Chapter 1



"Chunji, wait!" L. Joe yelled, running after him on the street.

Chunji stopped and whirled around, an angry scowl and red eyes visibile on his face.

"Go! Leave me alone!" Chunji growled.

L. Joe rushed up to the other and grabbed his arm. "I'm sorry, I didn't know. . . Please forgive me."

Chunji shook his hand away. "I forgave you. Now leave," he said bitterly.

L. Joe grabbed his arm again. "I want to talk to you."

Again, the blonde shook him away. "I don't want to talk. There's nothing to talk about. I confessed, you rejected."

"Well. . ." L. Joe said awkwardly. "It wasn't really rejection. It was more of shock. . . ?"

"Like that makes it any better!" he screamed, and he ran off.









"Niel, I messed up," L. Joe said, a few tears rolling down his face.

Niel sighed into the phone. "I noticed. Changjo just called. Chunji's having a life-breakdown."

"A what?" L. Joe asked.

"When you sob your heart out and give up on life."

"I didn't reject him!" L. Joe said, slightly miffed at Chunji's overreaction. "He confessed, and I didn't know what to say."

"Well, do you like him back?"

". . . what?"

"Do you like Chunji back?" Niel repeated.

". . ."

"Then he needs time to move on. Find another guy," Niel said.

"No, wait!" L. Joe started, but the other hung up.








"He doesn't like me!" Chunji sobbed into Changjo's shoulder.

The younger rubbed his back soothingly. "There, there. Everything will turn out alright. . ." he whispered.

Chunji gasped. "No it won't. I shouldn't have confessed. We were friends for three years. Telling him my feelings just jeopardized that. I can't believe I'm that stupid. . ."

Changjo lightly smacked him. "Don't say that! You'll find someone better, who deserves you!"

Chunji smiled. "Thanks."

Changjo smiled back. "Of course, hyung."

Could that someone, possibly be me? Changjo thought hopefully.








L. Joe groggily sat up.

"Bartender! More!"

The man looked him up and down. "Sir, you're beyond drunk. I will be calling a taxi," he said, turning to leave.

L. Joe reached over and grabbed his sleeve. "Bartender, can I ask you something?"

He turned back around. "Sure."

L. Joe looked at him straight in the eye, glossy with tears. "I rejected my best friend, someone I've known for a long time. He told me he liked me, and I didn't know what to say. I'm not gay, so I just stood there. Then, he frowned, something I hated to see on his face. Soon, small tears welled up in his eyes, and some fell down his pretty face. I hated myself for making him cry. Is that love? Do I like him back? Even though I think I'm straight?" he asked.

The bartender cleared his throat. "Love happens for no reason. You can't control what you feel. But love is often confused with extreme friendship, or for brotherly/sisterly love. So ask youself: Do you want to see this guy in your future, next to you forever?"

L. Joe slowly nodded. "But, of course I want him next to me. He's my best friend."

He sighed. "Then here's another question. Say this guy gets married to someone that's not you. How do you feel?"

L. Joe closed his eyes and imagined Chunji at the altar with a different man, and deep inside, he felt cheated and furious.

"I feel regretful and outraged that he moved on," he said honestly.

The bartender nodded. "That's love, sir. Love."



Yeah, y chapter. . .

All my ideas are good for the end. . . So I have terrible beginning stuff. . .

Basically, I can close but not open. *sighs*

Oh, well.

I'll update soon again, as apology of my lateness.




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Foreverlocket #1
Chapter 3: KYAAA! Byung you're in loveeee! NOW GO FIND YOUR CHANHEE. Omg Changjo? YOU LIKE CHANNIE? *le gasp* Chanhee! Dont give up! You shouldnt jump to conclusionsss
Chapter 2: Hehe You are going to release the fanfic the day of my birthday XD.. I will be waiting!! :D