Chapter 9

The Collar

~Joon’s POV~

     She? His personal guard? He must be senile. She who gets beat around so easily and is so innocent... It must be a trick, a cruel and played prank. There isn’t a dangerous vibe radiating off of her, unlike the rest of those with Asar.

     I move to stand, but a grip on my arm stops me. I glare at the hand from G.O that holds me back from stopping this.

“Lets wait and see....” he murmurs under his breath. He presses my arm down to the armrest along with the rest of my body against the wooden chair. I bite my lip and pull my arm away form him.

     All while that happening in moments, Asar has move next to the poor servant girl, speaking about his “lie”.

     “-been with me since she was born, your records will show that just a few years after I have gained the kingdom that I now have.” He walks around her like a vulture around its helpless prey. She remains standing, emotionless... except for her eyes.

     Its that fear? Is he going to do something? Is he going to hurt her? No.... she’s looking at us at the table in worry? Is this Asar’s plan?

     “Now, as you look at her, she is just a plain servant girl. Too weak and innocent to raise a hand to anyone. That, MBLAQ, is all thanks to this handy dandy collar.” Asar taps the side of the necklace warped around her neck, making her flinch. “Ha! See, she knows whats to come, she’s anticipating it!” He bursts out at her reaction, still her eyes remain worried for us. “Shall we show them, my pet?”

     Asar reaches around to the back of the necklace... or collar as it is. An audible click resounded through the hall and the whole atmosphere changed.

     Aggressive pressure, murderer intent and a suffocating magic flow... The whole room seemed to switch form calm and confessed to dangerous and powerful.

     What the hell is this?!? Is this from her?? She’s really the Sword?? By the gods.... this is a problem. WOAHWOAHWOAH.... that flimsy collar held in all of this?? Hid her from everyone’s notice??

     Stop Joon... we have more serious issues. The Sword is in front of you, and by the NEW aura coming from her.... you are not prepared.

     “Well... now that you have a taste for her power, allow me to demonstrate how obedient she is...” Asar leaves of as he whispers in her ear. I look at her neck where the collar was. It was black and blue with a bruises. This isn’t good. What does that collar do to her?

     “King Asar, what is the meaning of this? Do you mean to attack us?” Seungho stands, his hand on his sword.

     “Oh, no, no Seungho... I am just telling her to protect my Captain from the attacks that I was about to ask you to launch on them, no harm will come to them, she will just wound. Seeing as the band isn’t really a band... we won’t get to have the music accompaniment I would have liked so much...”

     Seungho gives me a glance before nodding, “The men are at your ready....” He sits back, bitting his lip as he watches the scene played before him.

Asar’s Captain moves a chair to the center of the floor next to Angel. He removes his weapons, or those that are seen, and sits down. 

     Why is he so calm? Does he know that his life, or Asar kingdom rests in the hands of one girl...?

     Asar resumes to his seat like a king sitting at the throne. He moves around and gets comfortable. Moments before he raised his hand; the Captain smiled at Angel, Asar grinned back at me, and I heard the first sound from Angel. Even if it was a silent groan.



     So much happened it the first two minutes. My eyes follow her movements but my brain struggles to comprehend.

     The fake band we set up attacked at full force with their swords and gauntlets, all aiming for Angel and Captain what’s-his-name. They came barreling at them, hoping to surround and destroy, but before they could close ranks around them, she disappeared.

     Flashes of white caught my eye as Angel seemed to fly between, moments later they fall with moans and holding their bodies. She seems still the same as she moves, taking in the area and running to the Captain’s side to.... she used her body as a shield for a gauntlet spiked punch.

     Those were newly made by my brother Thunder, I personally tested them. Those gloves are made to puncture skin and cause pain, swelling and bleeding. And she just took a blow in the ribs. She is down, or should be.

     Angel moves and uses her bare hands to attack and hit the soldier. He falls in pain and is kicked to the side by Angel, knocking over more soldiers who couldn’t notice what happened fast enough.

     For the next few minutes it continues like this. Angel would go out to the edges of the circle and attack, only to run/fly -does she fly?- back and protect the Captain -seriously what is his name?- as he sits and acts like this is normal. Her once beautiful white dress is now blood stained and torn, her legs slide though the gashes in the skirt. The blood is only hers where she took that hit to her ribs. Any other blood was that from the men that got injured when she got her hand on a sword, only to have Asar tell her to drop it.

     And of course Asar, the sick bastard, is laughing and talking the whole time praising her and all the battles this reminds him of. He is only stopped when Mir asks,

     “She isn’t human... I can feel that much. What is she?” Mir would notice. He studies the ages of the magic, dragons to be exact. Not the dragons in the stories and legends. These were scarier in their own right.

     Asar turns to speak to him directly, only to stop to watch the attack of out soldiers change. Now the men from the sides attack with the long swords and spears. They came from the side aisles of the hall, all converging in on the location of the Captain and her separately, having seen that she has to protect him and trying to keep her away so they can end this.

     That. Failed.

     She instantly broke the spearheads and drove the points through the cloaks of the swordsmen and into the marble ground, fixing them to the floor mid-step. Angel then jumped on the mens shoulders and used them as platforms to get in between those attacking the Captain and himself.

     All the while, the Captain sat there like he was bored at a Sunday brunch, even when there was a sword to his neck he was calm.

     He knows. He knows what she is capable of... or at least whatever Asar really whispered to her....

     Soon there were more men on the ground, either with broken weapons and stuck to the floor, or knocked out with few to no cuts on them. I thought that the battle was over as she cleared the unconscious men out of the way.

     “Well to answer your question, Mir, I think you already know....” Asar winks at him. “Just wait and see how this last wave is...”

     “Wait, what are you two talking a-” A crack stops me as I stand.

     From the balcony we Mir’s special soldiers, with the products of his research. Magic weapons. The magic pressure increased as they prepared their weapons, drawing the magic from the atmosphere in the room. Mir watched the machines intently, I’m not sure if they have been successfully tested.

     They fired, raining magic of the elements down on Angel and the Captain. I swear his face is annoying me! Make a gods damn expression other than boredom!!

Angel jumps and blocks the fire, almost like she redirected the volley to focus only on her.... how the hell? That amount of magic, or any, could kill a person. The citizens of this world have now lost almost all genes that contain magic wielding abilities.

     But... she was kneeling there. She gasped a little, but stood to stare at the twelve men above and then she climbed a column like a spider and swings her legs around the banister and knock two guys into the ones behind them. She then threw the remaining men over the banister, just letting them grab hold as she ran to the other side.

     It was basically the same thing, she used their numbers against themselves and used them as shields. She got hit with more magic, and it only seemed like a light touch by her reaction.

     How the hell?!? Who... What is she?!? I can’t even remain standing after an attack half of that power. How the hell is she moving??

     After she was done she jumped down and landed next to the Captain, looking over him to make sure he was unarmed, he raised a hand to wave her off.

I don’t like that look he’s giving her. Its too familiar... I shake my head of that green eyed thought.

     A movement catches my eye as one of the fallen soldiers barely stands against the wall and throws a dagger at the Captain. I want to shoot out, but I just make a weird noise as Angel darts her hand out and catches the dagger.

     No... she let the dagger imbed itself in her hand.... did she realize that there wasn’t time to stop it safely?

     Angel’s face doesn’t change as I’m sure pain radiates up her arm. She just pulls the dagger out herself and throws it at the man’s sleeve and pins him to the wall.

     “Well well... looks like that is all?” Asar speaks out as he looks around happily. His smile fades as he looks at Angel, bleeding and torn dress. “Stop the bleeding quickly.” he commands and Angel covers her wounds on her rips with her good hand. The magic pressure increases immensely in the room. She moved her hand to her other and that pressure disappeared.

     I looked at Mir for an explanation, but he was pale white.

     “Mi-” I stop when that dangerous aura also disappeared. I look over at Angel to see that Asar has replaced the collar, and covered the bruises that are there.

     “S-She’s not what I think she is.... Asar. You know what danger you have brought on yourself?!?” Mir struggles to get out. “What danger you have brought here?!? They will find her and destroy everything in their path. She is the last female they have! They won’t give up!!”



~3rd Person~

~Somewhere in a distant mountain castle~

     The King stirred on his thrown at a familiar feeling. He looks up at the four other purebloods who were still minding their own business, looking at maps and record that the King has lost interest in. He felt that feeling again, it felt like her... his sister. 

     She was and still is the most precious thing he had. It wasn’t because their race was dying and she was the only female left alive of the purebloods, but because she was the only family he had left... and he let her get kidnapped.

     A huge power surge made the dragon stand, and brings the others snapping their heads up. One in particular looks around like the source is in the room.

     “She’s alive... and we are going to get her.” The King, G-Dragon, roars with his power. “Everyone. We’re leaving. Now

     To be continued…

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Chapter 8: Ooh its so cool! Totally different from the stories i read so far! Please update soon ^_^
you have a new fan right here~~
Oooohh!! I recognize your story! :D
You're the one from the "writingat2am" tumblr! *.*
I've read the parts you updated on your tumblr and so far I'm loving it! ^^

Keep up the good work :)