Is It Really You? My Fate?


I knew him!

She knew me!

We knew each other from the start...


Actually, we don't really close to each other..


But, how could i believe if he is my fate?

And how could i believe if she is my fate....?


Sulli POV

"Today is the first day in the Agency ... You can not be late!"

My mother's loud sound make me woke up froum a sound sleep. My mother was always upset if he had to wake me known by the nickname queen bed. Even the two older brothers always taunt me with the nickname sleeping daughter. I am the only female in the family but I can not even do housework. I was really spoiled except for the affairs of sleep, mothers never tolerate

I rushed to pull the covers lazily. What they see of me in the audition to be rescuing a large agency in Korea, SM Entertainment? Arrgh .. this is all because of crazy idea that my mother was eager to see her daughter become an artist! Just look at me! People always told me I was pretty, but I think even they praise me for not wanting to just see me cry. Besides what am I proud of? Dancing, singing, I did not even thought about going out for it. Sports, oh my God! I also ran very slow. Both my brother always laughed at me and said, "It's all because of your body". Yeach .. I have to admit, my growth somewhat abnormal compared with another girls on my age. Growing up fairly quickly. Therefore they are calling me "Giant Baby".

Today is my first day at SM Entertainment. My mother was very happy, but not so with me. I do not even know what to do there. I dressed potluck, T-shirt and wear my favorite hat. Luckily mother never complained to my appearance. I rushed downstairs, put on my shoes and walked toward my mother and father who was waiting in the living room, smiling. My father nodded calling someone looks happy. Hmm ... who is the person he calls? Seriously.

"Oh yes, of course, Jinri today will begin her training in SM"

"Wow .. so much fun! They both would have been very close "


Who is the father mean by them?

"Come Jinri, get in the car. Your stuff is already in the trunk. Make sure you do not forget anything "

I just nodded slowly. Although I do not particularly agree with the idea of ​​my mother, I just resigned. I'm glad to see it like this even if it means I have to leave this house and would rarely go home. Both of my brother  smiled at me. Both were rushed to give my a warmth hug before I get into the car that would take me to Seoul.

Seoul .. I came ...


*Sorry if my language is bad. My english so weak but i try my best to write this fanfic. And also this is my first fanfic so please leave comment"





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