Chapter 4

Moonlit Masquerade

As Seung Hyun was walking away, relieved to have gotten the dreadful ordeal over with, his cell phone began vibrating. Reaching into his pocket, he took out his phone and glanced at the number.

“Yes, Father?”

“Seung Hyun, are bringing your young lady to meet your father, or not?” He sighed. “Father, we’re departing right now.”

“What? You go on a date for the first time in years and you refuse to introduce me to your lady?”

Exasperated, Seung Hyun said between clenched teeth, “She…is…not…my lady—”

“Bring her over. I want to meet her.”

“I can’t—”

“I’ll expect you both in fifteen minutes.”

“Father—” Seung Hyun’s only response was a dead dial tone.




Yoo Bin gulped nervously as she watched Seung Hyun made his way back to their table, a look of displeasure written clearly on his face. Although her common sense told her it was probably a good time now to grab her bag and scram, somehow her disobedient body was paralyzed on the spot.

He stopped once he had reached her, standing very closely to her. “Are you busy right now?” he asked, looking as though he was being forced to do something he dreaded. She shook her head.

Impatiently, he glanced at his wristwatch. “My father would like to meet you if it’s not too much.”

“Meet me?!” she exclaimed, squeaking in a voice that was hers this time, due to her nervousness.

He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, like I introduce you to him and then vice versa. You do know what an introduction is, right?”

“Of course,” Yoo Bin snapped.

“Good, then let’s go.” He reached for her bag.

“Wait!” Yoo Bin stood up hastily. He raised a brow inquisitively at her. “But…I can’t go like this.” Yoo Bin motioned to her outfit, which leaned towards the short side and the neckline which leaned towards the low side.

He looked at her, dumbfounded. “You change every time you go somewhere new?” he asked in disbelief.

“No, no…” Yoo Bin sighed.

“It won’t be long,” Seung Hyun said from behind her. She turned around and saw his grim expression. “I’ll try to make it as painless as possible, so you can get on with your life and I can get on with mine.”

Yoo Bin stiffened. “Of course,” she said, her voice dripping with sweetness. “I would hate wasting my afternoon on a meaningless visit such as this.”

His jaw clenched. “Look, I’m really sorry for dragging you here, but my father insists.” He pushed pass Yoo Bin and headed for the doors. “Anyway, I’m sure after his first meeting with you, he wouldn’t request for another visit.”

Yoo Bin stared at him with daggers in her eyes, but of course, he wasn’t aware of it since his back was turned to her already. Stiffly, he unlocked the front door and stood aside for her to enter first. When she didn’t, he motioned his head impatiently. Yoo Bin walked languidly towards him. She was tempted to fling her long hair at him, but unfortunately, Sun Ye had given Yoo Bin an upswept style.

Seung Hyun was so cold and rude; Yoo Bin was inclined to believe the man she met yesterday was simply a figment of her imagination. Although he had wore an eye mask, she recognized his prominent jaw line. And true to her guess, his eyes were intense. But the man with her today was ill mannered and uncompromising. She was starting to feel relieved that after today, he’d be out of her life forever.

“This way,” he said gruffly, motioning to the corridor on their right. He led them further down the hall until they came upon a parlor. Yoo Bin peeked inside and saw a man in his early sixties, settled on a rocking chair next to the wall length window that spanned one side of the whole room.

“Father,” Seung Hyun greeted without much preamble. “I brought Aeri.”

The elderly man looked up from the photo album on his lap. His eyes moved passed his son and further onto the hesitant figure standing by the doorframe. “Step closer, child,” he motioned. “My eyesight is deteriorating.”

Slowly, Yoo Bin stepped inside the room. She approached the elderly man, until they were only a few feet apart. Bowing, she greeted, “Good afternoon, Mr. Choi.”

Although frail looking, his steady gaze reminded her looks can be deceiving. “Good afternoon, Aeri. Have a seat, won’t you?” Yoo Bin looked around and settled on a loveseat closest to Mr. Choi.

She met Seung Hyun’s smirk, and knew he was underestimating her comfort level with her elders. Yoo Bin smiled as she silently promised to prove him wrong.

At the same time, Seung Hyun’s phone went off, and he excused himself as he exited the room.

Yoo Bin was tugging the hem of her dress when she noticed the silence in the parlor. Looking at

Mr. Choi with a sheepish smile, she apologized, “I’m sorry for my attire. I insisted changing before we come here but Seung Hyun refused to listen to my rationale.”

He chuckled. “It’s okay. Women nowadays are always trying to impress the opposite with any available wily weapon they can find.”

Her eyes widened at his suggestion. “Me? Trying to impress Seung Hyun?” Clearing , she said in her most polite voice, “I’m sorry, Mr. Choi, I do not mean any disrespect but seducing your son is the last thing on my mind!”

His brow rose; it was an exact replica of his son’s haughtiness. “Really? And why is that?”

“I’m starting to find him obnoxious and quite overbearing!”

At her response, Mr. Choi roared in merriment. Yoo Bin sat there, waiting, unsure if his reaction was a good sign or not. Most parents did not take well to insults directed at their dear children. After wiping the tears from his eyes, Mr. Choi looked at Yoo Bin and said, “You know, I like you already. I think we’re going to get along just fine.”

Yoo Bin gave him a brilliant smile, one known to have won over many hearts. “Why, thank you for such a high praise. I am flattered you would have that much faith in me.” Yoo Bin peeked at the album on Mr. Choi’s lap. “Is that a family album?” she inquired.

He nodded.

“The woman in the picture is beautiful. She must be the late Mrs. Choi.” Yoo Bin watched as his eyes softened, a reminiscent expression overtook his previous attentiveness. Mr. Choi nodded silently. Sympathizing the man, for it was obvious he was still in mourning for his wife, Yoo Bin whispered gently, “She seems like a spectacular woman. Seung Hyun spoke very highly of her.”

He agreed. “She is a one of a kind.”

"I heard Mrs. Choi loved gardening. She always filled your home with flowers, especially daylilies.”

Mr. Choi turned to her, surprised at how much Yoo Bin knew. “Seung Hyun doesn’t talk about his mother to anyone,” Mr. Choi confided.

At the revelation, Yoo Bin’s heart did a wild somersault. He told me, she thought. Does that mean anything?

Looking at Yoo Bin thoughtfully, Mr. Choi seemed to have reached a conclusion when he finally stated, “You’re a special gal.”




After Seung Hyun finished his conversation with his secretary, Ms. Yoon, he quickly rushed down the hallway, making his way back to the parlor. As Seung Hyun passed the staircase, he stopped and looked up.

"Oppa,” Yeh Eun called out. She stood on the landing, in a pair of khaki Capri and a long tank. The earphones to her iPod hung loosely around her neck. When Seung Hyun turned to his sister, she descended the remaining steps. “Father tells me you’re bringing Aeri here.”

Seung Hyun sighed. “Does the whole world know?”

Yeh Eun grinned, exposing her dimples. “No, just Father and I. Now, aren’t you going to introduce me?”

“We’re leaving right now,” Seung Hyun informed his younger sister as he continued walking along the corridor.

She frowned. “Why so soon?”

“I have an emergency with one of the artists.” Looking behind him, he said ruefully, “So you owe me a favor for sparing you the agony of having to bear Aeri’s company.”

“You’re exaggerating,” Yeh Eun said, waving her hand dismissively. “How can I take your words? You’re always so cynical of women anyway.” Yeh Eun quickened her footsteps until she was ahead of her brother. “I’ll judge for myself—” her voice died off when she reached the entrance of the parlor; her expression was one of utter bewilderment.

Curious, and a bit worried, Seung Hyun rushed to his sister’s side.

There, he froze as well.

In front of him was a rare sight, a sight Seung Hyun had not witnessed since his mother’s death. No longer was Seung Hyun’s father sitting silently on the rocking chair and staring at the garden beyond the windows, a habit he had been doing ever since the loss of his wife. Instead, his father was now outside the garden, sitting on a chaise lounge, looking happy and content, savoring the healthy sunlight.

Seung Hyun stepped inside the parlor, his eyes scanning the premises for any sign of Aeri. He finally spotted her as she appeared from the potting shed, a garden shovel in one hand and a cotton sack in the other. She was laughing at something Mr. Choi had just said.

“I don’t know about you, Oppa, but I’m dying to know what’s going on,” Yeh Eun said airily as she walked cheerfully pass Seung Hyun and stepped out to the garden. “Father!” Yeh Eun greeted warmly. “What are you doing out here? And who’s this lovely lady with you?”

Yoo Bin turned around and smiled at the younger woman approaching them. “Hello,” Yoo Bin greeted. “I’m Kim—Yang Aeri,” she quickly said. Yoo Bin silently kicked herself for the slip.

“Oh, Aeri!” Yeh Eun said merrily. “I’m Choi Yeh Eun, Seung Hyun’s younger sister. We’re very excited to have you here. When I heard about the promise made years ago between our mothers, I knew it was going to be perfect for Seung Hyun to meet up with you. I see I was not mistaken—”

“That’s enough.” Seung Hyun came to stand next to his sister. “I’m sure Aeri’s heard thousands of compliments everyday.”

“But I always welcome sincere compliments,” Yoo Bin replied swiftly, smiling at Yeh Eun. “And I thank you for welcoming me here. That makes two of you.”

Ignoring her jibe, Seung Hyun glanced at his watch. “Well, I hate to break up the party but I have to send Aeri home.”

Yoo Bin’s smile faded, her heart suddenly feeling very heavy at the prospect of going back to Aeri’s apartment.

“Why so soon?” Mr. Choi asked.

“I have a few problems at work, so I must return immediately. Since Aeri came with me, I should give her a ride back.”

“Nonsense. We can always have one of the chauffeur send her home, right Aeri?” Yoo Bin turned to the elderly man and smiled as she nodded. “Aeri must stay, I’m barely getting to know this sweet young lady.”

A bit peeved, Seung Hyun said, “I’m sure Aeri doesn’t want to. Her schedule is probably overflowed with casual dates and podiatry appointments.”

“Luckily, not today,” Yoo Bin contradicted.

“That works out beautifully then,” Mr. Choi cackled. Addressing Yoo Bin, he asked, “Didn’t you promise you’re going to help me with the garden?” Without waiting for her response, Mr. Choi turned to Seung Hyun. “You told Aeri how your mo—”

“I did give you my words, didn’t I?” Yoo Bin quickly interrupted, not wanting Mr. Choi to tell Seung Hyun she knew about his mother. The only way she could have known about his mother was if her identity was revealed. And she had no intention of letting him know she was the masquerade from the night before. Both women’s personalities were vastly different. “And I don’t break my promises,” Yoo Bin answered with a broad smile.

Aggravated, Seung Hyun ran his fingers through his rumpled hair. “Look, Aeri, you don’t have to do this.”

“But…” she turned to him and stared at him as though she was speaking to an imbecile. “But I do want to.”

Looking at the ardent faces of the other three people, Seung Hyun gave up. Although rare, Seung Hyun did know when he was losing a battle. This was one of those times. At Yeh Eun’s and Mr. Choi’s chuckles, Seung Hyun became even more annoyed. Is she trying to turn his family against him now?

Glaring at her, Seung Hyun said, “I need to have a few words with you.” He stomped back inside the house, with Yoo Bin trailing behind. When they were alone, Seung Hyun turned around to face her. “What are you trying to prove?” he demanded.

“What?” She stared at him with her wide eyes.

“I’ve always respected my father and sister for their excellent judgment of people. And now just one meeting with you and they’re blemished in my eyes!”

Yoo Bin crossed her arms and stared at him with disapproval. “You know, Mr. Choi Seung Hyun, you’re quite rude.”

He rolled his eyes upwards. “You can stop with your act now. I can assure you whatever spell you cast on my family, it won’t work on me. I tend to be less blind to the flaws in people. I’m warning you now, whatever you’re trying to get from me, it’s not going to happen.”

“You know, as superior as you think you may be, you’re only human like us. What makes you think I want anything from you?” Yoo Bin raised her nose in derision. “After today, I’d be happy not to see your face ever again!”

“Then what is up with this two-face act of yours? You’re obviously trying to win over my father.”

“I can’t help if I’m charming, okay?!” Yoo Bin exclaimed. Obviously, he didn’t take jokes very well. At his brooding expression, she said, “I promise you after today, I’ll be out of your life forever.” She stared at the clock hanging on the wall behind him. “Anyway, don’t you have work to do? Trust me, by the time you come home, I won’t be here.”

His eyes narrowed. “You promise?”


He nodded. “Well then, see that you are gone before I come back.” Seeming satisfied with the promise of not having to see her ever again, Seung Hyun turned around and left the room.

Once his back was turned, Yoo Bin felt the childish inclination to stick her tongue at him. And she did. Damn this egotistical man!


To be continued!


So how's chapter 4? As a fellow TooBin lover and MM reader/lover, I would really love to hear comments from you!!! Please drop comments for TOP and Yubin! Who knows, they might see it! kkkkk 

And hello to new subscribers of Moonlit Masquerade! SPREAD TOOBIN LOVE! As I've said, this ffic is not mine okay? I'm just reposting it :) Read foreword for clarification heehee!

Jsyk, the picture of "Mr. Choi" above is not TOP's father in real life okay? Just for entertainment purposes kkk! 

See you on the 5th chapter! Hope you enjoyed this one!

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Drewhajri #1
Chapter 4: Please update!!
I hope you continue to update this story.
SapphireBlueWorld_18 #3
wow really nice~~ update soon
Chapter 4: cant wait for update !!!! author-nim, fighting !!!!
btw, hello ... new subscriber here :)
TooBinxismyxlollipop #5
This is like one of the BESST TooBin fanfiction out there. The vocabulary, the detailed description, the suspence, mystery... Gah I love Miss B. Thank you so much for re writing this. I can't download the original version on to my iPod since it's PDF but now I can !!! I read it about 3 times already. And btw, do you know Miss B ? Can you tell her to continue Between Two Worlds ?
Schedulex2 #6
Oh gosh! This is certainly the best TooBin fanfiction ever. Not only the storyline, the writing style and words used are awesome. It can literally be published! I actually downloaded the PDF file the author provided to us and printed out the whole story! Of course, with the credits at the cover page. Gonna subscribe to this wonderful story for the sake of subscribing!
strawberrysohee #7
OMG you re-write MM here?!?!?!?! This story is my fave toobin ff all the time... I wish she won't mind you write here and i really wish she will back and continue write her Between Two Worlds