretty...and tan. Especially the one at the end. She was so dark, she made me look like tofu.

   "Thank you," I said, "My name is Choi Soomi, I'm new."

   "Hi Soomi! I'm Bora," a slightly tan girl said happily, "The really dark one is Hyorin, the reddish haired girl is Soyou, and the pale one is Dasom."

  I was glad I was able to meet some nice people, but that guy just ruined my day. Maybe these girls know who he is.

   "Sorry for asking but, who was that guy?" I asked while pointing at the jerk playing soccer.

   "That's Lee Howon, or Hoya. He's a kingka here along with his six friends called 'Infinite'. He's really popular because he's cold and quiet to everyone." The girl named Hyoring replied.

   "Yeah, all of his fans call him HoGod since he's good at everything." Dasom added.

   "HoGod? Tch..more like HoButt.." I muttered, "Anyways, sorry for bothering you, but can you guys show me around?" I asked shyly.

    "Sure! Come on!" Soyou exclaimed.

   I hope I don't see that HoButt ever again.

   Right when school ended, I got a text from my sister.

From: Sooyoung Unnie

Hey! How was your first day? Well that's not important. Can you go to the store and get some ingredients for the cafe? Thanks!

Oh! And also buy a lot of snacks ok? Kthxbai~

   Sigh. That shikshin unnie..., I thougt as I made my way to the store.

   While I was walking home after going to the store, I heard a muffled cry in a dark alley near me. I have a bad feeling about this, I thought as I walked into the alley to find the source of the cry. At the end of the alley, I saw a small boy, probably 10 years old maybe younger, being harrased by three old and scrawny men. My heroic instincts kicked in.

     "Hey! What are you doing harrasing a little kid like that? Have you no shame?" I screamed, startling the three men. The little boy's eyes gleamed with hope.

  The three men looked at eachother before looking at me with a erted look.

   Eww..ok, that's gross. They look old enough to be my dad and they're thinking of harrassing me? I shuddered at that thought.

   Before any of them could make a move, I quickly, but forcefully puched one of the men on the jaw, making him unconcious. Wow, These guys are really weak. I thought. When I looked to the other men, I realized that one of them had a knife in his hands. I must have been distracted because I felt a hard punch on my face and a kick to my stomach.

   I stood up and touched my face to realize that my lip was bleeding. I was already in a bad mood, this just made it worse. I glared at the man who punched me before tackling him to the ground.

     "Nobody.Touches.My.Face!" I yelled, punching him every word I said. I kept puching him even though he's probably unconcious, until I felt myself being pinned onto the wall. I looked to see the man with the knife infront of me, his knife near my throat.

   I frantically looked around to see if I could use anything when I noticed the little boy waving his arms for my attention. When he had my attention, he pointed at his crotch area.

   Why is he pointing at his cro-Oh! I thought before I kicked the man's babymaker. The man screamed in pain and I took the chance to grab his arm and twist it, making the knife fall out. I puched him on the nose and fell to the ground, one hand holding onto his prized possession and the other on his now bleeding nose.

  I ran up to the kid and took him out of the alley.

     "Where's your mom, Sweetie?" I asked calmly while kneeling to match his height.

   He pointed to a store across the street before running away. I quickly chased him, but when I turned the corner, he disappeared.

   Where'd he go? I thought while looking for him. After a while I gave up on looking for him. I went back to the alley to find that the men had also disappeared. I picked up the bag of groceries on the floor and walked back home. I need to rest.

No one's POV

   The little boy ran until he reached a black car. When he got inside, he bowed to the man in the passenger's seat and cleared his throat.

     "Sir, did you see the footage I had taped of the girl?" The little boy-man asked in a deep voice.

     "I did," Replied the mysterious man looking at the video of the girl fighting three men.

     "I think she's the one, sir" Commented the man in the driver seat, while looking at the video.

     "I think so too."


Woohoo! I'm done with my very first chapter! I'm sorry if it was a little long and a little boring hehe. I'm also sorry for my grammatical and spelling errors.

Please comment on how I did and what you thought of the story so far.

Thank You!


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Chapter 1: Woah woah woah woah....

What are you little boy?
PattyPatata #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^