Chapter 3

Exo's Fight Over Love


DING DONG!!! I yawned. Who could be coming at this time? It's what, 11 o'clock? Everyone asleep waiting for the next day where we'll all have the time off unless you count Sehan dragging me away to buy bubble tea. He could live on that stuff. While I was deep in thought I opened the door, and saw someone I don't even know. 

"Um hi." The girl said. "I'm looking for Chen."

"Well come in while I try to wake him up."

I went to Chen's room and knocked like 100 times before Lay opened the door.he looked like he didn't sleep at all. His hair wasn't messy and his eyes were wide. 

"Is someone looking for Chen?" He asked before I told him anything. That's funny because how in the world would be know?

"yes, can you get Ch-" 

"right away." Lay took off and shook Chen awake. He looks grumpy. 

"What is it Lay? Leave me in piece. I barely got half an hour of sleep or at least it felt like it."

"Someone's looking for you so you better hurry." I heard lay rapidly inform. 

"Who would it be? It's not exactly what is a normal hour for visiting." 

"Just hurry up."

Chen went out of his room and saw th girl that was looking for him. The next thing you knew Chen was all shocked. It's not like we didn't tell him someone was looking for him. 

"What?" Chen said shocked. "Min-Ju what are you doing here. 

That left me stareing at Chen and Lay standing there with a triumphant look on his face. The second I saw Lay's mischievous smile. I knew who was responsible for inviting Min-Ju over here. Chen apparently had no idea and Min-Ju thought Chen told him to come over. Lay probably knows that he's dead and I'm pretty sure that Chen will be personally responsible. 


For all the readers who like to read very long chapters, I'm terribly sorry that the first three chapters are of this length. I will attempt to make my chapters longer in the future, and please leave a comment. Even bad ones will suffice because those can tell me what I'm doing wrong. And one again, thank you for reading his fanfic. 

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