Still Alive, But Barely Breathing


For even though they had just met, 

Jongin seemed to need Kyungsoo to continue breathing.



This was initially written to be posted on my Livejournal, but I decided that it wouldn't hurt to continue posting my fics up here. Do check out my LJ! That will be most of my fic activities will be on from now on. :)


-Thanks so much to insertnamehere1 for beta-ing this piece over and over again. I cannot thank her enough.

-The idea for this story came to me when I was just daydreaming during one of my Geography lessons.

-This is really crappy I'm so sorry. It's my first time writing .

-I've always had a thing for The Script's 'Breakeven' lyrics.



Admin Wafflehyun @ Lemon Tree ---- Review Shop

(^ Their reviews are crazy detailed, guys. Do visit them!)

Suliee & kimidori-san @ Rum Pum Pum Pum || A Review and Beta Shop



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lunaarryssa #1
Chapter 1: one of a kind! ♥
twix_kat #2
Chapter 1: Wow...
I decided to read this after seeing it featured in the "Lemon Tree Reviews" Reviewer's Choice and I'm so glad I did ~~~~!!!!!
I love your writing style and everything flowed perfectly ~~~
wow, i have no words.
it was such a nice and touching story.
i really enjoyed reading it. it was pretty different for what I've read so far ^ ^
but kai died right? why why why why? that was so sad. i really hoped they would end up living together or something..
i really enjoyed this fic though :]
Let me cry and melt into a puddle of sadness ;-;