How the Reality of your Love Destroyed Me

*Sehun's POV*

     Its been a long while/months since I started liking/developing feelings for him. The rest of the hyungs never knew about this, other than Suho hyung. He was alright with it. Its a secret between him and I. 


     I kind of felt nervous about tomorrow. My heart is practically beating rapidly. Skipping a beat every now and then. Just thinking about it makes me flushed.

     Tomorrow I was finally going to confess to Jongin hyung. I'll try and tell him when the time is right. Hopefully, tomorrow will go as planned. Hopefully...


     I layed on my bed as I was listening to my ipod. Softly humming to each beat and tune. Closing my eyes and thinking about tomorrow. Quietly sighing as I became a little bit agitated.


     My stomach began to grumble as it begged me to feed it some food. Plugging out my earphones and setting my ipod onto my bed. Exiting my room and entering the kitchen. In hope to search for some food to eat.


    Sighing as I didn;t really find much to eat. Pouting as I could hear my stomach grumble even louder. Growl~ ~ ~ Gosh I must be really hungry. Did I even eat dinner last night?


    Maybe I could try to attempt and cook. Then again... The las time someone tried to cook, Kyungsoo hyung got a little frustrated because his kitchen was a complete mess. Never doing that again...


    Oh, I have an idea! I could try and ask Kai hyung if we could go eat at the Mall for lunch. Hope we could get some bubble tea. Pizza sounds really good. I could hear my tummy grumble by just saying the word. I could picture the perfect cheese/pepperoni pizza. Doesn't the sound good to you? Mango smoothie or Bubble Tea sounds pretty good right now, with some chocolate on the side (my chocolate craving acting up). 

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I will try and update more chapters later on in the week.


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This looks interesting. I'm anticipating for your update