Strawberry Studies

Strawberry Studies

Heechul buries his face in his hands and groans. The text books sprawled out on the kitchen table seem to be looking back up at him mockingly. Why did he ever decide to major in chemistry? Why hadn't he just become a model like everyone said he should? All those ions and the endless calculating of substances was taking a serious toll on his mental health. Maybe he could ask that awkward guy Kyuhyun in his lab class to help him study. They don't call him Chem-Kyu for nothing, right?


He lets out a small whimper as Heechul feels terribly sorry for himself, suffering trough his life choices. He wishes his roommate would hurry up and get home. He needs someone to talk to, desperately, and Han Geng had always been a very good listener.


Heechul had known the Chinese dance major from before they started college together, but things had really kicked off between them when they started studying at the same place and now they were living together.


Like a divine answer to his prayers he hears the doorknob turn from the other side of the apartment and a familiar voice hum a happy melody as the person steps into the small hallway.


Han Geng makes his way into the kitchen, not bothering to take off his black biker boots, while holding two plastic bags in his hands.


"Studying hard?" he eyes Heechul as he passes him with a suspecting smile.


"Fake it 'til you make it," Heechul chuckles menacingly in response.


Han Geng only laughs and rolls his eyes. "I got you something," he smiles and places one of the plastic bags in front of his roommate. Heechul quickly grabs at it and starts rummaging to find his gift.


"Strawberries!" he exclaims in glee as he lifts a carton full of red berries over his head.


"They're a rare find this time of year so you better savor them," Han Geng warns and points a finger at him accusingly, but fails to keep a straight face as he watches his friend clap his hands eagerly and his lips all while giggling uncontrollably. "But you can't get distracted. I know you need to study. Midterms next week, right?" he reminds Heechul and unpacks the rest of the groceries.


Heechul lets out another groan. "It's so unfair! Professor Cho thinks we're some kind of robots who can memorize every single thing he's ever taught us and more. And he always gives that Kyuhyun guy special treatment and extra credit because they're related or something." he sighs. "I mean look at this!" he exclaims and gestures at the sea of literature in front of him. "He wants us to read all of this until Monday and..."


He feels a sharp pain in the back of his head when Han Geng suddenly whacks him with one of the unopened books. "Then stop talking and start reading," Han Geng teases.


"Easy for you to say!" Heechul yells, rising slightly from his seat. "You're a dance major, you have nothing to study."


Han Gen pushes him back into his seat with a chuckle. "You don't think I have to work hard too?" he says as he starts preparing their dinner.


Heechul slumps back into the kitchen chair and picks up another strawberry from the carton. He twirls the red fruit between his fingers.


He knows very well that Han Geng works probably ten times as hard as he does. Not only does Han Geng have to read tons of Chinese literature about cultural minorities and the long forgotten secrets of their traditional dances, he also has to practice. Endlessly, it seems.


Heechul frowns, still toying with the strawberry between his slender fingers.


He remembers how Han Geng every Thursday, his most hectic day of practice, crashes down into the living room couch at midnight with a groan and a small whimper, completely exhausted. He sits there breathing heavily with aching muscles and his head spinning from not eating enough during the day. The sounds always wake Heechul and he sneaks out of his room to greet his roommate, only to find him already fast asleep on the couch.


Heechul chuckles at the otherwise quite depressing memory, if it hadn't been for how ridiculous his tall friend looked sprawled out over the small couch in some inhuman angle with his jacket and shoes still on.


Well at least Han Geng has never had to memorize the entire periodic table, Heechul thinks and instantly feels sorry for himself again.


Suddenly Han Geng whacks him once again over the head, this time with a spatula he has acquired for cooking their dinner.


"Shut up and study."


Heechul groans in pain. "I didn't say anything!"


"You were thinking too loudly for your own good," Han Geng glares down at him.


Heechul sighs. Sometimes he swears the Chinese must have mind reading abilities.


As Han Geng is about to turn back to the cooking at hand, Heechul suddenly feels a surge of guilt. No matter how hard Han Geng works, or how exhausted he is, he always takes care of Heechul. He makes sure the fridge is stocked with Heechul's favorite foods, reminds Heechul of the assignments he always forgets about, buys him strawberries. Heechul grabs the back of Han Geng's shirt, preventing the other from leaving his side.


Han Geng feels the slight tug at his shirt and looks back. He stares down at Heechul's soft, round eyes. He is even sporting that innocent Heechul-pout that has gotten him quite the reputation on campus.


Han Geng chuckles and takes the hint.


He sighs with content and lets his fingers carefully trace along the outline of Heechul's face. He leans in slowly, pausing when his lips brush against the others. He smiles as Heechul presses up to meet him, placing a soft kiss at the corner of Han Geng's mouth.


"You really should get back to your studying," Han Geng says before placing his lips on Heechul's in a sweet kiss that tastes faintly of strawberries.


Heechul laughs and wraps his arms around Han Geng's neck. He breaks away momentarily to look up at the other with a sheepish smile. "You're the one who distracted me with strawberries."

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Chapter 1: cute hanchul~~~love it
Chapter 1: Poor Heenim studying Chemistry.....and that Chem-Kyu was good:D