To Me You're Perfect

To Me You're Perfect


A lazy Monday afternoon. Kris was relaxing in his glamorous office, enjoying his luxurious afternoon tea time. A small plate of white truffles and Beluga caviars were placed on a fancy table in front of him to accompany one of the most expensive tea in the world, Da Hong Pao tea, Kris' favorite. Kris crossed his legs stylishly, laying his back on the leather sofa he placed in the corner of the room, specifically arranged for his comfort.

He designed his office by himself, from the deep toned intricate graphic wallpaper surrounded the Victorian Era office desk to the smallest detail, such as sculptural console lamps and overhead chandelier, adding just the right amount of luxury. Kris always sought for perfection. He demanded the best of the best; no flaws could get away within his hawk eyes. His attention to details got him to what he became; to be a renowned plastic surgeon in his very young age.

Kris was about to sip his tea when exactly three soft knocks was heard. He put down the Aynsley English Tea cup and straightened up his position before allowing whoever knocking his door to come in. He didn't bother to check, as there were only a few person who had a full access to reach his office. Apparently it was his secretary; she opened his door quietly and went in elegantly. She stood up a few steps from the door, maintaining a sufficient length from her boss, as always.

"I am truly sorry for disturbing your time, doctor, but Miss Paris just called, asking for a schedule to have her Botox done."

Kris raised an eyebrow; he perfectly remembered her last appointment.

"She just had her Botox done 11 weeks ago. I told her to not ask for the next injection until 14 weeks afterward, and she should obey if she didn't want her next horror movie to be titled as "House of Whack," he answered sharply.

"I understand, I'll inform her right away."

"Tell her to come to my office next week if she wants to have the facial thread lift I have offered her before, since she cannot afford to have the recovery time needed for the larger procedure, as for Botox, not until the next 3 weeks. And the units will be decided by me, if she wants the amount as she wishes, just tell her go to a medical spa," he grouched in distaste.

"I will, doctor. Just to remind you, for tomorrow you will have an appointment with Mr. Kim Kibum for his Erbium Glass facial laser resurfacing," his secretary added her report, checking the schedule on her neatly written agenda.

"I know. Don't forget to inform Key not to wear sunblock 24 hours prior to, and no public appearance for the next two days as usual," Kris replied as he laid down to his previous position; a cue for his secretary to leave.

"I understand." She bowed her head and had her way out right after.

Kris grunted. He did not like to be bothered on his afternoon tea time. Placing his hands against the sides of his tea cup, he checked his tea's temperature. His Da Hong Pao tea had been brewed the most perfect way, precisely 90 degrees Celcius, and he certainly would not want to ruin its perfection by enjoying it at the wrong time. Letting the tea to cool down is the worst you can do, as it would greatly decrease the flavor. Might as well buy a cheap variant of tea at the supermarket then, he scowled at the thought.


Luckily his tea was still in its best temperature, just as he preferred. The plastic surgeon sighed, lifting his cup to savor the perfection inside. Kris was about to have a sip when his door was booted open loudly, causing him to choke on the perfection and spill it all over his white Gucci shirt.

"KRIS HYUUUUUNG!” A whine quickly followed the intrusion of his property. Kris didn't need to guess who the intruder was. He lifted up his face from his shirt and greeted the person with his rarely seen bright smile.

"Baby Soo, what are you doing here, isn't it your school time?" He smiled so wide, looking at the cute creature barging his way toward him, still clad in his high school uniform.

"HYUUUUUUUUUUUNG!" Kyungsoo plopped his lithe body on the sofa, and his tiny self bounced a little.

"Yes, Kyungsoo baby?" Kris replied softly. He grinned, his eyes plastered on the adorable thing, who busily placed his school bag on the carpet and threw a sofa cushion on his lap.

"I want to be manly." Kyungsoo puffed up his cheeks, staring at Kris with a pleading gaze.


Kris sighed. This had happened so often, in fact, the topic had become the only reason of their arguing (well, as in the term when Kyungsoo whined, Kris cooed him and successfully distracted him somehow. Pororo. It never failed.)


"What's this time, baby?" He stared at the adorable boy beside him warmly, as he ran his large hand through the soft, fluffy locks.

Kyungsoo had always wanted to be manly, even as a little kid (he was still so tiny many years after, but the boy did not like to be reminded about the painful fact. He would turn into a wolf -cub- and growled if someone ever mentioned his height or tiny body). Kris fell in love with Kyungsoo's adorableness the minute he laid his eyes on the little boy ten years ago, when he was still a med student. It sounded so creepy, but no, he just adored cute, little Kyungsoo so much back then he couldn't resist to squeeze the boy's cute chubby cheeks and feed him candies all day. He would be more than happy to babysit little Kyungsoo if his mother needed to do something outside -- they lived only a door away from his previous mansion.

Now Kris lived in his own penthouse, far larger than his previous place, but he couldn't afford to lose Kyungsoo. They still were very much so close, Kyungsoo with his naivety, and Kris with his adoration toward the boy that transformed into love as Kyungsoo grew up (he insisted that Kyungsoo soon would be an adult, and soon enough their 12 years age difference would not lead anyone scrunching face).

"I want to be like Bae Yong Jun, hyung, with his charismatic eyes and cool glasses." Kyungsoo’s tiny hand clutched Kris’ sleeve and shook it softly, “Like this,” he stretched his index fingers on each side of the outer part of his eyelids to form a thin line, trying hard to make his adorable large eyes smaller and looking more fierce.

Kris breathed deeply, staring at the younger male, who looked like the comedian Yoo Jae Suk instead of the actor he wanted to become.  Kris knew this was coming when the boy found his Winter Sonata drama series, when Kyungsoo rummaged through his collection in the penthouse. Kyungsoo pretty much ogled over the actor through the whole episodes and many weeks after (which made Kris got quite jealous), and then afterward, the boy developed a new definition of manliness; men in glasses.


"Do you know that people with small eyes cannot see things properly they need to wear glasses, baby? They have to glare so hard to even watch the television," he tried to reason (lie) the boy.

"And the glasses will make their eyes even smaller and swollen, just like your eyes after you bawled your eyes out at watching Hachiko. Do you want to be like that?" Kris acted like he was so scared. He shook his head in fear.

"But you also wear glasses hyung, I spotted you wearing them a few times, and your eyes seem fine," Kyungsoo protested.

Kris coughed, clearing his throat. He did wear glasses a few times after Kyungsoo's 'men with glasses are manly' fiasco.

"My glasses are only for fashion statement, baby. They don't have the actual glasses," Kris explained with an awkward laugh. He went on, quickly changing the subject, "Now do you want your eyes to become like Anpanman's eyes? You would not be able to watch your favorite TV series that way."

"No hyung...” Kyungsoo replied sadly. His huge eyes lingered on the floor, his toes made small circles on the carpet below.

"You are already manly anyway, baby." Kris the boy's smooth cheek slowly with the back of his hand, savoring its softness with every caress.

"But I don't want to be called 'cute' or 'adorable', or 'baby' hyung, I want to be manly, to have a strong facial feature like... like Arnold Swazzenegger," Kyungsoo wailed in sadness. He pressed his chubby cheeks hard, pulling them to show his barely could be seen bone structure. Kris wanted to throw up hearing the boy wanted to become. He couldn't help but picturing the Hollywood actor face on the small, frail body of his precious one. The idea annoyed him so much he needed to gulp his remaining expensive tea in one go to calm himself down.

"But not being that manly still made you got things you dreamed of, right? Do you remember when you tried to convince me to make your face less chubby-cheeked to get a role on your musical drama and I refused? You still got the part anyway, right?" He cooed Kyungsoo, tapping the boy's adorable chubby cheek lightly. Kris wouldn't even dream of changing anything the boy had. Kyungsoo was perfect just the way he was.

"But I wanted the Prince’s role hyung, not Sleeping Beauty," Kyungsoo whined at his Kris hyung. His lips protruded in displeasure.

"But you became the most beautiful Sleeping Beauty I’ve ever seen, ba... Kyungsoo," Kris changed the word he intended to say, when he saw the boy narrowing his eyes at him in accusing manner.

"But I wanna be manly, hyuuuuuuung!"

Here we go again. Kris breathed deeply.


"I understand." Kris stood up suddenly, startling the boy beside him, who bounced in his seat due to the sudden lost of weight.

"Come here, Kyungsoo." Kris gestured the boy to follow after him. He walked fast toward a room Kyungsoo had not ever stepped his feet inside. Apparently it was the examination room; the room was situated at the other side of the office, hidden from the sight. Kyungsoo trailed after the taller male excitedly, matching his small steps with Kris' much longer steps eagerly. This was new.

Kris led him to a door which had the words 'Examination Room' written in a fancy gold plate. He stopped in front of the boy all of a sudden, causing Kyungsoo to bump his cute button nose to his back. He bit back his smile when he heard a cute whimper from the boy behind.

"There's no way back once you step your way inside." Kris turned his back to face Kyungsoo, wearing the stern face he had never shown to the boy before. Kyungsoo gulped nervously, slowly nodding his head.

Kris sighed and opened the door.







The examination room was large. It oozed the kind of 'clean and neat' feeling with its warm white  wallpaper, yet still maintaining the sophisticated aura that was a non-separable part of Kris. Kris urged the boy to sit on the examination table, which Kyungsoo climbed with so much difficulty due to his vertically challenged condition; his legs flailed around wildly as his tiny hands clutched onto the sides of the bed.

Kris chuckled inwardly. He took his good time before finally pushing a button on a remote he had held in his hand all along, while watching the cute struggle. The examination table went down slowly, along with the small occupant who was hugging it for his dear life. Kyungsoo could climb the bed easily now that it had much more compatible height as his; he glared his supposedly menacing gaze at the taller male who towered over him on the side of the bed, acting out like he was the most innocent person in the world.


Kris took a surgical skin marker inside a drawer of the table beside the examination bed. He stepped closer toward the boy who was now sitting obediently on the bed, feet dangled over the floor.

Kris' facial expression changed drastically; he was no longer the kind hearted hyung Kyungsoo knew. He was now Dr. Kris Wu, the plastic surgeon well known of his godly hands, who was having an appointment with his patient.


"Now I want you to tell me exactly, which part of your face you want to change, and I will make the adjustments according to your description." The plastic surgeon opened the marker's cap, getting ready to draw on his patient's skin.

Kyungsoo felt a sudden nervousness rushed inside. He had never seen this side of his hyung, who always smiled and acted so lovingly toward him. But he wanted this so badly. The boy gulped nervously; he took a deep breath before finally letting out his wish.

"I want fierce, smoldering eyes, just like TOP Bigbang's," Kyungsoo whispered, starting to spill out his biggest dream.

Kris furrowed his eyebrows; he was greatly disturbed by the thought of changing Kyungsoo's large, adorable orbs into something that were completely different. Maybe it would look good on another person, but not on his baby.


Kris ordered Kyungsoo to close his eyes, and then he hesitantly started to draw lines over the eyes area. The right eye first, and the left eye followed shortly after.

"Done. And then what?" He asked in a flat, professional tone.

"My cheeks. I wanna have strong jaw lines, hyung, like Jang Dong Gun's," Kyungsoo responded excitedly. He smiled, imagining himself with the manly jaw lines. His eyes were still closed; the boy surrendered himself completely to the expert hands.

This time Kris drew the pattern without hesitation. His skillful hand danced over the chubby cheeks, mapping them perfectly.

"Do you have any more wishes?" He asked sternly, staring at his work.

"My lips hyung. Make them manly. I can't picture anything particular in mind, but I don't want my too full lips, I want my lips to be more... manly..." Kyungsoo gnawed on his upper lip, trying to make it less plump; he looked at his hyung with a hopeful manner before clenching his eyes shut.

Kris seemingly managed to grasp Kyungsoo's want despite the lack of description; soon he was drowned in his drawing.



"Okay. You can open your eyes now. You will get everything as you wish. Please keep in mind that the full facial plastic surgery needs months of recovery time. You won't be able to speak properly around that time, moreover to do the thing you love the most; singing,“ Kris explained, still in his flat tone, just like the way he spoke to all of his patients.


"I-I can't sing?" Kyungsoo's eyes widened in fear, face as white as sheets.


Kris nodded nonchalantly, playing the marker between his long fingers.

"There's a big change that you'll have your voice changed forever due to the jaw lines reconstruction. I don't know what kind of change, whether it's bad or good, but definitely different than what you have right now. You might not even recognize your own voice," he went on calmly, ignoring the loud squeak coming from the poor boy. Tears were starting to well up in the boy's huge eyes.

"Oh. And you will need to have your meal through the feeding tube for the whole few months afterward. Mostly carrot puree," Kris added the horrible news, as if the boy wasn't scared enough from the previous ones.

"B-but I....I..." Kyungsoo's body was shaking hard. He took a deep breath to control himself, but to no avail, his self preservation crumbled into pieces. Kyungsoo sobbed and cried, unable to finish his word. He took a sharp, ragged breath.

"I hate carroooooots..! Huwaaaaaaaaa... I don't wanna eat carrots hyuuung... *hic* I *hic* don't want..." he stopped abruptly, being in too much sorrow to form any coherent words. Kyungsoo grabbed Kris, wrapping his arms around Kris' waist and clutching at the white fabric of Kris' shirt. His small body trembled in too much feels.

"But you want to be manly so much, right? There are consequences of your every act, baby." Kris the fluffy hair softly, running his other hand on the boy's back to soothe the poor soul. Kyungsoo's cry got even louder when he felt the sudden change; he was so relieved to get the hyung he knew back. Kyungsoo tightened his grasp around the hyung he loved the most, bawling his eyes out. Kris' shirt had changed into its most not-perfect condition in any possible way, not that the plastic surgeon cared.

"I-" Kyungsoo hiccuped, "I love to sing even more hyung. And I- I wanna eat the cookies on your table," Kyungsoo rambled, a hiccup with every word he managed to force out.

Kris laughed at the completely irrelevant rambles. Even after more than ten years Kyungsoo still amused him day by day.

"So no more rant about being manly? Promise?"

Kyungsoo nodded his head vigorously, burying himself deeper against the warm chest.

"Okay then. You're perfect just the way you are, anyway." Kris kissed the top of the boy's head lovingly. "I love you," he continued in a softer tone. He meant every single word; he loved the boy more than his existence.

"I love you too hyung," the answer came out instantly, sounded slightly muffled.

Kris smiled. He knew Kyungsoo did not mean it the way he felt, but he didn't mind. He would wait. He had all the patience in the world for the significant one.


"Okay. Now go fix yourself in the bathroom and come back here quick. There are yummy cookies waiting for us, and I'll make your favorite hot chocolate." Kris tapped Kyungsoo's cheek lightly, arms wrapped around the slim waist, lifting him easily to help him getting down. Kyungsoo nodded happily, wiping the last shed of tears. He bounced to the bathroom to clean up his face, but not even a minute had passed before a loud shriek was heard.

Kris hyuuuung!!!! What is this!! What did you draw on my face!!!" The scream was getting louder as the voice owner storming his way back inside.

"WHAT'S WITH THE XOXO ON MY EYES HYUNG!" Kyungsoo growled furiously like a beast (cub).

Kris chuckled. "What? It means kiss and hug, cool right?" He smiled widely, cupping the boy's face to see his work of art.

"AND WUFF WITH DE UGHLY MOSE DRAHWING I DUN LAIK MOSE," Kyungsoo protested in difficulty with his pouty duck lips, thanks to Kris' ministration.

Kris raised an eyebrow. "Mouse? You could've hurt my fragile heart, baby. Please look at the masterpiece closely." He happily grabbed Kyungsoo's cheeks and tilted his face to the right, ignoring the protest coming from the boy,

"On your left is a panda, I named him PandaKris, look, he wears a sorcerer hat and carries a broomstick, I know your huge liking for Harry Potter." He tilted the poor boy's face to his other side and continued the explanation,

"And here on the right, we have Ace the Alpaca, isn't he adorable." He nodded proudly, admiring his own work.

"PandaKris and Ace loooveee their beloved Kyungsoo hyung, thus a biiig heart around Kyungsoo hyung's lips." Kris ran his index finger to trace the heart shaped lips, and then trailed his exploration to his 'heart shape' art of work. He lingered on the plump lips for a while, softly caressing the lips that he hoped would be his in the future.

Kris breathed sharply and went back to his playful self. "Now let's eat our cookies...!" he cheered, lifting the lithe body by the underarms and carrying the boy out like he was a cat.

"But hyuuuuuuuuung"







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Chapter 1: cuteeeee :)
i wish you are comeback and contjnue to write again, sis ..
Chapter 1: There's nothing like rereading a fluffy mys_key fanfic after a series of reading kaisoo angst. T-T
Makes me feel all sugary and happy again. ♡♡♡
Kawaiido19 #3
Chapter 1: uwaaaaaa my krisoo .....kyungsoooooo ya please marry me you ball of squishyness
misakichan13 #4
I cant hold up to not smiley crazyly. Thanks for this beautiful (and ing cute) fic *sob. Love you authornim<3
Chapter 1: OKAY I WANT MORE KRISOO I WANT THEM TOGETHER I WANT SOO TO REALISE HE IS IN LOVE WITH KRIS IN *THAT* WAY please please please please please please pleaaaaaaaaaasssseeee
Chapter 1: this
eunhaeron #7
Chapter 1: kyungsoo is so adorable in here, so does the way kris dealing with his tantrum :3
Chapter 1: I was wondering if after the sequel you'll write another shot, this timr wheb they are finally together or confessing or I dont know. I'd love you to.
Chapter 1: Like someone (or many) said: cuteness is spelled K.Y.U.N.G.S.O.O