Unexpeced Visitors


Unexpected visitors is a story of who sisters (Kami and Kona, the Co-Authors) who travle all the way from United States, Michigan, to Korea to see their favorite band, SHINee preform. but things turn bad when they find themselves with out a place to go after the concert. Luckly, Key-Umma spots them, and thats where things start to kick off

some helpful information:

this story is Co-writen by Kamishu, it was done as a roleplay- so the flow of the story may seem odd, as it comes post after post. but it will still be consistant- however it may be slow

the characters of Kami and Kona, are based off of ourselves, so their reactions will be pretty much dead on. not so much can be said for the SHINee members, consitering we don't actually know them to have gotten such responces- but we try to stick as close to their character as we can.

one more thing. it will be mentioned that Kami and i wear tails. we do in this story, and in real life- it is part of our life style. but they are not real tails- we arn't anthro's in this story, just thought i should point that out

hope you enjoy it! <3


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Oh em geeee I look funny~! XDDD
8D next chapter is up :3 and a picture of us<br />
Kami is to the left, Kona is to the right ^^
@Iheartlife - X'D thankyou! <3 <br />
i proububly would jump Onew if i wasn't so meek X'3 and we'll try 8D<br />
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@Kami - X'D zomg he cracks me up- hes so hyper<br />
lul and of course <3<br />
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@Nilisa - >w< yay! thankyou <3<br />
X'D but yeah- Kami and i are really meek about that kinda thing. but in our minds we would have Tackled Taemin and Onew....and then the rest of them! lul
love this story i relly dont know how they could stay soo calm .... i probably would have fainted ages ago... plz update soon
Haha yaaaay! :D<br />
Omo~ I love Jonghyun! Such a cute dino!<br />
-Though Taemin is my #1 kekeke-
Iheartlife #6
The layout of the story is interesting, Kona and Kami are so cool in front of them. If I was in their position, I would have jumped Jonghyun ages ago, oh well...update soon :D