The Blue Butterfly chapter 1




Yoo chun -  Kim jo 

Park shin hye - Na Ra

Ji yeon - Luna

Yooh ah in - Billy 





A beautiful day this morning in seoul , a lot of people working and its summer now already  in korea. and now there's a guy standing up into his own room , the room is really messed up. and its already 9 a.m 

Kim jo - "OH MY GOD ! its already morning aigoo ! i'm going to late again" ... he rush to stand up into his bed and get the clothes in the ground , cause last night he have a big party in the bar. 

Kim jo's life is only a normal one , but his not totaly rich. and he have a lot of problems about money and how to control it. and the house it too much messed up, and he is a person that sooo slow to fix other stuff. 



Year 1780 far away in the future , there's a super huge town and they call it 'BELMYUN" a beautiful town and a peaceful one , and this time ... to all of the people who live in belmyun in the PALACE they must tell it and to show them who will be the NEW PRINCESS

all of the warriors are standing in the palace and others are guarding it. 

many people celebrating and waiting for the new princess, the weather is good and also the temperature. Luna  the Chosen princess is waiting there while standing into the other side to call her name. 

and now !  the slave in the palace start to hit the huge bell so all the people will notice and they must listen to the big news. While all the nobles are sitting and eating in the table and the poor people is watching outside "its an open area". but a lot of guards here.


Luna she start to walk now and her beautiful princess clothes is too much nicel while she's wearing it , and also the simple make up that she put into her face.

and now she is standing into the princess throne , and into her back the princess chair. she is so happy and she didn't expect that she will be the new princess of this town. while the king and the queen is on her back sitting also into their thrones


But the king make a SIGH cause he feel that something's not right. 

and then LUNA is waiting for the crown , the right hand of the KING take the cronw into that beautiful mini pinkish pillow' and its already into his hands, and now he will put it into the head of LUNA slowly.

But at this moment there's a big sound coming from outside in the palace .. a big SOUND came from the HUGE DRAGON flying in the air. and going down to the palace

Luna can't believe what's happening at this moment. 

The knights who is standing near to the king's throne they start to protect the king 


The dragon is already in the ground and with a 2 person into the dragon's back. THE BEST WIZARD and the OTHER GIRL 


the king try to stand up and checking what's happening here.


THE KING - he stand up into his throne and he is not afraid , but the queen is worried maybe the king would be hurt. and the king start to talk now "I think you're familiar to me" ???


The wizard go down into the dragon's back and also the girl ... and they start to walk now going to the king , and this wizard have a messege to the king also to the queen. but first when his near into the stage he gave a  deep bow first for the king.

BALGUM the great wizard - I'm so sorry to Disturb your great party you're majesty , but ... i have a important messege for you.

THE  KING - what is it ?

Balgum the great wizard - i already bring the right princess .. the people that they're waiting for. she's here! 

THE KING - really ? where is she ?

Balgum - .... here she is majesty !


THE GIRL she doesn't know whats happening here , but she all know she can trust balgum. and her name is NA RA she's kinda afraid cause a lot of people looking at her , na ra is a lost girl for a long year , she doesn't even know where is her real parents. she live in the forest "guardian forest" for a long years. her clothes is so simple like a beggar. her hair is so long wavy and curly, and na ra's looks is so simple

and  to the neck of na ra there's a tattoo .. a Blue butterfly tattoo it means she's the chosen one to be the right princess ! the king is walking through nara's front.




THE KING - don't be afraid child , and he try to touch nara's hand slowly and softly and he kiss it. and then the king make an act .. he kneel his self to nara's front and he bow so long 

The people have no choice they must folow what's the king's doing and they are all bow. with no hatred and anger.


Luna - what's .. what's happening here ? this is not right .. i'm the chosen one to be the new princess .. who is she ? 


Luna's feelings start to flame up and she really dont like what's happening .. but she dont like it , and the real luna came out "the bad luna"  she look to her trusted knight "KUGA" and she gave a sign to kuga to make a move now.


Luna - the king traitor me and now ............... I will kill them all! and to luna's side there's a knight also , she get the sword and she make a really dangerous move , the sword that she take and the one that she's holding that is for the queen 

She didn't even think twice she slash the queen like no mercy at all. And she look back to the king and to that girl.




Kuga - start to move also and he call the other demons their soldiers to conquer this palace , and luna gave a evil smile to the king and she throw her princess clothes , and move to their real mission. 


BALGUM - i knew it that this will happened ! balgum transport so easily and he appear to luna's front , and balgum make a move also he use his holy wand there's a Hidden sword here and he take it out after that he try to STUCK this sword into LUNA'S body !


LUNA - when she's going out now into this area she didn't know that balgum already into her front and the sword is already stuck into her heart . but there's somethign wrong in here.

BALGUM - ... no .. it can't be you're still not dead ?

LUNA - ......................................... ani ! and she whisper something to balgum's ears "I'm immortal like a god! balgum fail to kill luna so he use teleport again and go back to nara so he can protect na ra by all of his powers. 









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buskertae #1
Chapter 1: omg i will fix the mix words later on mianhae haha!
buskertae #2
Nathrak and 1000 i'll continue the episode if i have a time at night :)) kamsahamnida !
buskertae #3
Thanks ! i'll do my best !
nathrakh #4
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
10006442 #5
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^