Denial and Truth

Dealing with Reality - dropped -

 Dealing With Reality

CHAPTER SIX : Denial and Truth

Sehun - Luhan

Reality is cruel and harsh...But that's what love is for...

Already used to the morning routine, Luhan no longer needs Xiumin to wake him up violently every morning, preferring the blaring tone of TVXQ’s ‘Keep Your Head Down’ over Xiumin’s dolphin squeak that could burst eardrums. Two weeks flew by, Luhan always shadowing Sehun as he mingled with various business men. His opinion of the younger was the same as the first time he saw him in the board meeting. The sense of responsibility and determination radiated off of him, his confidence oozing, but not to the point of arrogance. But it was clear that exhaustion was getting to the both of them, dark circles forming and not quite disappearing with sleep, the aid of light makeup the only thing that made them look slightly less weary.


“Mr. Oh, may I be excused now?” It had been a long day, and Luhan had finally gotten a breather, back at Sehun’s office. The clock on the wall ticked loudly, showing an ungodly hour of just past ten at night, the only people left being Sehun and himself. Luhan frowned when he heard no response, his irritation that had built up during the threatened to burst. However, when light snores travelled to where he stood, the expression on Luhan’s face immediately softened.

“He fell asleep with his head on that hard desk?” wondered Luhan, tiptoeing closer. Brushing away the brown locks of hair that covered the younger’s face, Luhan almost pulls away when Sehun stirs. But luckily for him, the brunet doesn’t wake up, just continuing to mumble something in his sleep. “How cute,” thought the redhead, silently closing the door as he left the room with a sad smile adorning his face.




The next morning, Sehun wakes up with a stiff neck, groaning as he rubs the sore spot.
"Rise and shine, sleepyhead," teased Kai, and Sehun groaned once more.

“It’s too early…” he whined, turning his face the other way to ignore Kai’s strangely smug smile (and to let blood flow to the right side of his face which had been squished onto the table for who knows how long) only to be met with a steaming mug of coffee. It was lucky that he didn’t smash right into it with his face… "Did you make me coffee?" he gasped, his head springing up to look at the older with a look of utter surprise.
"No, it was already there when I came in,” replied Kai with a shrug, but there was a mischievous smirk on his face as he shook his head.

“There’s something you’re not telling me,” Sehun narrowed his eyes at the other, but Kai just chuckled.

“Well… I did meet Luhan on the way here... It was as if he was running away from your office.” Sehun furrows his eyebrows, wondering why Luhan was still so kind to him. Suddenly, the CEO-to-be abruptly gets up from his seat, briskly walking out without a second glance at Kai. But the other didn’t mind, he just watched the younger leave the room with a twinkle in his eyes, giggling as he left for his own office, whistling a happy tune.




Luhan gazed at the cityscape in front of him, breathing in the cool air as he stood next to the railing of the garden on the roof of the building. The day’s work didn’t start until late morning, so he had time to just relax and take a break for a while. As he looked out at the scenery, he wondered to himself, “Why did I make the coffee for that… brat without being asked to? It had nothing to do with the fact that he always looks tired or the fact that he slept on that hard table for a whole night or…” Moments passed with Luhan just mumbling to himself, listing all the reasons why he didn’t do it, denying the fact that he had done a good deed for no reason whatsoever.

"I wasn't worried about that brat... I was just being a proactive employee," he finally convinced himself, a determined nod accompanying his whisper. Satisfied that he wasn’t developing any feelings for his employer, Luhan decided that it was time to get to work, back to the normal busy schedule.

On the way to the stairwell, Luhan pauses when he hears hushed whispers, two familiar employees in their department gossiping about something. Leaning closer but staying hidden behind a conveniently placed pillar, he begins to listen.

"Did you hear about the two sons of the big bosses?" They must be referring to Sehun and Kai, thought Luhan, straining his ears further. Despite repeating the fact that he ‘didn’t care’ like a mantra, he couldn’t help but be curious at the mention of the two.
"What about the couple?"
"Well, apparently, they're both asking for a divorce." Wait what? Why didn’t he tell me? Luhan furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, wondering why the topic had never come up. Maybe… but no. I won’t hope…
"Oh my, does anyone know why?"
"There's a rumour that the son of Kim was cheating with his assistant and was caught by the son of Oh. And then the latter decided to get revenge and found someone of his own." What kind of drama do these rich kids go through? I can’t believe I got dragged into this… Luhan huffed when he realized how deep he had fallen, and there was so many things wrong with how everything had played out, things that he hadn’t known before.
"Well, doesn't that work out fine then? If they're both happier..."
"I know right? But there's no way that their parents are going to let them divorce. The Wu company have been gaining market share recently, and they are going to be on our tails if the sons decide to go through the divorce."
"How so?" Even Luhan was confused. How would a divorce affect company matters? But Luhan, why are you even thinking about it? Are you really going to accept him if he and Kai divorce? And as much as he hated to admit it, there was a voice, albeit small, in his head that told him, ‘Yes, I would’.
"Well if they do go through the divorce, they'll attack the company by saying that there is an internal conflict between the two families."
"Ahh, and then investors would jump ship, am I right?"
"Exactly." And then it clicked. Those statements shot down any hope he had, his shoulders slumping as the truth hit him like a truck at full speed.Luhan stood frozen in place, trying to process everything that he had just heard. Suddenly, the voice that he really did not want to hear at that very moment reached his ears.



Author's Notes





I AM SO SORRY /bows down/ No updates for a month plus because school is a poophead.

Anyways, I was going to release this for my bday on Saturday but I was feeling so guilty so I'm releasing this tonight ^-^

Instead, it's the bday of one of my awesome friends, and I wrote a fic so check it out if you have time~

Our Secret Garden

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Layout credit: Growl

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[Hiatus] I know I haven't been updating anyways orz but school is really getting to me and exams are coming so I felt like I needed to make it official. Thanks.


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deermybunny #1
Chapter 14: Like this FF!! ^^
My HunHan feels are gonna explode from reading this story!! Kyaaaa~~ >_<
Waiting for the next update!! thanks authornim for make this!!
Chapter 14: YEHET! Finally! lol ٩(^ᴗ^)۶
Chapter 14: Everyone's happy now I'm so glad!! This is what I've been waiting for!!
Chapter 14: ohoooooo
I ChenMin alert!!!

Luhan would live with Sehun soon, right??
Chapter 14: Ohh this was a good chapter =w=
Chapter 13: I legit cried omfg this was beautiful
MinCa18 #7
Chapter 13: this is <3 :]
Chapter 13: it's waaaaaay more than OKAY, author-nim!!
It's JJANG!!!!!

finally, they're official now