c h a p t e r t h r e e ;

Loving You From Busan and Back

Chapter Three: Christmas & New Years Celebration

It's been a few months since Minyoung came to Busan and Christmas was just around the corner. Daehyun nudged Minyoung. "What are you gonna buy me, huh?" he asked. "What? Why?" she replied. Daehyun rolled his eyes. "Don't act like you don't know.." Daehyun paused looking at Minyoung. Minyoung just stared at Daehyun cluelessly. Daehyun sighed. "IT'S GOING TO BE CHRISTMAS IN LIKE FIVE FRIGGIN' DAYS!!" Daehyun yelled. "How can you not know? Did you not have a childhood?" Daehyun asked. Minyoung continued reading her new issue of Vogue. "Hmmm, not really I guess, I always got what I wanted anyways so there was no need to celebrate Christmas." Minyoung bragged. Daehyun inhaled and exhaled deeply. "Yeah, yeah okay. Whatever, so what are you gonna buy me then?" Daehyun continued to ask. "Shouldn't be more like you buying me something?" Minyoung asked flipping through the pages of the magazine. Daehyun sat on his desk. "Fine, but if I buy you something you have to buy me something too alright?" Daehyun asked. Minyoung nodded, "Yeah yeah whatever, go play soccer or go sing with your friends or something. Stop bothering me." Minyoung told Daehyun off. Daehyun shook his head. "Yeah, okay I'll go. Why won't you make friends.....you - you- YOU LONER!" Daehyun yelled walking out of the classroom feeling defeated. Minyoung smiled still looking at the magazine.



"So what'd you buy me?" Daehyun bothered Minyoung on the way back home from school. Minyoung shrugged. "I dunno, what'd you buy me?" she asked. Daehyun stuffed his hands in his jean pockets. "I dunno, you tell me first." he said. Minyoung continued looking straight forward. "Hmm, I guess you'll find out soon.." she said mischievously. 

"Daehyun, tell Minyoung and your hyung to come eat." Mrs Jung told Daehyun who was sitting down in the living room watching dramas. "HYUNG!!!!!!! Minyoung!!!! COME DOWN AND EAT!!!!!!" Daehyun yelled. He heard footsteps and turned around and saw Minyoung wearing pajama shorts and a tanktop. Daehyun gulped turning away quickly. Minyoung laughed at him and smack the back of his head walking past him. She went straight into the kitchen. "Omoni, do you need help setting the table?" she asked. Mrs Jung shook her head, "No it's okay sweetheart." Mrs Jung smiled at her. Minyoung nodded and walked back to the living room. Daehyun tried not to stare at Minyoung, but his eyes kept drifting to her legs. "Yah!! Jung Daehyun! Go get your brother!" Mrs Jung yelled. Daehyun snapped back into reality and ran to his brother's room. He stared at the empty room. Min-Minyoung... she looks so... pretty wearing clothes like that.. Daehyun thought. Minyoung smirked and grabbed the controller. "Yah! Jung Daehyun! What's good thats on today?" Minyoung asked. Daehyun cleared his throat walking back towards the living room. "U-Umm, I don't know... j-just watch whatever's on.." Daehyun told Minyoung as he sat down at the edge of the couch. He saw his mother still in the kitchen. "O-Oh yeah! Hyung isn't here! I think he went somewhere with his girlfriend." Daehyun told his mom. "Oh, okay." his mom replied.

 "Mmmm!! Mrs Jung, this looks so good!" Minyoung exclaimed grabbing her chopsticks. Mrs Jung smiled. "Yeah, eat all you want!" Mrs Jung told Minyoung placing a piece of fried fish on top of Daehyun's bowl of rice. Daehyun accepted the fish happily and stuffed it in his mouth. "Where's dad?" Daehyun asked. "At work..still. Oh yeah! I have to go help ummmm, I forgot her name so lets call her ahjumma. Yeah, ahjumma. I have to help ahjumma at the restaurant. Her restaurant is open until Christmas morning so there should be a lot of cleaning to do and she asked if  I could help her. Which means.." Mrs Jung stood up from the table. "Enjoy being home by yourselves, and no funny business alright?" Mrs Jung told them as she walked out the door. Daehyun and Minyoung looked at each other then at the door that slowly closed. 

After eating Minyoung and Daehyun cleaned the table leaving the dishes in the sink and sat back down in the living room. "So where's my present?" Daehyun asked. Minyoung shrugged. "Where's mines?" she asked flipping through the channels. Daehyun scoffed. "W-Well! I asked first!" he argued. Minyoung just kept on a straight face. "Weeellll, I asked second." she said. Daehyun sighed. "Fine! I'll get it then!" Daehyun said getting off the couch. Minyoung's eyes widened. "Y-You really bought me a present?" she asked running towards Daehyun. Daehyun nodded. Minyoung blushed and looked at Daehyun who was grabbing a box out of his closet. "You are so nice!" Minyoung exclaimed wrapping her arms around Daehyun's waist. Daehyun stopped what he was doing and froze. Daehyun felt his face getting hotter. "Uhh, yeah.." Daehyun said clearing his throat. Minyoung ran into her room. "W-Well, I thought I should just buy you something small since I knew you were going to buy me something." Minyoung said walking out of her room with a small box with a bow on top. "But.... if you want to open your present you have to stay up until the clock strikes 12! Who ever falls asleep first has to buy the winner ice cream!" Minyoung chimed confident that she was gonna win. Daehyun scoffed. "Alright, alright. Whatever." Daehyun said putting Minyoung's present on the coffee table. 

"Is it almost time yet? I can't wait no more." Daehyun asked. Minyoung just kept staring at the television not saying a word. "I'll just give up on the bet right now, I want ice cream." Daehyun said standing up. "Let's go get some ice cream at the convenience store." Daehyun told Minyoung. "Why do you want ice cream at this time? It's late and it's cold!" Minyoung told Daehyun. Daehyun scoffed. "W-Well! Why do you want ice cream tomorrow then?!" Daehyun argued back. Minyoung stood up. "Fine, fine, you win I lose." Minyoung said standing up.

"It's cold, you should give me your sweater." Minyoung asked. Daehyun shook his head. "Nope, who told you to bring such a thin sweater?" he asked with a attitude. Minyoung glared at him. "Because! I didn't want to wear my heavy jacket!" she argued. She looked at Daehyun with pleading eyes. "Please? Pretty, pretty please?" she asked full of aegyo. "I'll even call you oppa!" she asked. Daehyun glared. "No need to call me oppa. That's so... ew." Daehyun said taking off his sweater and putting it on Minyoung. "Happy you little punk?" Minyoung nodded. "Thanks." she glanced at Daehyun and smiled.


"Ohhhhhh! It's twelve! It's twelve! Gimme my present!" Daehyun screeched. Minyoung just looked at Daehyun with disgust and handed him his present. "Can I open it?" he asked like a child. Minyoung, annoyed, just nodded her head. As Daehyun unwrapped his small box from Minyoung she took her present and unwrapped it too. 

"OHMAHGAWDDD." Daehyun exclaimed in English. "EHRMAHGAWD." he exclaimed once again. "This, this...." he picked up the item inside the small container. "It's a.. umm...." he said disappointed. "It's a.. um.. a...." he couldn't say any words. Minyoung laughed. "You don't know what it is? I mean I don't really know what it's called either.." Minyoung chuckled scratching her head. "But I'll call it the earpiece thingy ma bob. Y'know, for when you sing on stage and stuff. And that thing you put in your ear to hear yourself and the song or whatever. Yeah it's that. I-I um.. bought it for you because you said you- yeah whatever." Minyoung stumbled on her words. "Since you wanted to be a singer and whatever...but it's just a solid color so-" Daehyun interrupted Minyoung by giving her a hug. "Thanks." he whispered. "I'll use it well." he smiled. Minyoung felt her face flush red. "Yeah, thanks for the cardigan." Minyoung said as she walked to her room. Daehyun's eyes widened. "Your-Your going to sleep? But you said the loser will buy ice cream!" Daehyun yelled. Minyoung smiled. "You said you gave up on the bet already!!" she yelled back closing her door.

Is it hard to read with this color? It's just that this is my favorite color LOL. But yeah, I'm having writers block at the moment TTuTT but I pushed through it and wrote this >3< I'll change the font color in the next chapter ;w; I'm also trying to get the story to the present time so sorry if it's boring .________. thanks for reading ^3^





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