Chapter 11

The Collar

     I just stand and stare at the five kings.

     My new masters…

     It was only minutes after My Lord…I don’t know what to call him now, gave me to MBLAQ that they started to debate with each other. I couldn’t understand them as they raised their voices, well all but Joon. He just stood there, staring at me, as the Kings talked.

     All the while I stood still, holding in the heart break of the only person I knew and relatively trusted, give me away and leave me.

     Have I done something to upset him so? Is this a plan? Why don’t I know anything about this? How could he leave me? Why do I have to protect these men… who were our enemy? Am I the enemy?

     As you had your internal conflict, you didn’t notice the kings, one by one, cease there debate to stare between you and Joon, who moved to stand next to you.

After a delay, you look up at him, then dropping your eyes.

     “Angel… On behalf of MBLAQ and our citizens, I wish to formally welcome you to our Kingdom.” He bows in front of you, surprising not only you but his brothers. “I am Lee Changsun, you can call me Joon.”

     There was a silence where you suspect that you would have spoken.

     “I know you know the others names,” referring to the thoughts he got from you, “but I hope that you get to know us more than just our reputations.”

     You only look at him and then the other kings. King Mir was the only one with an unreadable face as he stood form his chair.

     “Yes, that is very nice and all, but we have a serious issue here. Regardless of Asar’s ignorance, she,” a glare form Joon made him correct himself, “Angel. Regardless of what Asar said, Angel is more than human. You all felt it. The aura that she gave off when that flimsy collar was removed.”

     “Mir, what are you saying exactly?” King Seungho asks cautiously.

     “I earnestly believe that Angel is one of the rare and extremely powerful species, Dragons.”

     Thunder lets out a soft chuckle, “You can’t be serious. Dragons are extinct. They died off years ago. If anything there aren’t any purebloods left.”

     “There are purebloods still alive. You are in the presences of one,” King Mir points to you. “That power you felt? No other creature can produce that, other than a female Dragon.”

     “How sure are you of this?” King Seungho asks, concern laced in his voice.

     “Positive, all my research can back me up. Those weapons that were used never worked as well as they did just now. That’s because a power source, giving them the magic was here.”

     “What do you mean?” It looked like none of the kings understood.

     “Female Dragons, according to an old historian who lived with them for a period of 20 years, can’t use magic past healing and shielding themselves and rarely another. They can’t use offensive magic like the males, but from what he said, they were superior physically; stronger, faster and endurance. Some others believe that if there weren’t always a shortage of females that they would have controlled the society.”

     “…and you believe that she is a female Dragon?” Joon asks after a moment.

     “Not just a female Dragon. The last female Dragon.” King Mir lets that sink it before continuing. “There is a reason that everyone thinks that the Dragons are extinct… Its because a little over twenty years ago, the Pureblood Princess, who’s brother is the King, was stolen. There was no way to track her. She was barely a year old and too small to have any tracers on her… I think that Angel here, is this that baby…Well gown up.”

     “Not only grown up, but brainwashed to follow the orders of The Power Lord.” G.O gravely speaks up, realization hitting him hard of how much danger not only they are in, but the whole city and possibly the rest of the cities and towns in their Kingdom.

     I stand there listening. Joon though gets an idea.

     “Angel, what will happen if you stay in the city?” Slowly he raises his hand and touches my collar.

     I show him the sight that I briefly got from My Lord. The city on fire, blood and charred bodies liter the streets. Only five figures walking out, the flame parting as if to make way for them.

     Joon falls back from the sight. Causing the rest of the Kings to stand and dash to help their fallen brother.

     “What happened?”

     “What did you see?”

     “Are you okay?”

     “What did you do?”

     It was only when Thunder and G.O both touch the collar that they see the same sight, causing them to recoil. After a few moments Seungho and, even more time after that, Mir touched the collar with the same effect.

     It was quiet as the King processed the foresight. They knew that it wasn’t certain, but the sight scared them enough to agree that you had to leave the city.

     “Where do we take her?”

     “Who’s going?”

     “How many guards to we take?”

     “Why do you get to go?”

     “How should we deal with the threat still?”

     “Right. The Dragons will still come even without her here.”

     They had to debate again, this time on who and where. It must have creeped them out that I haven’t moved a muscle this whole time so they asked me to sit and then realized that they had to command me.

     G.O was the only one who could bring himself to say the command and I obeyed. All of them unnerved by the direct obedience that I held. There was no hesitation, as always, if My Lord, now Kings, said jump, I jump. No questions, no hesitations.

     After I was seated, still unnerving the Kings, the debate was just about wrapped up. There isn’t anything I can do about how I am. They will get accustomed to ignoring me like My Lord did.

     King G.O, King Mir, and Joon would take me out of the city. There wasn’t any other troops or soldiers going with us. They thought that it would be too dangerous to expose more of their soldiers to you. Those three would just prepare for the worst and keep you with them.

     The only issue now was a conflict of interests among the Kings. King Thunder and King Mir wanted to enter me into a upcoming annual tournament, trying to raise the status of their Kingdom, and hopefully scare away other Lords and Kings like My Lord, with your power and strength. They also thought that whoever was looking for me wouldn’t be able to attack all out with the more powerful nations gathered in one area.

     King G.O and Joon,when did I think of him just as Joon?, wanted to take me to a rural side and keep me away form people and try to heal me from the years of brainwashing.

     It was up to Seungho to be the tie breaker and he had only one thing to say before he went to think on the decision.

     “Well, we’ve seen how well she fights and that will have an impact at the tournament, but if we want to heal her before the Dragons find her, we would need to be able to have the collar off of her. Its the main contributor to the affect that Asar has on her.”

     “I agree. How can we know that she won’t attack us once the collar is off? With no one else to attack like before, she might just go for the five of us… But if she can be just as she is now, docile, then I can study the collar and see how it works against her.” Mir speculates.

     I grew nervous as they all look at me. It was like they suddenly crowded me, like they were going to attack me when I couldn’t do anything, not without the pain nearly killing me.

     Please, please! Just touch the collar again and I can tell you to not! I don’t know what will happen! My Lord could have set a trap! The collar should stay on! Listen to me!

     I wish I could scream and push them all away. The collar can’t come off for long or… I don’t know what would happen. The unknown is dangerous. It always is.

There was only a small voice in the back of my head cheering for them to release me… and I was terrified of it. I don’t know where that voice came from, but I want it to go back.

     “There is only one way to know… Have all the guards on standby, outside the doors.” Seungho calls out. Joon looks at me softly and sincere, making my heart beat… but not out of anticipation, something else.

     Joon reaches for the back of my neck and the clasp there. He looks sorry and concern… and I know that they are trying to help, but this is how things were, and it would be best if they stay this way.

     His fingers brush against your skin as the find the clasp. No…

     To be continued…

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Chapter 8: Ooh its so cool! Totally different from the stories i read so far! Please update soon ^_^
you have a new fan right here~~
Oooohh!! I recognize your story! :D
You're the one from the "writingat2am" tumblr! *.*
I've read the parts you updated on your tumblr and so far I'm loving it! ^^

Keep up the good work :)