
You are my Oppa


2013, Febuary 9th

SM Entertainment

Practice Room 12


“Five, six, seven, eight!”

Director Lee casually entered the dance studio, silently walking in and observing the twelve idols hard at work, practicing for their comeback. Not a single one of them noticed his entrance as they were too focused in perfecting their dance routine, staring intensely into their reflections on the mirror.

After some time, one boy finally noticed the smartly-dressed intruder, and quickly stopped the loud music, earning the attention of the other eleven boys.

“Ah, excuse me, but who are you?” The boy who switched off the music asked politely, stepping forward from his spot. The other eleven just looked at each other questioningly, most of them panting from the intense practice session.

Director Lee bowed slightly, flashing a professional smile, “Ah, don't worry about me. I'm just here to observe you. Carry on and pretend I'm not here.”

The twelve scratched their head awkwardly, looking like lost lambs.

“I'm sorry, but our practice studio is privately owned by SM and outsiders are not allowed to watch us... May we know of your identity and purpose?” Another boy spoke up, and Director Lee noted that he seemed to be the tallest of the lot.

“Well, my identity and purpose cannot be disclosed to you yet. But I was allowed in by Lee Sooman himself, is that a good enough reassurance?” Director Lee calmly pulled out the visitor pass he had been hiding in his pocket.

“Ah, of course Sir.” The first boy nodded and signalled for the others to continue with practice.

Director Lee smiled as the attention has been switched from him to the blasting music. 

So, this is the world-wide sensation EXO huh. He smirked at the bunch of handsome, talented males.

Well, EXO. After one whole year of planning, we are finally able to launch this long-awaited project. Prepare for not only an impactful comeback, but to become the nation's oppas as well.



“Oh Hyomi ah! Is that you?”

“Yeah, I'm home.” You closed the door gently, slipping out of your worn-out shoes. You exhaled softly, loosening your tense muscles. It had been another tiresome day at Kirin High, and you wanted nothing more than to get started on your homework so that you could go to bed early to rest your aching head from dealing with Jiyeon's antics again.

But looking on the bright side, you had already survived one whole year. One whole freaking year of playing the helpless poor girl who gets injustily bullied by the rich in school. Not that you had a choice. Even after the YAMO audition incident died down around march last year, Jiyeon still managed to find other completely unreasonable reasons to pick on you. And she's probably going to continue with that. It's like making you miserable is her favourite hobby or something.

But still, you told yourself that you could probably survive another year. Sick, but manageble.

Plus, your grades are still as bright as ever. That's all that matters.

At least, that's what you told yourself.


“Aigoo! Hyomi ah! Guess what came in the mail today!” Your aunt practically ran out of the kitchen, emitting a smile brighter than any jewel out there. You stared at her cluelessly.

Her smile widened even more (if it was even possible) as she revealed the envelope she had been hiding behind her back.

“Ta da!”

You narrowed your eyes at the envelope. It was addressed to you, from...

“What? The YAMO team? No way...” You snatched the envelope from your aunt's grasp, tearing it open immediately.

“Dear Kim Hyomi, congratulations on becoming the little sister of season 2. We hope you'll enjoy working with us for this upcoming sensational project. Please report to- What?!” You sped-read through the letter, eyes growing bigger with every word being read out.

“Oh, Hyomi! I knew you'd make it! I just knew it!” Your aunt rushed in to give you a tight bear hug, squeezing the life out of you.

“Eemo! Wait-”

“Now, you can show everyone just how lovely you are~”


“And you can have many other people to take care of you, other than me!”

“I don't-”

“Well, hurry go pack your bags now, you're leaving tomorrow after all-”

“I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE EEMO!” You yelled in frustration, causing your aunt to freeze in shock. Taking deep breaths to calm yourself down, you slowly uncurled the fist that had been clutching onto the piece of letter, and only then did you realise what you did.

You raised your voice. At your sweet aunt. 

You had never raise your voice. At anyone.

“Ee-Eemo, I'm sorry,” You blinked apologetically at the stunned expression on your aunt's face, “It's just that, I don't want to leave this house. I don't want to leave you. I'm going to decline their offer-”

“Aniya! Hyomi ah, you're not leaving me. I'll always be here.” Your aunt exhaled softly, “You know, I always feel so guilty to your mother. Her child is getting bullied in school. For years now. But I can't do anything to help her. All I can do is to watch her child suffer, and try to heal her wounds afterwards, knowing very well that it will happen again.”

“Eemo, it's not like that...”

“I'm just a poor woman, Hyomi ah. Yes, our financial situation has improved over the years, and we are much better off than when I first took you in, but still, I'm just... me. I can't help your situation Hyomi ah... I tried to help, but nothing works. Nobody would listen to us. So, this is my last hope. My friend told me about this programme, and I immediately know that this would work out. This could be your ticket out of hell, Hyomi ah...”

You lowered your head, staying silent as you let your aunt's words sink in. You never knew how much your aunt had suffered seeing your miserable state. All these years, you only told yourself that you could handle it. But only now did you realise that this wasn't about whether you could last another year.

It was about your kind-hearted aunt. The aunt you loved so much.

She was suffering, because of you. Because you were suffering.

“Please Hyomi, I've done everything I can, and this is the last thing I can do to help pull you out from your misery. Promise me you'll do this, neh? If not, my heart will never be at ease...” Your heart broke at the begging, longing gaze of your aunt. Her voice was shaking, weak, but hopeful. You couldn't bear to shatter that hope.

And more than anything, you couldn't bear to let your aunt suffer anymore. Maybe you could handle all the physical pain from Jiyeon, but you knew that it was nothing compared to the heartaches your aunt suffered from seeing your misery.

It's wrecking her inside out, and you wanted to kill yourself for only realising it now.

Your grades were one thing, but they weren't all that matters.

Your aunt was all that matters, and she doesn't deserve this pain. The only way to stop it, is to follow her plans.

Her last hope.

“Okay, I'll do it.”





Had been on a long hiatus oops. Sorry for the uber long wait, but I promise they will meet in the next chapter wink wonk.

Pardon my slow updates, major exams coming up! I'm just using this story as a de-stress hahah!

I hope I didn't disappoint you readers... I probably did but meh. 

I shall put more effort into the next chapter.



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Mayu0514 #1
Chapter 4: I hope the girls don't bully her more. What if hyomi got teased by exo A LITTLE and she murmured " I'm used to it..." But the members heard it and twelve of them talked about it together.
Chapter 4: Yassss chanyeol appears :3 love this story! <3
porini #3
Chapter 3: The subject is over the top. Wah so so so so interesting. Please don't leave this story. <3
Kisses and encouragements :*
Chapter 3: Yes,, yeesss they should meet soooonnnn
hanaafzal #5
Chapter 3: Please update as soon as you can, but take your time Author-nim!! We adore your work!!! ❤️
Chapter 3: this..:)
Chapter 3: Yasssssssssssss, Iove Hyomi! Been waiting for ever for this to be updated and was definitely not disappointed, update soon!
Chapter 2: woooww.. update please.. make her meet exo soon
Chapter 2: update soon!!
cia_1127 #10
Chapter 2: thank you for the update authornim~!^^